9. Jacob's Anger / Bella's Change!

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Bella's POV

We got our tickets and went to get snacks "Bella would you like anything?" Jacob asked me "sure, why dont we share a popcorn?" "sure" he said while smiling after Jacob got me and him popcorn we waited for Mike to order what he wanted we Mike was done ordering we walked to our theater "where would you like to sit?" Jacob asked me, he was being so kind "umm, do you like to sit at the very top middle?" "i love being in top middle he said while smiling "lets go" he said and we went up he sat down and then i sat beside him and Mike was beside me it was kinda weird both of these guys like me im in the middle and only the 3 of us no other friends with us, the commercials were on " hey wanna go there together?" Jacob asked pointing to the screen and it showed a Haunted House cool Halloween "sure it looks awesome" i said and he smiled "what are you for halloween?" he asked "hmm idk you?" "no idea" 'the movie will now be starting please make sure all devices are off, thank you and hope you enjoy the movie' it showed on the screen and the light went off and "do you mind if i push back the handle because it bothers me?" Jacob asked "not at all" i said and he smiled and put the arm rest up.

The movie started and it show Zombies coming alive and getting near humans and ripping them apart and all of a sudden Jacob started to laugh "what's so funny?" i whispered to him "the movie its so terrible all so fake the amount of blood and a zombie ripps you apart and your still alive for like 5 minutes such bs" he said while laughing and i looked at the movie it is funny its so fake, i started to laugh with him then all of a sudden Mike got up and ran downstairs, crap please dont be sick "do you mind if we go check on him?" i asked Jacob "no not at all the movie is really cheesy anyway" he said while laughing we both got up and grabbed our stuff and Jacob got his drink and popcorn and i got my drink and we headed for the doors "where do you think he is?" i asked "ill check the washroom" he said going to the mens washroom and immedietly came out "oh he's in there alright" Jacob said while laughing i sat on the bench outside of the men's washroom and Jacob sat right beside me "Mike's definetly no good for you, you need someone who laughs at these kinds of movies" Jacob said "yea your probably right" i said smiling and he smiled back, Mike finally came out of the washroom and he looked awful "oh Mike im so sorry" "no no its okay" he whispered "come on ill drop you off at the school and from there ill drop you off at home in your car and Bella you follow behind me in my car is that okay?" Jacob said "yea, lets go" i said getting up and walkin toward the exit "wait" Jacob called and went to the popcorn area "can i get a popcorn bucket please" Jacob asked the lady there and she took one look at Mike and gave him two lol "thanks" "anytime" the lady responded we went to Jacobs car and he opened the door for me and gave Mike the bucket and he drove to the school and then we made the switch i drove Jacob's car and Jacob drove Mikes car.

When we got to Mike's house I walked him to the door and Jake was right behind me "Bella no one is home, can you come inside for a bit so im not alone?" Mike whispered to me, i dont mind i was gonna say okay but Jacob interrupted me "she cant shes busy" Jacob said making in final "i asked the lady not you" Mike replied in a harsh voice "are you planning to make her walk home?" Jacob asked rudely "actually she could take my car and tomorrow pick me up an after school i would drop her off home and then i go home with my car" Mike responded showing off he won "are you sure you'll feel better tomorrow?" Jacob asked him showing Mike lost the war, Mike inhaled air deeply "why dont you get lost so i can talk with Bella" Mike said loudly and Jacob started to shake "okay stop!" i said loudly "go in the car Jacob and wait for me" i said "fine" he said walking to his car and had the passender door open and waiting for me "i would love to say but i have to go im so sorry Mike" i said to him "its okay" he whispered and he almost puked but storted it from coming up "bye" he said "bye i said walking the the open car door and Jacob closed it when i got in and he got in the driver seat.

