Chapter 3 - are you cool?

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I'm searching for my keys in my pocket, but I don't seem to find them. God, I've must have left them at home. I ring the bell, but no one's opening. I ring another time, but still no one's opening the door for me.

I look at the driveway and notice, that Elsa's car is gone. She and dad have probably went to get some groceries or whatever. But that doesn't explain why Sam's not opening the door, as far as I know, he should be home. School is over and he doesn't have a shift at Techtropolis today.

I grab my phone to text Sam: ‚Where r u? Why aren't u opening the door?'

It's 14:30 o'clock. Izzie is coming in half an hour and I look like garbage. I need to get into this house to get ready.

Sam still hasn't answered. That's atypical for him, he usually answers really fast. I'm starting to get a bit worried. But now I have to get in my own house somehow.

I'm going to the backyard to see if someone left the conservatory open, but I have to be disappointed, because unfortunately it's locked.

I run my hand through my hair, a small groan escaping my lips.

„FUCK!", I'm rather shouting than saying, rattling the fragile glass door. This is ridiculous, do I really have to break into my own house?

I take a few steps back from the house, still looking at it and searching for another entry, when my window grabs my attention. The window is open. At least a tiny bit. If I get a ladder I could crawl in.

„This is some movie shit right here and I'm NOT down for this", I mumble to myself while going to the shed in our backyard. Dad has to have a ladder here.

Bingo. Now the only thing I need to do is trying not to die going up this ladder. 



With a big pop I flop on the ground of my room. I almost fell down, but I made it somehow. God, now I know why I'm doing track and not climbing.

I look at my watch: 20 minutes left to go. That should be enough time to get ready.

Suddenly my bathroom door opens and Sam walks in.

„What are you doing here?!", I ask him. Seriously, he's been home this whole time, and I had to climb through my window because he wasn't opening the door?

„That's what I wanted to ask you", he looks at the open window and the ladder that's leaning against it. „Did you just climb through the window, Casey?!", my brother says a bit shocked.

I slowly try to get up.

„Yes, because I forgot my keys and someone didn't open the fucking door", I tell him reproachfully.

„Oh, I didn't hear you. The neighbors were mowing their lawn and the sound was very irritating so I put on my headphones", Sam excuses himself.

„I was drawing a picture for college, too, that's why I didn't look at my phone", he adds.

I pat the upper thigh with my palm, brushing away dirt, that's not even there.

„You didn't hear the bell, but you heard me fall on the floor?", I ask, still in misbelief.

„I didn't hear you. I felt the vibrations of your fall", Sam states.

I roll my eyes at him: „God Sam... okay I need to get ready, Izzie is coming over in", I look at my watch again, „oh my god, in 13 minutes! Get out I need to change!", I say, pushing him out of the door.

I grab my favorite hoodie and the best pair of jeans I own, then I head to the bathroom to brush my hair, and maybe put it into a half bun. It looks cute on me and it's very functional too, cause it keeps my hair out of my face.

There's still enough time to wash my face and put on deodorant, since I sweat a lot climbing up here. I still can't believe Sam made me do this.

I look in the mirror and I'm pretty satisfied with the outcoming.

Sam's door is open, so I decide to look after him. I still need to ask him, if he could help us with biology. Dang, I offered his services and I don't even know if he's willing to do it.

I knock on the open door.

„Sam?", I ask, „am I bothering you?"

He turns around to look at me: „Yes, but you're here now, so you can aswell ask me whatever you wanted to ask me."

I sigh and flop myself onto his bed.

„Would you help Izzie and me in biology later? We really need to catch up and since you're so good at it I thought you could help us."

„Sure, which topic?", Sam seems happy I ask him to help us. One of all the good things about Sam is, that he is always happy to help somebody. I like him for this.

„The human evolution or something like this. So are you cool with helping us?", I ask again.

„I already told you that I am okay with it, why do you ask again?"

I smile while shaking my head. He's really the best.

„Nice tortoise", I say, going back to my room.

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