21. Sam!

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Leah's POV

I have come to realize the Cullens aren't dangerous their nothing like the legands said the ones in the legands were the bad ones but the Cullens were good, kind, they hunt animals and they protect people instead of killing them etc. I have learned to trust them instead of hate them and i have a feeling im not the only one who realizes this because otherwise we would never stay here.

Jacob's POV

Me, Leah, Seth left the house and went seperate ways in the forest to 'change' once we were in our wolf forms i started to run and they followed on my flank 'where are we going?' Seth and Leah thought 'to Sam to show who killed the people and how the Cullens are good' i replied and they both agreed we ran in the forest to La Push 'have you noticed that since we left the Pack we cant read their minds?' i questioned 'yea' Leah and Seth thought, we got to La Push and Sam was in the forest i heard his thoughts 'hey do you hear Sam's thoughts?' i asked 'no' Leah and Seth said ohhhh only the Alpha's can read each others thoughts 'i can hear Sam's thoughts only Alpha's can read each others minds' i thought to Leah and Seth and they were surprised, once we found Sam the other werewolfs were by his side 'what do you want' Sam thought to me 'look/listen' i thought and i showed him all the thoughts about the Cullens and how Benjamin killed the people but they were the bad ones and he only drank 50% of the good humans blood and made them forget what happened 'yes their good but you never know when they might have a accident, they can still be dangerous' Sam said in his tough Alpha voice 'well just remember i can break the treaty or change it im the true Alpha meanwhile your the little Runt' i thought in a hard rude voice and emphasized the word Runt, that hurt him since i was the head Alpha no matter what, Sam's pack had him, Paul, Embry and Quil meanwhile mine had Me, Leah and Seth.

'Jacob im on your side' Embry thought while walking into my Pack 'im on your side' Quil thought 'me too' Jared thought, they obviously saw my thoughts through Sam's visions Sam's thoughts were going crazy and he growled at Embry, Jared and Quil, Paul was always Sam's little puppy 'see Sam your the Runt no matter what i have proven that im correct we can trust the Cullens' i thought to Sam 'our ancestors would be so upset right now with you, especially your father' Sam thought, i never wanted to hurt my fathers feelings but when your a child you like and agree what your parents like now that im older and get to pick on the choices i like and i can see the choice i picked was correct, my father was wrong and right, wrong that the Cullens were bad right that they could have a accident but i trust them and that other vampire are bad, 'im going to talk with my father and see who he agree's with' Sam growled, my new bigger/better Pack ran towards the area of my dad's house 'thanks for joining' i said to Embry and Quil 'we saw you were right and your our best bro, no problem' Embry said and Quil agreed 'so are we your flanks?' Quil asked while looking at Leah and Seth 'no because when my Pack started they came for me and saw i was right and i agreed on that day they were my flanks' i replied 'oh' Quil and Embry said getting a little hurt, we got to my house.

I switched into human form and put my clothes on and went to my old house and knocked on the door and it opened "Jacob ive missed you! this is your house why are you knocking?" my dad questioned while we went into the living room, im glad he has Sue to take care of him i smelled Sue's scent about 30 minutes old, "Dad i need to talk with you" i said seriously and i sat on a chair and had my arms crossed on the table and my dad wheeled himself to the side across from me "Dad i want to speak to you about the Cullens" i said firmly and his eyes got bigger "what about?" "well you are aware of my imprint on Bella and as i spent more time at her house i slowly got more aware that the Cullens are not dangerous they hunt only animals, they save people istead of drinking them their kind not emotionless vampires like it says in the legands those were the bad vampires the legands were talking about the Cullens are good" i said and his mouth was hung open and he was upset "Jacob! your not going back there ever again!" he yelled "but dad they are good!" "no there not! how dare you do this to our family and the tribe!" he yelled, it hurt that my own father didn't believe me "i left Sams pack!" "you did what! why!" he demanded "he wanted to kill the Cullens including my IMPRINT because he thought they were killing humans and i know they weren't because they were in there house the whole time and another vampire was doing it he told me Leah and Seth and the Cullens he killed those people because they were murderers when i left the Pack Leah, Seth, Embry, Quil came with me because they saw my thoughts and saw that they were good Sam doesnt want to believe me he wants to show he's right and Paul always hated me!" "Jacob stop lying to me i am your father!" "im not lying" "Billy Jacob is not lying" Leah said and Seth agreed "you betrayed our family and tride how dare you stand here today!" Billy said "if your not going to believe us then im moving! the Cullens offered us to stay at their house they made extra rooms!" i said and Leah and Seth agreed while Embry and Quil were on my old lawn we walked out of the house and we all changed in the forest and ran to the Cullens house.

