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In order to avoid Naitik they gathered at kunals Villa. They were sitting around a round table. 

Karan : so we will start our plan today

Sona : yes !

Kunal : We need to be so much careful guys

Rohit : hmm.. not a single piece of mistake from any of us, a small mistake of one can pull the life of everyone to danger.

Meghna : The big ground for holi has being ready infront of the sippy mansion. We need to get into sippy mansion without getting noticed by them. 

Sona : Its  risky !

Karan : coming out of the ground without being caught is more risky than that.

Kunal : We should move with a perfect plan and don't remove those speakers from your ears. We can connect to each other through that . 

Rohit : Be careful that none of them notice bluetooth speakers in our years.

Meghna : No worries, they are specially ordered which fits in our ear without projecting out.

Sona : Hmm !! 

Naina was in deep thought. Every one turns to her because of her silence , because she was the first person to talk a lot. 

Sona : Cheeku !!

She patted on her shoulder. She came back to sense. 

Naina : Dii, what happen ?? 

Sona : where are you lost ?? Don't you hear what we said ?

Naina : You guys were silent right ??

She said looking them. They were glaring at her. 

Karan : Really Naina !! We  all are tensed about the couple of hours that are very important for us and you !!!! Huh !!!!!!!!!! I can't belive !

He said in anger.

Kunal : Karan relax dude !

Meghna : No kunal he is right ! What are you dreaming about ??

Sona : Haa cheeku , what happen to you suddenly ??

Naina :  please allow me to say something

She said in a loud voice.

Rohit : Guys guys .. Relax let her tell what she was thinking about 

He said relaxing everyone. 

Naina : We cant move with only one plan , think if any mistake happens our life will be in danger so we need to execute another plan. 

Kunal : You are exactly right 

Rohit : Do you have any plan ??

Naina : yes 

They all listen to her very carefully and accepted her plan Number 2. 

At Sippy Mansion. 

Sandhya, Nabhay , Nishi and Yashwin are walking around the ground prepared for tomorrows holi celebration 

Sandhya : 30 years passed !!

Yashwin : Hmm !! It feels like a dream ! All this was ours now ! 

Nabhay : Yes !!! We are the rulers of sippy and rastogi empire !!

Nishi : I am not feeling so well !!

Sandhya : Come on Nishi when ever this holi and their death day came you are so worried and panic. All was over. We finished them by our hands.

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