Chapter 20 - show me love

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"The thing is", I say while searching for something to wear in my wardrobe, "I love parties. But I hate my own birthday parties."

I dig myself deeper and deeper into the depths of my own wardrobe. With every carefully folded garment I grab out of it, just to throw it onto the filthy floor of my bedroom, my closet looks more and more like one of those optical illusions, where you don't seem to find a beginning or an end.

But even though it looks like I have an infinite amount of clothes, I still can't find something to wear. Izzie on the other hand is already fully dressed. She didn't have a wide selection to pick from though, considering she was only able to get some of her clothes from her mom's house.

To be honest I'm kind of surprised, that she didn't look in my wardrobe for something to wear. She helps herself to my closet every time.

Izzie sits on my bed with crossed legs and looks like she enjoys the show.

I grab another shirt out of my wardrobe, but it's just as ugly as the rest, while continuing my monologue: "I just hate to be the main focus. Everyone's being so overly friendly to you and you're somehow pressured to invite people you don't even like, just because they somehow are a part of the squad or whatever."

A sweatshirt on the top shelf catches my eye and I stand on my toes to reach for.

"But you do like being the main focus when winning a race. What's the big difference?", Izzie shifts around, now lying on the bed, instead of sitting.

The sweatshirt looks like total crap and I'm so frustrated, that by now I'm not even excited to go to Quinn's party anymore.

I throw myself onto the bed next to Izzie and sigh.

"The difference is that I did something to take center stage. I trained very hard to win a race and so it's okay for me to shake hands and to be photographed or whatever. But when it's my birthday I did literally nothing to deserve this much attention," I put my hands to my face, forming the biggest physically possible 'oh' with my mouth, and say in my most sarcastic voice: "I was born. How exciting!"

I put my hands down again and take a deep breath: "And to be honest: Birthday parties celebrate you getting one year closer to death."

Izzie shakes her head and punches me on the arm: "When did you get so cynical?"

"Uhm, you don't know my birthday? That's really disappointing", I joke around.

Izzie rolls her eyes, suddenly sitting up and swinging her legs out of the bed. She turns her head to look at me, which causes some loose ends of her bun to fly around.

"You wanna know what really is disappointing? You not being able to find anything to wear", she gets up and walks over to the pile of clothes I threw on the floor just minutes ago.

"I'll pick something for you", and with that she starts her own search for something for me to wear tonight. 



"You look beautiful", I say while eying Casey up and down. I knew I would find the absolute right thing for her.

The destroyed black jeans I picked exposes just enough skin to show off her long and musculus legs. I thought that this would be enough of an eyecatcher, so I decided to go with something more basic for her torso.  I got out a simple white, yet cute vintage shirt from adidas. To finish her look, I went to get her a trucker jeans jacket with fur on the inside and some oldskool Vans.

She looks amazing and I think it suits her style, too.

"I know", she answers my question and can't help but smirk a bit while putting her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

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