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Yeldest daughter of Nk and Nirmala. One of the greatest classical dancer who have a huge fandom. She loved her sisters a lot and share a special bond with Abhimanyu. She was not interested in academics as she loves to dance whole heartly. She have Pg in Arts. Very sweet and carey in nature.

 Very sweet and carey in nature

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2nd Daughter of Nk and Nirmala. A well known social worker and journalist all around the world. Always loves to do things for poor peoples and was realy good from heart as she didnt expect any thing from the people whom she does something. Loves her sisters a lot and care for them. Get angry quickly.She is not so interested in academics, even though she is Well educated and holds pg in politics and sociology.

She is not so interested in academics, even though she is Well educated and holds pg in politics and sociology

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Youngest daugher of Nk and Nirmala.
An engineering student from IIT Mumbai. She was the IIT topper of her batch and she need to do further research's in engineering. Different from her sisters, she love science a lot. Loves her sisters as they always stands by her. Funny and cute. A character that all likes but really didn't understand her completely none other than her family especially her didis.

The 3 sisters always stand together and their family is proud and happy for them. They respected and loved each members in the family and values relations. They are getting married to sippy boys without even meeting them once as they know their family will choose the best for them and are happy for going to the same house for life long as they can be together as how they were before.
Let us see how the sippy boys will influence the sisters and will they be able to capture their hearts....

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