Chapter 6 - Sphen and Magic

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Her hands are on my hips as I'm kissing her with passion. Our lips move in sync and I feel her heartbeat against my chest. It's like we never done anything else.

Casey is such a good kisser. I never thought it would feel so good to kiss someone. Her lips are smooth and soft.

Suddenly her hands slip under my shirt touching me at my bare skin. I expect Casey to take a next step, but she doesn't. She just wanted to get a better grip of me I guess. But the feeling of her hot hands on my waist causes me to deepen the kiss, taking her bottom lip in my mouth and softly sucking on it.

,We need to stop, we're not alone', I think to myself and slowly pull away from her, but not before stealing one last peck on the lips.

„Woah", Casey says, sounding a bit out of breath.

„Yeah", I say, leaning my forehead against hers. A smile crosses my face as I'm realizing that this girl right here is now my girlfriend.

„I really don't want to interrupt our magical encounter", she says, clearly mocking Sam and Paige, „but you have to get home. Your mom won't be very happy if you're late."

„I know...", I admit, crawling down from her lap and placing myself in the passenger seat again.

„Speaking of moms... I think Elsa will try to talk to me later", Casey says a bit embarrassed about the behavior of her mom.

„Because she saw us almost kissing again?", I ask, even though it wouldn't be necessary, it's obvious about what Elsa might want to talk about.

„Yep. And I think I won't get away this time", she takes my hand in hers to intertwine our fingers. Her thumb gently carcasses the back of my hand. I notice how she's biting her bottom lip.

„Can I tell them? I mean Elsa and Dad", she's turning to me again. Her face looks worried. I love how she cares about my well-being. And I love how she asks if it's okay for me if she tells them. She's so thoughtful.

„You know, since we are girlfriends now", I smile and point at our intertwined fingers, „I think it's okay to tell them. Do you think they'll be supportive?"

Casey immediately looks relieved: „Oh I think so. Elsa already told me of her having a girlfriend in college. Sam thinks we're like Sphen and Magic and dad, well he'll be happy because he won't have to worry about you getting me pregnant, so..."

I start to chuckle a bit. That's one of the good things of this relationship: We won't have to worry if someone of us has an unexpected pregnancy. Even though we would be cute parents. But it's way too early to think about stuff like that.

„Text me how it went, okay?", I tell her.

Casey gives me a quick kiss and then starts the engine.



I knock off my shoes, put the car keys in the jar and sprint to my room to avoid any contact with Elsa.

I jump on my bed, begging for Elsa not to come in my room, but as soon as I covered myself with the blanket the door slowly opens and she walks in, taking a seat on my bed.

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