6. The Cullens

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Edwards POV

I walked to the living room and watched Bella she was looking at the house, she looked so beautiful, then i went and sat beside her and she turned her attention on me "hi" she said "hi, my sister is here and now calling the family" "oh okay" she said looking back at the house "are you okay?" "yea im just thinking" "about?" "cant you read my mind?" "i can read everyone's mind except yours" "why whats wrong with me" ha! i just told her i can read everyone's minds except hers and she thinks she has a problem im the crazy mind reader!

"Did you just hear yourself?" "what did i say?" "im a mind reader and just because i cant read your mind you think you have a probelm" "yup" "wow your, wow" (both of us laugh) "okay well i was thinking after we kissed you said what am i doing which is where im confused" she said "your gonna find out" "can you guys kiss already" Alice said and i gave her a death glare "are they coming?" "yup" "oka-" the door opened "Alice?" "hi Jasper!" she said and ran to him "Jasper" i said "Edward" he replied they both went to there room to cuddle "keep you thoughts to yourself please!" i yelled so they could hear and i heard them laugh.

I turned to Bella and she was looking at me i got up off the couch "come with me" i said and held her hand so she could follow, i felt sparks when i touched her skin, i lead her to the game room so we could have fun before the family came home "wanna play pool?" i asked her "sure" so we started to play pool but she didnt really know how to use the pool stick but she said she wanted to learn on her own and we made jokes and we were laughing when it was her turn she was trying her best to use the pool stick and then she shot and scored.

Bella's POV

I scored and Edward looked calm but then he walked behind me and put his arms at my waist i felt sparks again, i turned around and looked in his eyes and he held me close to him by holding my waist and "you are so beautiful" he said to me and i started to blush and i looked at the floor Edward took one hand off my waist and lifted my chin with one of his fingers so that i looked at his eyes he leanded toward me and kissed me gently and i kissed him back i put my arms around his neck and held him close and he held me close like we were glued together.

He broke the kiss because the door opened and he held my hand and walked me to the front door and his whole family was there "hello Carlisle, Esme, brothes, sisters this is Bella my girlfriend" Edward said introducing me, hmm girlfriend i like the sound of that lol "hello my name is Carlisle and its a pleasure to meet you this is my wife Esme and my daughters Alice and Rosalie and these are my sons Emmett and Jasper" Carlisle said showing me who's who "hello it's a pleasure to meet you all" i said while smiling in return i got hello, hiii!, sup, whatever, hello sweetheart, i think you know who said what.

"Lets go to the living room" Edward said letting everyone go first, everyone here had there own 'special seats' Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, Esme and Carlisle, and now Me and Edward lol "so Bella you are aware of what we are am i correct?" Carlisle asked "yes" "did Edward tell you" he asked and Edward gave Carlisle a look as if it were a you kidding me look "nope" i said popping the p "then how did you find out?" "i knew he wasn't human so i did research and found out what he is what all of you guys are."

"I see, and you are not scared? because i know you must be aware of our eating habits" "no because i know he wont hurt me neither will all of you because you eat well drink animal blood and thats why all your eyes are goldish colour if you were to feed on humans your eyes would be red" "yes you are right but just because we feed on animals it doesnt mean we won't have accidents and feed on humans" "okay well ill have to take that risk" "wow" "i know thats what i said, she is amazing" Edward said to his father.

"Well may i ask for a favour well all of us" Carlisle asked "of course anything" "dont tell anyone what you know about us or we even exist or else we will be killed by someone called The Volturi are you clear?" "oh, yes, i wasn't planning on telling anyone" "good because if you do this will end badly" Rosalie said to me in a harsh voice "okay" "may i give Bella a tour of the house?" "sure" "okay, shall we go?" "okay" i said while getting up he showed me the kitchen that they never use lol.

I saw everything else on the main floor we went to the second floor there was 9 rooms Alice and Jaspers room then Rosalie and Emmetts room then Esme and Carlisles room and Carlisles office, 2 washrooms and 2 guests room and Edwards room was last we walked in and he had a beautiful white room his room was more like a library and a music room and no bed just a couch wow "you have a beautiful room" "thanks" "no bed?" "oh um yea, vampires don't sleep" "what? wow like ever?" "yea we never sleep" "wow."

"I love your room, music and books and a awesome window view" "why you like reading and music and a high window view?" "yes a lot" i said and he just smiled "lets go upstairs so i can show you the rest of the house" "okay" i said while leaving his room and went down the hall and Edward caught up and put a arm around my waist and lead me upstairs, there was one door "open it" he said and so i did and i couldn't believe it, it was so pretty the roof was a balcony.

It had flowers and plants every where and a couple of tables here and there and in the middle of the balcony there was a swimming pool "wow this is amazing" i said "do you know how to swim?" he asked "ye i love swimming" "do you want to swim?" "not today i dont have a swim suit" "okay then next time" "sure" i said and we walked downstairs to the main floor "Bella would you like to go out and eat?" "no im okay thanks" "Bella" "what?" "i know you must be hungry, i dont mind taking you out for dinner" "okay, yes i would like to eat" "good" he said smiling like he won he lead me outside to his car "wait dont you have to let Carlisle know?" "my sister already did that for me" "oh okay" i said while he opened the car door for me "thank you" "your welcome" he was now in the car and driving away "Edward?" "yes" "how old are you?" "18" "no your not, how long have you lived?" "i dont want too tell you" "why?" "im afraid you wont be happy when you find out" "i promise i wont be upset" "fine, i was turned into a vampire at the age of 18 i was dying so Carlisle saved me i will look like a 18 year old man forever i dont age anymore, i was born in Chicago on June 20th of 1902 i am 110 years old" he said looking at the floor, i wasn't surprised i knew if he was a vampire he would be like years old lol "oh" was all i could say lol "maybe i shouldn't be with such a old guy" i said giggling "maybe your right" he said in a serious voice "it was a joke" "i know, but im dangerous for you" "oh yea then tell me how?" "even if i drink animal blood i can smell yours and it temps me every person has a different scent and your is extremly strong to me like never before but im able to resist but its still hard thats what Carlisle meant by 'accidents' still happen but not for Carlisle he got use to it because he got more years of practice to resist human blood" "oh, but i still trust you because you could have killed me before and even now but you won't" "i won't but it could happen by accident" "Edward you need to believe in yourself more, i believe in you" i said but he stopped the car and got out and opened my door for me.

We were now at some fancy restaurant, he held my hand and lead me towards the restaurant and got in and a lady gave us a table and our waiter came by totally flirting with Edward but he didn't care which shocked me because she was prettier than me, i ordered my food and me and Edward were talking "so when i drop you off what are you going to tell your father?" "what do you mean?" "are you going to tell him you have a boyfriend?" "oh do i" i said joking with him "yes you do" he said playing along and smiling "i dont want to because im afraid of how he will react" "dont worry he will be fine" "okay well yea i'll tell him, i'll have to sooner or later, what about your father?" "what about him?" "does he think i'm okay for you?" "yes but worried" "are you sure?" "yes because ive been on my own my whole life and now i meet you and it's a first i met someone so special" "okay well then why is he worried?" "because he fears you might tell someone one day" "oh, but i won't i swear on my life" "i know you won't because you could have told someone before or even now" he said and while i took a bit of my food and then i finished my dinner "shall we go?" he asked "sure" i said and then he called the waiter over and asked for the bill, when he paid we left and he opened my door for me and when he got in he drove me home i told him to wait in the car for a second before he meets my dad.

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