2. School

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Bella's POV

"Don't worry you'll be fine" Jacob said to me, "I hope so, this doesn't seem so hard to remember" "what?" "I mean the way to school doesn't seem so hard to remember since I will have to drive on my own tomorrow and I will need to know the way" "oh" "yea" Jacob then slowed down the car (he drived pretty fast) and I saw the school it didn't look bad, just small. We parked and he got out of his car, I was about to open the door but Jacob did it for me "thank you, again" I said while smiling "no problemo" he said while smiling back.

We leaned on his car just relaxing for a bit "do you like the school?" I asked "yea it's good I just wish certain people would leave" "oh...." I was cut off by someone with tan skin and black hair up to his shoulders and he had muscle's "hi Jacob" "hey Jacob" the other boy said, the other boy was the same but had short hair. "Hey guys" Jacob said, now the guys were in front of us "Bella these are my friends, Embry...." he said pointing to the one with longer hair "and this is Quil..." he said pointing to the other boy "Quil and Embry this is Bella" he said reffering to me.

"Hello Bella" Embry said "hello" "hey Bella" Quil said in a flirty way which made me giggle "hello Quil" I said and then Jacob shouldered Quil and gave him a look, I wonder what that was for? "hey Bella do you mind if we can steal Jacob from you?" Embry asked "no I don't mind" "thanks" Quil and Embry said at the same time and they both walked off "are you sure because I can stay?" Jacob asked "no im fine you go ahead and have fun" he went in his bag and got a paper and pen and wrote something down.

"Here if you need help with anything just call" he said while handing me the paper I took it "can I use your pen?" I said while pointing to his pen "sure sure" he said giving it to me "may I?" I said pointing to his hand "sure, no problemo" he said raising his hand, I took his hand and wrote my number down, his hand was really warm "thanks" we both said at the same time and we both smiled, "see ya" he said while waving "bye" I said waving back.

I took my book out of my backpack and started to read it until I had to put it away I put Jacob's number in the book as a book mark and then headed to the school office since the school bell went off, I found the office it took like one second since the school is so small, I walked in and went to the front desk "hello how may I help you?" the lady asked "hello, I'm Isabella Swan, but I prefer Bella" "oh hello Bella, welcome to Forks High School, I will give you a map of the school with the best way to get to your classes and I will give you your scheduel and a paper for you to make all your teachers sign today and then bring it back to me at the end of the day" she said handing the papers to me.

"Thanks" "no problem, have a nice day" "you too" I said exiting the office hmmm my first class is English I looked at the map and found my way there it was easy I walked in and everyone was starring at me the teacher gave me my books and signed my paper and gave me a seat, the girl who sat next to me was named Jessica, she offered me to sit with her at lunch and I agreed she was nice but a talker, quite the talker, opposite of me, then class ended and next was Spanish, Jessica was in Spanish with me too but she didn't sit beside me, I sat beside a somewhat quiet girl named Angela she was nice and she was a friend of Jessica's.

I didn't have Jacob in a class yet, next was lunch I walked to the cafatieria with Jessica and Angela one on each side of me and when we got to the table 2 boys came to sit with us, one was asian and the other white they both sat down while watching me "Eric, Mike this is Bella she's the new girl here" Jessica said pointing to me "Bella this is Eric....." she said pointing to the asian boy "-and this is Mike" Jessica said pointing to the white boy, showing me who's who "hello" I said "hiiii" they both said in a dreamy voice, they started talking.

Then 2 other people came by but not to sit with us just to say hi there names were Tyler and Lauren, I don't know why but Lauren was bitchy to me and I just met her, four of my new friends were talking together but I was looking around the cafetieria checking it out then my phone vibrated I took it out of my bag and checked it......

