Chapter 1: The Accidental Meet- up

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John Deacon was an average boy ( or so he thought). He had fluffy auburn hair, and grey eyes. John was also very smart. top of his college class, but out for summer. That morning, as he woke up, his alarm clock set off a huge Rube Goldberg machine that eventually got him dressed, fed, and out the door to go to the Panera bread, where he worked.  John was a valued member of the Panera staff because he was the best at making bread. everyone loved his bread, and they made sure to tell him, too. This particular morning, John was getting set up to work his shift when three familiar faces walked through the kitchen door. 

"Tim, Colin, Johnathan!" he exclaimed. "What are you guys all doing here?" he looked up at the three men, in confusion. 

" We need to talk" said Tim. He glanced at the other two men. "We need to break up the band" he said, with a sad look on his face.

The four boys had been in their band "Humpy Bong" since they were in high school, and John loved rocking out with them, so naturally he was heartbroken. 

"Why?" he asked " I thought we were a great band" 

Colin answered " None of us have the time anymore, Deaky. Johnathan and I are starting our home for children with ass burgers, and Tim has a crippling hentai addiction, so we can barely get him out of the house" Tim shot him a dirty look. 

"What am I supposed to do with my bass then?" he yelled.  

"I don't know john" said Tim. "Maybe you could try to start a solo career?" 

This made John furious. "You know very well that I cannot sing!" he snapped. "Plus, what other band would want to hire someone who slaps two bass fishes together instead of playing the actual bass guitar? " John was holding back tears at this point. 

"I'm sorry Deaky, but we can't do this anymore" said Johnathan. Then, he and the rest of the former band walked out of the kitchen door, leaving their old fish bassist behind. 

John was feeling so many emotions right now, he just wanted to scream, and run out of the shop, but he worked the rest of his shift. As he was about to leave, the manager stopped him. 

"Listen John, you're one of the most trustworthy and kind people I know." he explained. " I need to go out for a while, but I can't leave the shop unattended, so can you watch it for me?" 

John couldn't say no to his manager. He could barely say no to you tube when it asked him if he wanted to get premium. "Fine" he muttered, and watched the manager walk out the door. 

Not two minutes after he left, a customer sat down at the counter.( John had always wondered why there was a counter at a Panera, but he never had the guts to ask.) 

"What can I get for you today, sir?" He asked the man, politely. Then, John started to notice how handsome the man was. He had shoulder length bleached blond hair, and eyes so blue he could almost feel himself swimming through them. The man was kinda scrawny, he thought; but it was an elegant sort of feminine scrawniness. John was so lost in thought he almost didn't hear the man order a cheese toast.  Great! he thought . Cheese toast was his specialty. He could easily impress the blond stranger, no sweat. 

"Allrighty sir, your total is $4.20, I'll be right out with your order very soon!" he said to the man, and smiled. So far his day had gone badly, but seeing that cute stranger somehow made him feel a little better. John quickly made some delicious cheese on toast for the customer, and placed it down in front of him. He watched the man almost inhale the meal, then look back up at him. 

"That was the best cheese on toast I've had in my entire life!" he declared, licking his fingers. "I'm Roger by the way" he said, and shook john's hand. 

Roger's touch was so gentle and calm. "I'm john" he replied. "But you can call me Deaky if you'd like."

"How'd you get a nickname like that from John?" he asked.

"My last name is Deacon" John said, shyly. But at least its not the ugliest name in the world, like... 

"Keith!" They both said at the same time. "Well, the second most ugly is Mitchell!" they said, in unison again.  "  Third place is tied between two."  both of them were shocked that they were still both saying the same thing. "Leonard and Gary!" The two stared at each other with bright eyes. Had they both found their new soulmate? "Stop it!" "No, you stop it!" they said together, again. Then, both of them started laughing and cackling as hard as they could. 

When the laughter died down, Roger started. " Hey, I'm new in town, would you mind giving me a tour? " he asked.

John was excited; he knew this town like the back of his hand, but then he realized he was supposed to be watching the Panera for his boss. "No, sorry. I can't. My boss said I have to stay here 'till he gets back." John said, disappointingly. " I really wish I could, though." 

Roger looked back at him with a big grin. "I take it you don't break a lot of rules" he said, and John nodded. "Well Deaky, why don't you live a little for once, and take me on a tour?" 

John really wanted to say yes. Go on a tour of the town with a beautiful man? That sounded like a dream come true!.. But his boss would kill him if he did. Then again.... roger was pretty easy on the eyes. " What the heck!" said John " Lets do this" As they walked out of the shop, he flipped the sign on the door to say "closed". 

💖I will try to write more chapters soon:) also, please excuse my grammar mistakes I wrote this at 1AM 💖

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