Sam's POV

Once Jacob was gone i went crazy, "mother fucker he took my Pack!" "we dont need those traders remember more people still have to turn and once they do their coming on our side!" Paul said while getting excited and he was pissed, i ran around the forest to help me calm down, i chose to go see Billy i ran towards his house and Paul followed, when we got to Billy's he was at the table while holding his head up with his hands and he was mumbling words to himself, "Billy" i said firmly and me and Paul sat across from him "oh Sam, is Jacob and his Pack right the thoughts he showed you are the Cullens really trust worthy?" i know Jacob is right the only thing you cant trust about the Culllens is if they have a 'accident' Paul watched me closer "no they are dangerous he lied to my old Pack" "oh i knew Jacob was lying to me" Billy said with concern Paul started growling "Paul are you okay?" Billy asked next thing you know Paul slammed his hands on the table "SAM IS LYING I SAW JACOB'S THOUGHTS AND THE CULLEN'S ARE TRUSTWORTHY SAM IS A LIAR!" Paul yelled and i sent him the evilest glare ever, Paul stormed out and left "how dare you do this you knew i would tell the trible leaders and he would be in trouble why did you do it?!" Billy said "BECAUSE JACOB MAD ME ANGRY HE SAID HE IS THE TRUE LEADER AND I AM THE RUNT!" i said "your so ridiculous right now your acting like a child Jacob is more of a leader than you!" Billy said and i ran off to Emily's and my house i am so angry i want to just break something!

Paul's POV

After i stormed out of Billy's house i went to the Cullens to talk to Jacob, i didnt know where there house was so i followed the Packs scent, when i finally arrived and this big beautiful house Jacob was already on the front porch with the rest of his Pack i went into human form "why have you come?" Jacob said "i am joining your pack your right and Sam lied to your father i didnt come with you earlier because i thought i owed Sam because he helped me when i changed" i said to Jacob "hmm i understand, you may join the Pack" Jacob said which just made my day, we all had our own room, and Esme was a mother figure to me she was soo sweet and Carlisle was a awesome father figure i didnt feel awkward in a house full of vampires, 'knock, knock' someone knocked on the door the Pack went to open in, it was Sam! "what do you want?" Jacob asked "im here to apoligize and i wanted to know if i can be in your Pack i wont be Alpha" Sam said OMG Jacob just over powered Sam! Jacob smiled in pleasure "yes but your the runt you will pay for what you did, run along now you may go home to Emily or whatever else you were doing" Jacob said while dissmissing him like Sam were trash lol Sam left while the Pack stood up strong to show he was the weak one lol wow i was over powering my old Alpha AWESOME! we went back in the house and all the vamps came into the living room "what happened?" Edward asked while Jacob was smiling to himself "Jacob is the only Alpha he over powered Sam" Leah said everyone was saying their wows and cool except for Bella, Bella stood up from her seat and marched upstairs angrily "ill be back" Jacob said while going after Bella, when he left everyone hung out.

Jacob's POV

I went after my Bella I opened our bedroom door and closed it behind me, she was on our bed she looked sad i kneeled on the floor beside the bed so i could look into her eyes, i rubbed her arm "Bella why are you upset?" "because of you" she stated and i was confused/hurt/shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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