'- Look behind you -' it said I looked at the number and it looked like Jacob's number so I saved it to my contacts and looked behind me and there he was at the table sitting with Quil and Embry... '- lol, whats up?-' I replied '- :) , nm watching some weird new girl at my school, anyways looks like you made some friends :P -' he sent '- haha very funny :) , yea I did there okay still feeling the vibes haha -' '_ kool, well I was wondering if tomorrow you wanted to eat lunch with me? -' '- sure sounds great -' '- awesome :) , oh srry gtg Embry just noticed I wasn't paying attention to his 'amazing story' and he said if I don't stop texting he will take it and keep it !_! ttyl? -' '- lol ye np ttyl.-' 

I closed my phone and put it in my bag and looked behind me and Jacob was already looking in my direction and I waved to him and turned back my focus on my friends then Jessica, Angela and Eric were talking about plans for something and me and Mike were talking "so do you want to come to the beach with us at La Push we are all going together I'm driving" "sure sounds fun" I said and Mike looked a little too excited and it seemed like Jessica liked Mike and I saw the looks she gave when she saw me and Mike talked together, she obviouly didn't like that.

I looked around the lunch room to check out my surrondings and on my left side of me was a table with 5 extremly beautiful people but one was a cute/beautiful guy he had bronze hair and all of them had white pale skin, whiter than me "who are they?" I asked Jessica and she turned her direction to where I was looking "oh, their the Cullens, Dr.Cullen and Mrs.Cullen are like young foster parents, some of them are like 'step brother and sisters' the two blondes are brother and sister, the pixi one and big muscle one are brother and sister and the other guy is alone, they all live together but some are together, together together, like the blonde boy is Jasper and he is with the pixi girled named Alice and the muscle guy is Emmett he is with Rosalie the blonde girl and last but not least Edward he's alone" she said.

"Oh, there all like so beautiful" "I know right, but don't waste your time there the 'popular kids' and the only single one is apperantly not content with any of us girls here, the second popular group is the people behind you the tan boys and the other group over there" she said, wow Jacob was a popular kid but he wasn't a giant dick like the people at my old school.

The bell went for lunch and I was stuck reading after what Jessica said I couldn't stop reading but then Angela tapped on me "time to go" she said and I looked around and almost everyone was gone I got up and she left I was alone now and looked at my map and went to look for my class then I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked to see who it was and it was Jacob "hello" I said "hey, so where's your next class maybe I can help" "it's right here but thanks" I said pointing to the door of the class hoping it was the right one "oh that's my class too" he said smiling bright "oh, cool! Lets go in before we are late" I said while smiling.

He went ahead and opened the door "laides first" he said while smiling "thanks" I said blushing and entering first, Jacob took his seat meanwhile I went to the teacher "hello I'm the new student my name is Isabella Swan but I prefer Bella" I said "oh, hello Bella here are your books you will need, and you can take that seat there it's the only one open" he said pointing to the 'popular guy Edward Cullen' He's gorgeous, I took my seat and when I did the guy Edward stiffened and was sitting away from me while the teacher was talking he kept starring at me so I couldn't focus on the teacher until finally the bell went which scared the crap out of me and Edward was fast out of his seat.

That's when Mike came to me "hi Bella, it looks like we have a class together" he said smiling big "yea I guess so" "oh I just wanted to let you know to get your stuff ready for the beach we will all be going swimming" "okay" I said while smiling and he walked away, I got up and started to walk to the door ready to open it but then Jacob did it for me, I blushed immediately, again. "Got me again, gracias" "no problemo" he said while smiling "so whats up with you and Mike?" "what do you mean?" "it's so obvious he likes you" "really?" "do you like him?"

"No, I just met him and I thought he liked Jessica" "oh, no haha, so what class is next for you?" he said following me "gym, you?" "same!" he said excited "well then let's go" I said while running down the hall and he caught up, we entered the gym class and the teacher was cool so for today he let us do what we wanted all the other girls were in one corner sitting and gossiping and all the guys except Jacob was playing soccer with me, we were just kicking a ball back and forth and he did some tricks and us just working out.

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