5. Not Human

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Bella's POV

She came with the check and gave it to Edward he put the money in "keep the tip" he said while smiling which dazzled her "thanks" she said while leaving "you shouldn't do that" "what?" he asked confused "dazzle people like that she obvisously likes you" "sorry its a habit" "can i ask you another question?" "depends, what?" "why did you tell me before to calm you down?" "because i have a temper and i was deciding whether to hurt them more or leave them" "oh" i finished my food now "ready to go?" he asked me "yea" i said he pulled my chair out for me and opened the car door for me "thanks" "your welcome" he drove fast almost like Jacob he go's a little faster when i got home he opened the door and he was about to say bye but i gave him a quick hug i had to "thanks for saving me" i said "anytime" he said and then growled "whats wrong?" "your boyfriend doesn't like you hugging me" "what?" "i have to go can i pick you up for school tomorrow?" "sure" "okay bye Bella" "bye Edward" i said and then he left, what did he mean my boyfriend doesn't like me hugging him? ill have to find out i walked toward my house and Jacob was there on the porch watching me "hi Jake!" "why were you hugging him?" Jacob asked in a serious voice now i know what Edward meant omg Jacob likes me! ill have to find out "because he helped me with something so i gave him a hug, why do you sound so mad whats wrong?" i said getting closer to him "seriously why were you hugging him, do you like him?" "no! im telling you the truth" i said holding onto his arm but he walked away from me "i came by cause i wanted to know if you want me to drive you to school tomorrow?" i looked at the ground now cause i think he'll get mad if i tell him Edward is going to pick me up "hello?!" he said while waving his hand in front of me "umm im sorry but Edward just offered to drive me to school and i agreed" "are you serious?" he asked "yea why" "i have to go" "no Jacob stay we can hang out" "im busy" "okay well ill see you tomorrow then Jake" "its Jacob" he said while leaving, wow he got mad, i got inside and said hi to Charlie and went to my room i went to my computer and turned it on and went to Google.com i typed in ~fast,strong people~ and it show dumb things then i typed ~not human fast and strong~ and it showed different things and it showed something that caught my eye it said 'The Quileute Legends' i clicked on it and it showed a story called 'The Cold Ones' i started to read it and the cold ones were people that were cold,very fast,strong,hard skin,pale,red or goldish eyes,beautiful to human eyes never aging, etc. it all fit for Edward and his family and on that website i typed in the search area ~what are the Cold Ones?~ and then a page popped up and it was the same page i read i scrolled to the bottom and it had a little more info it said ~ the Cold Ones are Vampires~ i couldnt believe it was it true could it be true Edward a Vampire, thats cool, yet scary because he drinks blood he might kill people I love and know what if he hurts me, wait why does it matter what he is theres humans fish, lions, snakes all kinds of animals and if he wanted to hurt me he could have done that long time ago, so why should i care what he is, it doesnt matter, i turned the computer off and went to my bed and fell asleep.

I had a nightmare it was about Edward, i was walking in the woods and i heard something so i followed the sound and then i saw Edward he was over a deers body he was eating it, no not eating it drinking its blood! i thought he kills people not animals, usually my dreams have something to with real life now i already know what Edward is but why is he drinking a animal when vampires should drink human blood i know it should be a relief for me but im not scared if hes a vampire i trust him for some reason im just curious why animals? i woke up from my dream and it was time to get up for school so i took a shower put on a hot outfit and ate breakfast and then Edward came on perfect time he honked his horn and Charlie just woke up and i kissed him bye and left to see Edward, i was nervous but excited because ive grow fond of Edward and nervous to tell him that i know what he is, he opened my door for me "good morning" "hello" i said while getting in the car, he then got in and drove off "why do you seem nervous Bella?" "because im nervous to tell you i know what you are" i said looking at my feet now and i felt the car slow down but returned to his speed, i glanced at him and he was staring at me in a shocked face until he covered it up with another look we were at the school now and i was now walking away from the school into the forest while Edward followed behind me "what am i then?" he asked "you have hard, cold, pale skin, extremely beautiful to human eye, strong, fast as lighting, and gold eyes , never aging" i said turning to him looking at his reaction "say it out loud what i am" "a-a vampire" "are you afraid?" "no" "im sorry w-what?" "im not afraid, last night i went to my computer looking for answers about how strong people can be how fast you can be until i got to one that lead me the answers, i was gonna look for more info but then i realized something" "what?" "it didnt matter, it doesn't matter what you are" "yes it does Bella, do you know what vampires eat?" "yes humans but your family eat animals well drink animals so i know you wont harm me" "how do you know that?" "because when i found out what you are i went to sleep and had a dream of you drinking a deers blood, and usually my dreams are true, why are your eyes gold and others red? i read that some vampires have red eyes and others gold?" "we drink animal blood so we get gold eyes if we have human blood we get red eyes, even if we drink animal blood its not as good as human blood and sometimes we make mistakes and bite some people so you shouldn't feel safe your blood calls out to me stronger than any other person i met and now i am not able to stay away from you i dont have the strength anymore" he said walking closer to me "then dont try" I said and then i went closer to him but he was out of my sight in a flash "dont Bella its not safe" he said up in a tree and i went to him "i know you wont hurt me" i said while getting close to his face but he was gone and now off the tree and i followed, now he was walking toward me and i walked backwards until my back was on a tree and he had his arms on the tree and his face 1 foot from my face "Bella you have to tell me what your thinking because your the only person who's mind i cannot read" he said "now im afraid" "good" he said while walking away "not of you!" i yelled and he came back fast by using his speed and now my face was only half a foot away from his "then what?" "losing you" i said, i realized i like Edward very much no not like i love Edward, then Edward just stared at me until he moved his face closer to me which made my heart skip a beat and then he brought his lips on mine gently it was like sparks were flying around us and i kissed back his arms were at my waist and my arms were around his neck he pulled the kiss apart "what am i doing" he muttered to himself while i just stared at him he looked at me now "we have to go to my house if thats alright with you i need to call my brothers and sisters" "sure" i said and then he picked me up bridal style "close your eyes" he demanded so i did and 2 seconds later i was in his car and he was driving away then we got to this forest area and he slowed down now and then i saw a beautiful white modern mansion it was so pretty.

Edward stopped the car and got out and opened the door for me and led me to his house he opened the door "come in" he said and so i did it was amazing inside the house and i loved the piano it was so beautiful "come with me" Edward said leading to the living room "you have such a beautiful home" "thanks" he replied "ill be back i must call my family over since Alice didn't get the message" "okay ill wait" i said while sitting on the couch looking around the house while Edward was calling his family.

Edward's POV

Oh my god Bella knows what i am and yet she's not scared she said she wouldn't tell anyone and i kissed her ive been perfectly fine without anyone and now i get feelings for her, oh my god she's my soul mate! Alice saw her coming thats why she told me to hunt and thats why she blocked her thoughts! im going to kill her! im now calling her 'hello' she said 'Alice get her now! And if you try to look in the future i will kill myself im not joking!' 'okay okay im on my way!' she said and then hung up couple minutes later she came in "hello Edward whats up?" Alice called i ran fast in vampire speed to her at the front door "Alice why didn't you tell me about her because if you did i would have never fell in love with her!" "hehehe did you hear what you just said you love her, i didnt tell you Edward because you've been alone your whole life there was no point of living until now so you should thank me!" i growled at her "well she knows what we are because of you! so call the family while i talk to her!" "okay" she said while smiling and walking into the kitchen to call the rest of the family, i dont get why she is smiling!

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