14. Beach / Night With Jacob!

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Bella's POV

'Hello Jacob?' 'Hi Bella! did you ask them already?' 'yup' i said while Edward was watching and listening to me 'well since you already talked with them wanna come hangout with me? we could go to the beach like last time but only you and me' 'sure id like that' 'okay, do you want me to pick you up?' 'no ill pick you up just be ready ok?' 'sure, see you Bells' 'okay bye Jake' i said and hanged up.

I put the phone back down, Edward didn't look happy, i got out of the pool and put my towel around me and dried myself and grabbed my phone, I went to my room and got clothes on and got a bag and put a different swim suit in the bag it was a black bikini and I put extra clothes just in case and then I put a towel inside. I closed the bag and changed into my clothes and went downstairs.

Alice was at the door "Alice i'll be back" i said and hugged her and left and went inside my truck, i need to paint my car badly im thinking blue, i drove to Jacob's house and he was waiting on his porch he got inside and wrinkled his nose "sorry wait one second" i said and thought i wish i was a vampire with human smell and it worked he immediatly smiled "thanks" he said smiling as bright as the sun it melted my heart lol.

I started to drive and he was shaking from head to toe "Jacob are you okay why are you mad?" i asked him "im not mad im nervous" "why are you nervous?" "i dont want to make you rush into anything to soon or make you feel uncomfortable" ohhhh he didnt want me to think i was rushing into anything "no your not making me rush into anything you dont need to worry about me i know what i want and im not changing my mind" "okay" he said and started to stop shaking slowly.

We got to the beach and we both got out and got our bags and i locked the truck and we went to the beach and placed our towels on the sand "im going to change" i said while going to the girls change room, it wasnt that bad out it was not enough sun to make my skin sparkle but it wasnt cold it was just right, when i was done changing i went out and put my bag on the towel.

Jacob wasnt in the water nor his towel, all of a sudden i was lifted up in bridal style by Jacob and he ran towards the water when we both came up for air we were laughing i swam under water away from him and he grabbed my foot gently and pulled me out of the water closer to him against his chest and he looked straight down at me "lets race" i said and he smiled "okay" he said we both went side by side.

"Let's swim until we get there" he said pointing to a spot "okay" i said "one, two, three!" he said and we swam, i already beat him since i was a vampire lol when he reached the spot he stood up "cheater" he said to me while smiling "sorry" i said while laughing he came down to me and kissed me on the lips while holding my waist and i put my arms around his neck and we kept kissing.

Out away from the beach where the forest was i heard a growl i quickly pulled away from Jacob and he looked at me in confusion "Edward is watching us" i whispered to Jacob and he growled "do you want to leave?" Jake asked me "no we came here to have fun so will just ignore him" "okay" Jacob said while kissing my neck and then came to my lips and i heard another growl from the forest but i ignored it we then broke the kiss and swam in the water for hours.

Jacob picked me up bridal style and i heard another growl, Jake took me to my towel and he got out a big towel and put it over him and motioned for me to go beside him so i did he put the big towel around us and i snuggled near him he got a little stiff when i did, i thought to myself i wish i wasnt a cold smelly vampire, i changed and he got more relaxed since i wasnt so cold anymore "Bella do you want to stay over at my house?" Jacob asked me "okay" i said and i heard another growl from the forest.

Why did Edward come if he knew he wasnt going to be happy watching us, "wanna go in the water?" i asked Jacob "sure" he said while we got up and ran to the water and swam a little, then Jacob held me close to him and kissed me, in the next couple of seconds Edward was in the water and pushed Jacob in the water i got so mad i pushed Edward and he fell on his back on the shore i walked towards Edward.

Jacob was going to attak him but i pushed Jacob to stop so he did, I looked back at Edward "Edward leave us alone! and dont every touch my Jake again or i will hurt you!" i yelled while he stood up but i pushed him back on the ground "Bella i dont want you with him i want you with me!" he said "well i dont want you, you cheated on me which means you dont want me and now i dont want you so leave me alone!" "im not going to leave you alone!"

"Jake lets go" i said while grabbing Jacobs hand, his whole body was shaking so i stopped walking, Edward was watching us, I turned to Jacob "Jacob calm down please everything is okay" i said, he was trying to focus but it was hard, i hugged him but that didn't help, so i put my arms around his neck and kissed him when i kissed him i felt the shaking stop and he kissed back and i heard Edward growl, thats when we broke the kiss we got our stuff ready.

We changed into our clothes in the changing rooms we got out and got in my truck Jacob was driving, and we started to head for Jacobs house and i saw Edwards car go towards the Cullens house, when we got to Jacobs house it looked bigger since they were adding more rooms, Jacob and me got out of my truck he opened the door for me and walked to his house while holding my hand he opened the door and let me enter first "my dad is not here he went to a friends far from here" "oh" i said, we went in the living room it was a lot bigger now we snuggled on the couch together and watched movies it was almost 11:00 pm, the movie was near the end i thought to myself "i wish i was a hybrid.

I yawned and Jacob stood up "time fore bed" he said so i got up and we went to his room, it was a lot bigger than last time, he had a new bed a queen sized one, Jacob picked me up bridal style and laided me on the bed and he took his shirt off and was un-doing his pants "what are you doing?" i asked him while he got a pair of shorts from his closet "changing into my pajamas why?" "oh, no reason" i said and he left to the washroom and came back onlying wearing shorts, he came beside me he put the blanket over us and i snuggled with him he was sooooo warm, "are you tired?" i whispered to Jacob "no, ill stay up for you" "im a hybrid right now so i will get sleepy" "oh" he said while smiling, he came down to me and kissed my lips and i kissed back, we fell asleep in each others arms.

I woke up and i felt a arm around my waist, i turned slowly around and saw Jacob sleeping, he look so hot/cute lol i moved his arm and got out of his bed and went to the kitchen to make Jacob food, i looked in his kitchen and chose to made him bacon and eggs with toast and some juice it smell bad and good since i changed myself into a hybrid, i saw a tray so i put the food on it and walked back to Jacobs room.

I closed the door gently behind me and put the tray on the desk it was still hot so i wont wake Jacob up yet i slowly layed down back on the bed and i closed my eyes to relax but then i felt a arm go around my waist i opened my eyes, Jacob was smiling and looking at me "good morning" i said while kissing Jacob on the lips quickly "this is the best day ive woken up to" he said and i just smiled and blushed a little since i was a hybrid right now.

I got out of the bed and went to Jacobs desk and got the tray of food he moved to the middle of the bed and i put the tray beside him "i hope you dont mind, i made you breakfast" "my morning just got better, why would i mind?" Jacob said while smiling, I smiled back and laided behind him and put my arm around his waist and closed my eyes to rest, when he was done he put the tray on the ground.

He rolled around and put his arm around my waist "what are we going to do today?" i asked him "i dont know whatever you want" he said "i wanna be in the pack" i said and his mouth fell open "do you know what that means!" "i dont know" i said "that means you stay up late and help the pack protect Forks and fight and kill vampires!" "ill be in the pack cause then i can help when im able to when its a majour concern and ill learn how to fight when im a wolf ill practice with you guys and ill learn how to fight as a vampire with the Cullens, and i will help kill vampires but it depends what the problem with the vampire or vampires is how does that sound" i said while smiling "absolutly not! i cant let you get hurt!" "i wont ill learn how to defend myself!" "nope! your not joining the pack!" "please Jacob please!" "nope!" he said while popping the P.

I got up and went to the washroom with my bag and changed clothes and fixed my hair with my hands i got out and put the bag in Jacobs room and started to walk to the front door "wait bella!" Jacob said, i was now outside.

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