18. Fight / New Vampire!

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Jacob's POV

Bella laided down on the bed while i was holding her, i let her go and got off the bed "dont go" Bella said "dont worry im not leaving" i said, i stood up and took my shorts and pants off, i was too hot, i put my clothes in my bag and i laided down beside Bella and she snuggled in my chest which felt nice, she then fell asleep in my arms and then my eyes started to droop and i too quickly fell asleep.

Bella's POV

I woke up but i didnt open my eyes yet, i moved my hands and i felt Jacobs abs, i opened my eyes now, i was snuggled in his chest while he had one of his arms over my waist, i felt nice and warm with him around lol he looked so cute when he was sleeping, i watched his face for a few more seconds until his eyes started to open, when he saw me he smiled and blushed "good morning my sunshine" Jacob said and kissed my forehead "good morning" i replied (Jacob's cell phone rings) Jacob got his phone and answered it "hello?" i heard the other voice "hi Jacob its Sam, i need to talk to you its rather important may you please come to La Push" "yea sure, can Bella come?" "yes but she will stay with Emily" "okay" Jacob said and hung up the phone "ill be back im going to take a shower" he said while getting boxers and his towel, he looked out the door to check if anybody was there and i heard him run to the washroom, i got out of bed and got clothes for me to wear and placed it on my bed, i went to the other washroom and took a shower, when i was done i went to the room and put on my black panties and bra, Jacob then came in only wearing boxers, his eyes were wide open when he saw me, i just giggled and we then put our clothes on and then Jacob got his belongings and put them in his bag we walked downstairs "good morning, i heard you guys woke up so i made you breakfast" Esme said and Jacob smiled "good morning, thanks Esme thats very kind" Jacob said while smiling at her, we sat at the table and he started to eat when he finished all the food Esme smiled and washed the plates "thank you so much your the best cook ever" Jacob said and Esme smiled "bye Esme" we both said "oh okay, i hope you come back soon" Esme said while smiling and we then left the house, we both chose to run to La Push, Jacob in wolf form me as a vampire.

When we got to our destination it was a cute white house "you'll stay here while i talk with Sam okay?" "who lives here?" "Sam's Imprint/girlfriend" "oh, okay, will you come back soon?" "yea" he said and kissed me on the lips "i love you" he whispered to me "i love you to" i whispered back and kissed him, he then pulled apart and ran in the woods to Sam "Bella?" a females voice asked i turned to see a girl with a beautiful face but half of her face was ruined "Emily?" i asked "yup thats me so you must be Bella the vampire imprint" "yup, nice to meet, you must me Emily the werewolf imprint" "i guess you can say that, come inside" she said while waving me over, so i went in the house, we went in the living room and we watched T.V "so is Sam around a lot?" i asked because she seemed alone most of the time "no he is the Alpha of the Pack which means who ever is the Alpha is gone a lot but when hes around we dont waist time together" she said while going into a little dream of hers "oh" i said and we continued to watch T.V.

Jacob's POV

I ran into the woods and i found Sam 'so whats up?' i thought to Sam 'The Cullens' 'what about them?' 'their hunting humans tha Pack has found people that went missing in the woods they had bite marks on their necks and a lot of blood was around' 'no they would never do that i slept over at Bella's house they all seem nice to me, what does this mean?' 'your wrong their bad, the Pack has decided to fight' 'what! they have done nothing i know their good people' 'People! their not people Jacob their Vampires! are you taking their side!' 'well i agree with the pack most of the time and i know The Cullens are harmless to the Humans' 'no you will be helping us! and by fight i mean kill all the Cullens!' 'what even Bella!' 'yes she is most likely the one killing the humans her eyes are red and the other Cullens didnt stop her therefore we will be killing them all' Bella would never do this, her eyes are getting more goldish by the day but your to stupid to notice!' 'Jacob! you will be fighting with us that is final!' he thought in his Alpha voice making it a command this time, wait im the true Alpha i do not have to take orders from him why shall i bow down for him when im the true leader? no more he is not my Alpha 'you are not the true Alpha, i am the true leader of this Pack i will not be commanded by a fake Alpha!' i thought and it hurt him since i was the true leader of the Pack, i ran in the forest now i couldn't read his mind i guess its because im out of the Pack now, i ran to Emily's and Sam's house i changed in human form and i put my clothes on "Bella time to go!" i yelled and in the next second she was in front of me.

