Chapter 2 - it's strange

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I can't look Casey in the eyes. Not right now. I know I shouldn't have said that about us being not a couple, but it's right though. We aren't a couple. Not officially.

„So, are you gonna go to biology with me or will you stand there forever?", I say, trying to play off what I just said. I really hope she won't make a big deal out of this. At least not here.

Casey smirks a little and then says: „I just wanted to give you a head start because you might run fast, but you walk as slow as Sam's turtle."

I roll my eyes at her. She's such a dork.
„It's a TORTOISE! Haven't you listened when Sam and I told you?"

„No, because I apparently don't understand nerd", she says, putting an arm around my shoulder as we start walking down the hallway.



„Okay, I know it's a tortoise. BUT it's not wrong to say ‚turtle', because - I did some research - all tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. Here, I googled it", I say, showing her a website.

„Newton, would you focus on the lesson?Seriously you're distracting me", Izzie says not looking at me.

„Well you're distracting me too", I respond.

She turns around to face me, a confused look on her face: „With what, I'm not doing anything?"

I wiggle my eyebrows at her, which makes her understand what I meant. A small laugh escapes her mouth.

„Hey you two, tell the joke the whole class so we can all laugh at it", the teacher suddenly says.

„Excuse me, it won't happen again", Izzie mumbles embarrassed.

The teacher turns to the board again and I smirk at Izzie, which causes her to blush.

I'm trying to focus on biology again, but everything I can think about is Izzie and how badly I want to cuddle her. We haven't been alone in forever. In fact, we didn't spend much time together, so I'm sort of on withdrawal and I guess she's too. I catched her secretly looking at me a few times now. She's not really focusing on biology either.

I start rummaging in my backpack to find some old piece of paper I can scribble on.

Izzie's stare is burning holes in my back, she's watching every move I make.

‚What r u doing after school?', I write on the paper and hand it to her unobtrusively.

‚Nothing, probably catching up on biology since u r distracting me so much', is her answer. She's such a tease.

‚Do u want to come over? We can study together with Sam if you want to, he's really good.'

‚I'll be there at 3 '

I can't wait for school to be over.



I rushed to get home, so I had enough time to prepare myself for meeting up with Casey. Turns out I could have had all day to prepare myself and it still wouldn't be enough time. It's been half an hour now, and I still don't know what to wear.

I want to look good, but every piece I'm trying on looks like a potato sack on me and it's starting to frustrate me.

What are you doing? Why are all your clothes on the floor?", my little brother asks. I didn't even notice how he walked in. God, I'm really stressing myself out.

„Huh? What? Uhm... I'm getting ready and I don't know what to wear. I'm meeting a friend in half an hour", I say still a bit shocked of Jakes sudden appearance.

„Which friend? A boy? Is he cool? Do you want to look good for him?"

„Don't be nosy little one, and no, it's not a boy. It's Casey, she goes to my school, you don't know her." I don't want my siblings to know about Casey and me. Not yet. They could tell mom something about it or even worse grandma. I want to tell them myself.

„But you never try to look good for your girl friends? It's strange", Jake says. This kid is one of the smartest I know, goddamn. I need to find an excuse.

„I try to look good, because her parents will be home and I don't want to look like a homeless, okay? I want to make a good impression. And don't you have homework to do?"

„I hate biology, I can't do it! What's a mitochondria anyway?", he says. Poor kid, he doesn't even know about photosynthesis yet and he thinks the composition of a cell is hard.

I walk towards him and kneel down to look at him: „It's the powerhouse of cell", I say ruffling his hair. „And now do your homework."

With that he heads off to his room.

I have 15 minutes left. I better get going.

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