We then reached my house "thanks for dropping me off" i said to Jake as he opened my door for me "no problem" he said "you okay" i asked him because he was shaking the entire way to my house "yea i just feel weird but ill be okay" , i gave Jacob a hug and he kissed my forehead "bye" i said while walking away "bye" he said while going in his car, i texted Edward to come over because i was now home, i went inside the the house "hi dad" i yelled so Charlie could hear me "hi Bells how was the movie?" "really funny" "thats nice to hear, Bells can you do me a favour?" Charlie asked me "sure, whats up?" "we ran out of food do you think you could go to the grocery store now tl buy food?" "sure its only 8:30" i said while getting my car keys and putting on my black high heels and went in my truck and dove to the grocery store i got there and bought a couple of things here and there and went back home and put the things away "crap i forgot something ill be back shortly dad" i said to Charlie and went back to the grocery store i parked my car and walked to the entrance the lights were on but it was closed crap! i walked to my truck and someone was leaning on it "hello where did you come from?" i asked the man, he was beautiful pale red eyes shit he's a vampire! "please dont drink me to death" i said so scared now my life with Edward and family and friends i would never see them again "how do you know what i am!" he said coming 3 inches away from me "wow you smell good" he said "because i was searching vampires on the internet and it showed one and i met someone like you passing through and found out it is true" "oh, well then i dont want to kill you but if i dont ill be in trouble whatever ill let you off the hook under one condition" he said in a evil way "what are you going to do?" i asked terrified now he just picked me up and ran vampire speed straight into the woods until he stopped and put me on the ground "good luck with your life" he said while biting into my neck and left.

The pain! it hurts so much i wish i could call the Cullens to help me or just kill me the pain still wont stop it feels like its been continuing for 1000 years! Just kill me already i wish i was dead! just kill me! "I FOUND HER!" a angelic voice yelled in a scared voice "oh my god bell!" "what happened to her why is she so still on the ground and not waking up?" what do you mean im so still im here screaming like Crazy! "oh my god Carlisle, Alice look her neck!" "Carlise i told you to meet up with us because i had a vision that visitor saw Bella at the grocery store and chose to drink her blood but she told him she knew what he was and he said he didnt want to kill her so he changed her" "oh my god how long ago was that?" "20 minutes" "then its too late to save her there must be venom already spread through her body we must take her to my lab and wait until she awakes" "okay" a sad angel voice said, "WHAT WHO CHANGED BELLA?!, EDWARD YOU COULDN'T WAIT LIKE A COUPLE MORE YEARS!" "CALM DOWN ROSALIE I DIDNT CHANGE HER, IT WAS THE VISITOR PASSING THROUGH HE FOUND BELLA AMD CHANGED HER!" "WATCH WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THAT NO GOOD MOTHERFUCK-" "Rosalie enough" "Im Sorry Carlisle But It Makes Me Sick As Hell!" "i know, shes almost done her transformation" yesssss! the pain will be gone but i wish it would go away sooner, wow the pain is gone.

The Change!

"Bella please open your eyes for me" a angel voice said and so i tried my hardest and obeyed, my eyes flickered open and i saw the angel staring straight ahead of me, it scared me because i didnt expect him to be so close, i got up and walked around the room it was Carlisle's lab i ran to Edward and hugged him so tight "Bella your hurting me" Edward said i let go of him "im so sorry, oh my god im a Newborn Vampire! Charlie, Renee! ouch my throat!" "lets go hunting first" "okay" i said sadly, i cant see Charlie, Renee, Jacob, Angela, Jessica, Mike, Eric, Quil, Embry etc. i know i get to be with Edward but i didnt expect to say bye to my family this way, i was sobbing since i cant cry, Edward hugged me then i saw the family "Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Carlise!" i said going in vampire speed hugging then all "first go hunting then we will talk" Carlisle said and so i did me and Edward went to the forest and we ran in vampire speed which AWESOME! "oka-" Edward was about to begin the lesson of hunting but i interrupted him "wait" i said closing my eyes smelling the air and listening closly i heard a moution lion running after a group of deer, right away i ran and found the cat and breaked his neck and sucked its blood out and dicomposed of the body then i went to hunt for some deer but not the whole group.

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