Chapter 18 - catch your breath

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„I've never seen a color this ugly. Why the hell did you have to pick „faded salmon? Damn, there are like 10 million colors out there, but you want to paint your room like this?", I ask, trying to open the can of paint with a screwdriver.

Sam moved out a week ago, but it took him some time to get even the last piece of his belongings out of his old bedroom. What once was an homage to Antarctica is now a completely empty chamber.

We didn't really have to convince dad and Elsa to let Izzie move in, they almost immediately said yes.

Izzie tried to reach out for her grandmother first, asking for a place to stay, before we asked Elsa and dad to give Sam's old room to Izzie.

Her grandmother told her she doesn't have enough space for another person, since she's been watching out for her younger siblings for two weeks with no end in sight. She said Izzie could live with her for a short while, but not for long.

But Izzie never told her why her mother kicked her out. I think she is too afraid of another rejection.

Of course Elsa told dad everything about what happened at Izzie's house. That she's basically homeless and that they need to take care of her.

I haven't seen dad so furios before. Hearing about a mother who kicks out her daughter for having a girlfriend made him so angry, that he was about to drive to Izzie's mom and give her a tongue-lashing.

Elsa was proud of dad for being so tolerant and passionate about this topic. But in the way she pressed her lips together and lowered her gaze, I know she thought about how he haven't told his coworker about Sam having autism, and how he concealed the truth for years and years. I think she was being jealous in some kind of way.

„Because I like it", Izzie answers my question I almost forgot I asked.

„You have some strange taste", I say, struggling to open the can.

Izzie squats down next to me, reaching out her hand for the screwdriver I just threw on the ground out of frustration.

„I should've known something's wrong with my taste in things, when I started falling for you", Izzie chuckles an opens the lid with a plop in a quick movement.

I roll my eyes, but can't manage to hold back a smile. My sight lands on the now open can of paint and an idea forms in my head.

Izzie must've noticed I'm up to something, because she starts to speak: „Oh no, Casey, I dare you, if you put that paint on me I will-", but before she can end her sentence I dip my index finger in faded salmon and smear it on her nose.

The next thing I know is Izzie diving her full hand in the can and trying to somewhat throw the paint at me, making a full blown mess.

There's paint everywhere: on the floor, on my clothes, my face... in fact literally everywhere, but the wall, where the paint belongs.

I try to wipe away a drop of paint that landed on my cheek, but to Izzie's amusement I make it even worse.

„You're evil", I say, getting closer to her, a grin on my face.

„Newton stop", she says, walking backwards, giggling like a small child.

„I want revenge", I say, spreading my arms and taking another step forward.

„No, you started the paint war, we're even", she exclaims, still walking backwards, when her hands find the wall behind her. She's reached the end of the room and there's no escape for her anymore.

I jump closer to her so I'm close enough to reach for her and press her body against mine, smearing the paint on my clothes and face on hers.

„Ewww, Newton, stop", she tries to free herself out of my embracement, but she doesn't stand a chance and eventually she stops trying to get out.

We giggle like crazy little kids and with every minute that passes we relax a bit more.

„You know what? You're right. Faded salmon is an ugly color", she says, trying to blot out some paint on my face.

„Is it the paint or my face that caused you to think like that?", I joke around, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

„You're so dumb", she chuckles and leans in to kiss me.

And for a moment it's just her and I. Her strawberry scent, sweet lips and her hands on my neck. The tickling in my belly and my fast heart beat.



„Newton, why you're so slow? My grandma runs faster!", I turn my head backwards to look at Casey, but it's so uncomfortable to look backwards and move forwards that I stop looking back after a few seconds.

„Maybe if you wouldn't run like they just opened the stores on Black Friday I'd be able to catch up", she says in between breaths. Casey pushes herself one last time before she abruptly stops in front of her house, sucking in the mild air of a summer morning.

She leans her back against a wall and slides down to the ground. Her breath hasn't slowed down yet and red patches cover her face. A single drop of sweat runs down her forehead, but her eyebrow stops it from getting in her eye.

Her hair is soaking wet from all the sweating and a strand of hair is sticking on her cheek. I get down and push it out of her face.

„Hey Newt, are you alright?", I give her a worried look.

„Newt?", she chuckles about the new nickname I just made up, „from ‚new girl from Newton', to ‚Newton', to ‚Newt'?"

„It thought it sounds cute", I shrug.

„Seriously though, are you okay? I'm usually the one that's left behind", I give her the water bottle I've been carrying the whole time.

She reaches for the bottle and downs the water in a few gulps.

„Yeah, I'm just.... exhausted I guess. Haven't trained in weeks and I'm getting nervous about it. I mean, we should be training like we're going to take place in the Olympic Games, but instead we just... do nothing", she pauses and  starts plucking the grass to her left, „we should train more, so we can go to UCLA. Together."

I sit down beside her and lean my head against her shoulder, feeling her relax by my touch.

„You're right. We'll train more, so we both get into UCLA and live together in the dorm.", I say.

„And they were roommates", she jokes, quoting one of her favorite vines.

I roll my eyes and finish: „Oh my god, they were roommates."

We burst into laughter and laugh until my stomach hurts.

I give Casey my biggest smile, trying to show her I'm sure we'll both get into our dream collage, but deep down I know I don't stand a chance getting into UCLA.

And I know, that Casey knows it too.

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