15. Pack / Charlie / Staring!

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Bella's POV

Jacob ran outside and grabbed my arm gently to stop me "where are you going?" he asked "im going to try and find the Pack so i can join" "please dont" "please let me join ill be fine! please Jacob please!" i begged "fine wait one second" he said while going inside the house and coming out with shoes in his hands "go change in the forest" he said and so i did i went to the forest and took all my clothes off and wished i was a werewolf and i changed, Jacob did too 'you have to hold your clothes in your mouth so you can change later' he thought and i nodded 'Bella why cant i read your mind i could the last time we did this' he thought to me, i had my shield on, last time i didnt lol i removed my shield and thought to Jacob 'i had my shield on thats why' 'oh' he replied lol, i put my clothes in my mouth 'follow me' he thought and so i did.

We were now at a field and there were 6 people in front of us when they saw me they were all confused 'stay where you are dont move' Jacob thought and i nodded Jacob changed into a human and told Sam to change into a wolf and so he did Jacob was showing Sam his thoughts about how he Imprinted on me that i became a vampire not by the Cullens by another vampire passing throught Forks and Jacob showed how i said i was going to hunt animals only and other stuff Sam changed back to human "Embry, Paul, Quil, Seth, Leah, Jacob imprinted on Bella this shapeshifter here is Bella, she got turned into a vampire by a vampire that was passing throught Forks not the Cullens and she has two powers she can shapeshift into anything she wants and shield her and others from other vampires mental powers and she has chosen to hunt animals" he said and all of their mouths were open, me and Jacob went seprate ways in the forest and he changed into a human while i changed into a vampire without a scent.

When i walked back to the field they all had there mouths open except for Sam and Jacob, i walked back to Jacob and he put his arm around my waist "is that all?" Sam asked, Jacob was about to say yes hoping i wouldn't ask the question i was about to "no, i well we didn't come to tell you just that, i wanted to ask you if i can join the Pack?" "what?" he said in shock "you can teach me to fight while im in wolf form and i can help you protect forks when really nessesary and i will help you kill other vampires but it depends on the reason why" "okay, sure, thank you Bella" "anytime" Jacob looked mad, we then all left, Jacob changed into a wolf while i stayed in my non smelly vampire form since i was a newborn i ran faster.

In the middle of the forest i stopped and so did Jacob "Jacob i need to hunt do you want to do it together i drink you eat, if your to grossed out ill meet you at your place cause i really need to hunt" i said to him, he nodded and walked towards me, i remembered the way i hunted the first time, so i closed my eyes, i smelled the air, i smelt a mountain lions blood i quickly ran towards the scent and found the lion i leaped on it and broke its neck and drank its blood it was good i was careful enough to not get blood on me, Jacob showed up right when i finished the blood he started to eat it raw since he was a werewolf he needed raw meet and human food, when he was done he digged a hole and buried the remains of the body in the ground. I continued to hunt until i felt fine i cant say full since vampires always want blood no matter what, we then went to Jacobs house and he changed into a human form "are you grossed out?" i asked him feeling like a monster "not really since i eat while i see guts all over the place" "oh" i said and we headed back to his house.

When we got to his house i told Jacob i had to go home and ill see him soon, when i got home Edward was on the porch walking back and forth mumbling to himself i was going to walk inside but he came in front of the door "Bella why were you with Jacob and kissing him!" "cause i realized i was suppose to be with him not a cheater" i said calmly and walked around him but he stopped me again "Bella your not going to see him anymore!" "why not?!" "because because, because i said so!" "are you serious your getting jealous when your the one who cheated on me, i cant believe you!" i said and ran inside and shut the door on his face and ran to my room and closed the door and laided on my bed Jacob texted me so i texted him, all of a sudden the door slammed open and in the next second Edward grabbed my phone and threw it into the wall so hard it smashed into a billion pieces "EDWARD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" "BELLA I DO-!" "LEAVE ME ALONE!" i said while cutting him off, next thing you know Alice came in my room "WE NEED TO SHOP TO CALM EVERYONE DOWN!" "NO!" me and Edward said but she will force us into it anyway so we ended up going shopping it was Edward, Rosalie, Alice and Me, when we were at the mall we went into a billion stores i got a new phone, the last store was a bra store Alice and Rosalie smiled and Edward just sat outside of the store looking awkward while we were in the store Alice and Rosalie tried lingerie for Emmett and Jasper, when it was my turn to try on lingerie for Jacob (since i wasn't with Edward, just to make Jacob drool) Alice and Rosalie gave me a lot to try on.

Edwards POV

The girls were changing i didnt want to go in there with them so i watched the people walking by me until i heard....... "Bella try these on" i really wanted to look in the store to see what Bella was doing but the gentle man side of me told me not to look but the manly side won, i looked in the store and since im a vampire and i have good eye site i could see my sisters sitting and telling Bella what looked good and what didnt i saw Bella wearing a black lace lingerie she looked so sexy i tried to look away but i couldnt oh my god is she going to wear that for me tonight! wait were not together how can i forget i'm a freakin vampire! while i still looked i got a boner and had to calm myself down, but i couldn't get the images out of my head, i then heard Bella's thoughts 'must you really watch cause its definetly not for you' she thought to me i immediatly looked away Bella then thought of how much she got hurt that i cheated on her it hurt me that i hurt her that bad, i made a big mistake and i regret it soooo bad i wish i could go back in time and do it all over again.

Bella's POV

We were finally done i got a black lace lingerie and a blue one and a purple and bra's and underwears, Alice got a lot so did Rosalie we bought our stuff and when we got out i walked straight to the car not looking at Edward one bit, i cant believe he was watching me, we all got in the car with our bags and drove to our house i took my bags to my room and same with everyone i went downstairs and went to talk to Carlisle who was sitting beside Esme on the couch watching T.V "Carlisle im going to go see Charlie and tell him" "are you sure your ready maybe you should hunt first" "okay im going to hunt then ill be heading for Charlie's is that okay?" "yes" "thank you so much" "anytime" he said.

Next Morning!

I left the house and went in the forest and had 2 mountain lions without getting blood on me and i then ran to Charlie's when i got there i knocked on the door and Charlie opened it and stood there shocked, i walked in bringing him to sit on the couch, "Bella is tha-?" "yes its me dad" "Bella i was so worried are you okay i missed you what happened to you!?" he said while hugging me and i hugged back and we let go "Dad i need to tell you something" "sure what is it?" "but you cant tell anyone i want to tell you because if i do then i can live with you, i need you in my life, you have to keep it a secret for my life and the Cullens life and your own and for us to be together" "i swear, Bella whats going on?" "im a vampire and the Cullens are to" "Bella thats ridiculous" i stood up and walked to the door "watch" i said from the door i ran in vampire speed up the stiars back down towards him and he was shocked "you run really fast" he said i then lifted the couch with him on it and put it back down and i showed him my fangs, "im fast, strong, cold, not aging, no heart, beautiful to human eyes, skin sparkles in the sunlight and some vampires have powers" i said and he was shocked and turned pale white, "are you going to kill me or my friends or the people in forks?" "no me and the Cullens drink animal blood, not human blood we do not drink human blood at all ever" "oh, did Edward change you?" "no and we are not together, another vampire was passing through Forks and when i was at the grocery store he came by me no one else was around and i told him not to drink me that i new about vampires so he said he wouldnt but because i knew to much i needed to become one so he bit me putting venom in me and i changed into a vampire it takes 3 days for the change to happen."

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