Chapter 14 - pack one's back

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That was super weird.

What are the odds of Evan walking in on Casey and me sort of making out?

I'm so happy I found an excuse for me leaving the room to leave Casey and Evan alone. It's not that I couldn't stand the awkwardness, but I just thought it's better for both of them to talk without me in the room listening to every word they say.

But even now, that I can call Casey my girlfriend, I still get a bit jealous and suspicious about Evan. Even visually impaired people would've seen how hurt and shocked he was seeing us.

I guess Casey told him about us, but not about us being in a relationship now. How could she though, they didn't have any contact.

After I put on the clothes I quickly grabbed out of Casey's wardrobe I head down to the living room. I have to, otherwise I'd get crazy in here, having to listen to the muffled voices from the other side of the bathroom door. Plus I don't want to eavesdrop on them, that would be betrayal.

I walk down the stairs to the basement and notice Elsa isn't anywhere here.

I look around and see her standing in the conservatory, watering the succulents. They look good and healthy and they seem to have grown a bit. I wonder if Paige will ever take them back.

Even though I'm wearing socks my feet still get cold and so I look for my shoes.
Suddenly Elsa is standing behind me.
„Good Morning, Izzie", she smiles at me, „Or should I say ‚Casey' since you're wearing all of her clothes?", she jokes and gives me a genuine laugh.

My mouth forms a sad smile.
„Yeah, it's so nice of her to let me wear her clothes. I didn't have time to pack anything", I lower my head and start slipping into my sneakers, just to do anything but having eyecontact.

„I think I might walk over to get some stuff...", I say.

Elsa gets this look in her eyes that signalizes me she's worried. She furrows her eyebrows a bit and starts chewing on the inside of her cheek.

„You know", she starts, „I could drive you. It's quite a long walk and you don't have to carry all of your things."

I don't know what to say, since I'm having mixed feelings on her offer. On the one hand it would indeed be pretty helpful to get there by car, on the other hand tho... I do know Elsa is a bit overprotective, just like Casey is. And my mother is an impulsive, arrogant, narrow-minded woman, who won't let anybody tell her anything.

„You know, I don't want to force myself up on you, just know I'm there if you need me", she adds. She must've seen my concerned face.

„Uh no, I mean yes!", I stutter, „it would be very nice of you to drive me."

A smile appears on her face and her eyes light up a little: „Great, be ready in 10 minutes", and with that Elsa walks away to get dressed probably.

I still don't know if it is the best idea to go to my house with Elsa, but how could I say no to her offer? Besides, deep down I didn't want to go alone. I need someone who backs me up in a situation like this and who will help me through a tough time.

I think I handled enough stuff on my own in the past.


The chances are high my mom's home, since she has to take care of the kids now after kicking me out.

Otherwise... it's my mom. Does she even care about that?

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