Chapter 12 - breakfast in bed

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I thought I had a wonderful dream, but when I woke up, I realize the real dream is right beside me, snuggled up, her head resting on my arm and covered with all of the blanket.

Izzie must have stolen the covers at night, leaving me with nothing but my sweatpants and a hoodie.

I start stretching a bit, but not too much, so I won't wake her up.

There are some sun rays coming through the blinds and some early birds are chirping in the distance, creating a wonderful scene.

I feel Izzie turning around, her back facing me now.

She's still asleep, according to her soft snoring.

I scoot up closer to her, put an arm around her waist and bury my face in her neck, placing a soft kiss on the beginning of her hairline.

To be honest, if it wasn't because of her mom kicking her out, I could have this every day.

I never thought waking up next to the person you love would feel so good. Every morning could start like this.

I try to fall asleep again, but it just doesn't work, so I decide to get up and get some breakfast maybe.

I try to pull out my arm from underneath her, without waking her up, and luckily I am successful. She looks so cute sleeping in this position, almost like a baby. I take a quick picture of her, so I can rag her later.

Before leaving the bedroom I place a kiss on her forehead and tell her a quiet ‚I love you'.

I walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen. Elsa and Dad are standing in front of the counter. Each one of them holding a cup of coffee.

„Good Morning", I say.

I look around the room but can't find Sam anyone near.

„Where's Sam? Shouldn't he be eating breakfast right now?", I ask, looking around the room again.

Dad is wearing his work clothes, which means he'll probably head off to work soon. Elsa is also fully dressed.

„Zahid picked him up, they have an appointment for inspecting a flat", Elsa answers.

„Big bro is leaving the nest, huh?", I speak, opening the fridge to investigate the food. Maybe I won't eat now, but I can surprise Izzie with bringing her breakfast to bed.

„Yes, he is", dad says, looking at his watch: „And actually I have to too."

He leans forward to give mom a peck on the lips and then comes over to me to give me a quick hug. With that he heads out.

I'm glad Elsa and dad have figured things out and even if I won't admit it infront of them: I'm also glad they are back together now. This home wouldn't be the same without them both.

I get the eggs out of the fridge and some tomatoes and bacon aswell. Hopefully the scrambled eggs I'm about to make won't taste like garbage. The „pizza" I made for Evan tasted awful and I don't want to fuck things up with Izzie, even if I know she wouldn't leave me for some eggs.

I feel Elsa sneaking up on me, so I turn around to look her in the eyes and rase my eyebrows, questioning.

„Are those for a special someone?", she asks, but it sounds more like a statement than a question. She knows I'm not doing this for me.

„For Izzie", is my short answer. I don't want to give her the satisfaction of me blushing or something like this.

She places her elbows on the counter and puts her chin on her hands: „You know, I like scrambled eggs too."


My eyes don't want to open up, the first time I try it. But eventually they do.

I stretch myself and start feeling for Casey next to me. It's then I realize she's not there.

Flashbacks are coming to me in waves, as I remember not long time ago something like this happened, too.

It was the morning after I somehow told Casey I had feelings for her. She didn't sleep next to me in bed and when I woke up she was gone.

I panic and my heart starts to beat faster. What if she realized what huge mess I am? What if she  doesn't want our relationship anymore?

The door slowly opens and I see Casey walking in with a serving tray.

She pushes the door shut with one of her feet and places the serving tray on her desk. Then she finally realizes I'm awake.

„Oh, you're up! I made you breakfast. I thought you'd like-„

I don't even let her finish, I jump up and embrace her in a big hug, kissing her with all the love I have for her. Our lips move in sync and I feel her hands on my waist, pulling me closer with every second.

She pulls away after some time, but still holding me at my waist.

„So I guess you like getting breakfast in bed?", she speaks softly.

As an answer I connect our lips again while taking a few steps back.

Casey and I never stop kissing while flopping on the bed. I feel her deepening the kiss, feel how she sucks on my bottom lip and begs for entrance with her tongue.

My hands glide underneath her shirt, clinging on to her skin.

Casey's lips start to wander to my neck, where she's placing soft kisses.

I didn't even notice how the door swung open again, because Casey didn't fully shut it.

„Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt you", Evan says, looking awkwardly at us.

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