"Jacob whats wrong?" she asked quickly "go into wolf form fastest and simpler way to explain" i said and she ran in the woods and came out as a wolf i ran next in and changed to, while we were running to the Cullens house and while we did i thought about what happened and showed her 'are they still coming!' she thought 'im not sure' i thought back and we then went ran different ways to change into human form and put our clothes on.

Edward's POV

I heard Jacob's thoughts Bella and Jacob came in the house and into the living room Jacob looked at me and thought about what happened when they left, we've been tracking this case someone has been killing people in Forks which is obviously not us and now the pack wants to kill us for breaking the treaty when we didnt the treaty is that we cannot bite anyone and we have not but they think we have hopefully their not still thinking about coming, Alice didn't have a vision of it for some reason, mainly because their werewolves.

While Jacob was telling everyone about what was going on i saw Alice's vision it was a vampire that was running near our place in 15 minutes, i went to Alice "dont tell anyone im going on my own to stop him" i whispered so only Alice could hear, i walked to the door but Bella stopped me "where do you think your going?" "to stop it" "im coming" she whispered, we both went and ran in the forest, Bella opened her shield 'where did Alice see him run by?' she thought and then closed her shield "here" i said and we stopped.

Benjamin's POV

I have left Chile and chose to come to North America because people were noticing i wasn't aging so i chose to run around North America until i find a place that feels comfortable, i landed in Forks it gave me a home feeling and i like it.

I was running in the forest planning to go swimming in my clothes obviously but when i was running their was a Vampire in front of me she was a beautiful Vampire i stopped running and looked at her she had long brown wavy hair and redish and orangish eyes, she was a new born but why were her eyes turning orange? i slowly walked towards her i was 10 feet apart from her "dont Edward" she said and then a guy came beside her "he could be dangerous" he said.

"I am not dangerous i mean no harm" i said and in the next second the girl was right in my face "if you mean no harm why are you killing all those people!" she said in a frustrated and angry tone "to survive what else" "well my Coven survives on animal blood I'm new that's why my eyes are almost orange and his are goldish because he has been drinking animal blood longer" "wow i didn't know you could survive off animal blood" wow she survives off animal blood this women is amazing and beautiful!

"How long do you plan to stay?" "forever" i said and she looked towards Edward and he nodded "come with us" she said, pshhhh no problem, i dont care if they kill me I was suppose to die anyway, i followed i was just staring at her the whole time "haven't you even heard its rude to stare?" she said "yes but your just beautiful" i said honestly "please keep your thoughts to your self!" the guy said "you can block them i don't get why you don't do it!" she yelled to the guy "what?" "this dick here is a mind reader he can read peoples minds and he can BLOCK them" "oh, why do you sound mad at him?" "cause he is my soul mate who i use to really love but he recently cheated on me and that's when i stopped liking him or at least tried" she said now walking fast and i growled "yea and you chose to then go to Jacob so quickly" we now stopped walking i was between them "what are you trying to say?" she asked "your a slut!" he yelled she went towards him and punched him in the face "no i went with Jacob because after i broke up with you; because you cheated on me i went with Jacob because he loves me and he treats me with respect and i love him for his personality he keeps me happy and he imprinted on me!" she yelled wow she has a soul mate and someone who imprinted on her wow!

****** The book is on hold.... yah I know bummer, its on hold cause #1 waiting till I see more people reading my book for me to continue #2 I started piano lessons in Jan 2013 and its now Apr 2013 and I'm good I've been practicing non stop I need and want too get a lot better need all the time I can get #3 school I'm the President I got re-elected and its starting to get warmer so I'm busy planning for me and my classes grade 8 graduation and fundraising things at school #4 working on other books so all 44444 of them can be published together!!!! hope you check them out once their out.... When they are out I'll write the names if my other story's here kk luv you all please show others my book and vote comment etc. luv you all sorry for not uploading if I get complaints about not uploading then i'll upload more xoxo luv lots -Celeste TPM 12 ******

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