Chapter 5: Wedding ?

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John was alone again. John was alone again and it was dark outside. John was alone again and it was dark outside in the desert. He considered his options; he could run back inside to the snake farm, hitch hike again, or walk and try to find somewhere to stay. Deaky didn't really like the first option. He did NOT want to go back with the mean lady and her giant snake. It would be hard to hitch hike because he had seen hardly any cars drive past the dirt road by the snake farm. But then again, if he walked he might not be able to find anywhere to stay. Of course, he could always compromise. He decided that he would walk to try to find shelter, but hold out his thumb to find anyone willing to pick up a lonely hitchhiker.

John started his journey, walking along the side of the dust brown road. He stared out at what seemed like endless desert. John could see many cacti and oh-so-many tumbleweeds rolling past him as he walked. He could feel his mind start to wander as he walked.

John couldn't stop thinking about meeting up with Roger. He was looking forward to the day when he saw him again in indiana. These thoughts seemed to be the only think keeping him going on this disastrous journey to his party. Deaky also thought about what kind of other people would be invited to Roger's party. He was rich and famous, so he probably knew a lot of other popular people. Then john gasped. What if he knows Danny Devito?!?! Meeting THE Danny Devito at Roger's party? That would be the best thing ever! John realized he was getting himself too excited. He bet Roger didn't even know who Danny Devito was. Deaky was about to convince himself that Roger was an uncultured swine who didn't even watch m&m commercials when his thoughts were interrupted.

John saw a big white farm house in front of him. At that point it was almost too dark to see, but he could make out a figure on the long wooden porch. He walked closer, and saw it was a man sitting in a rocking chair with a piece of straw in his mouth. As John approached the porch, the man stood up.

"Uh, hello there" he stammered
"What brings you around here?" the stranger asked
"Well, I need a place to stay for the-"
"Say no more my friend, came on in"

The strange man motioned for him to come inside the house.
"I'm farmer Brown by the way"
"Oh.Im John" John smiled. "Thank you for allowing to stay here"
"Of course!" Farmer Brown returned his sunny smile.
The inside of the farm house had a rustic style. John really liked the way it was decorated.

"Allow me to introduce you to my sons" The farmer pointed to the hallway, and a boy came out, holding a tray of mashed potatoes.
" I'm Davy"
The boy looked about the same age as John. He had brown eyes and hair that was in a bowl cut.
Davy put his mashed potatoes on the table and another person stepped out of the halway. He was carrying a dish of green beans, and was wearing an emerald green hat
"Mike" he said.
This boy had darker hair, and very thick sideburns that made John happy.
Another son came from the hallway and looked at John, a can of cranberry sauce in his hands. He had dirty blonde hair, and a little blue flower painted on his cheek.
" The name's Peter." he told john as he set down his can.
The last boy to emerge had dark fluffy hair and was smiling widely at Deaky, showing off his perfect teeth. He clutched his bowl of gravy and said
" Hi, I'm Micky"
Farmer brown went and bought out even more food, and when it was all set up on the table they all sat down. Or at least, John tried to.
"He wants to sit by me!" Davy told Peter.
"No, he's sitting with me" Peter growled.
Micky intervened "You can sit here, if you'd like!" and pulled out the chair next to him
Mike jabbed him in the shoulder and and took the chair. " Please sit with me!"
John had no idea where to sit, so he just stood there looking all confused until Farmer Brown yelled
" silence!"
The boys went quiet.
"John here is going to sit with me, boys. Please calm down while the guest is over"
John was thankful for the intervention. He took the seat by the farmer and spread his napkin on his lap, gazing intently at the food that was on the table.
"Alright! Let's eat" Declares the farmer.
He and the boys started getting their food and shoving as much as they possibly could into their mouths.
Farmer Brown had shown John to his room. It was pretty small, but it was decorated nicely. It had pale green walls with tapestries and trinkets covering its many shelves. There was a single twin bed in the middle of it that was covered with a nice pink quilt. The whole display looked rather cosy, and when John was about to hop in bed there was a knock at the door.
"I brought you some milk and cookies" Peter was standing on the other side when John cracked the door.
"No thanks, I'm not hungry"
He closed the door.
John was walking back to bed when there was another knock on the door.
This time, davy was behind it
"I brought extra blankets"
"Its 80°, I think I'm good"
John didn't want the boys to keep bothering him so he didn't answer the door next time it was knocked upon, but whoever was behind it just knocked harder.
He opened the door
"You can sleep in my room, if you'd like!" said Mike
That was the last straw. John opened the window behind his bed and crawled out onto the roof. There was no way he was sleeping in there. John hopped off the roof, but ran towards the barn near the farmhouse when he saw all four boys staring at him, wearing nothing but rainbow thongs, and waving. He shut the barn door as hard as he could, locked it, and laid down in the hay. He tried not to think about what had just happened, and soon he was snoring like a baby.
When John got up in the morning, there was straw all over his face. he wiped it off, and remembered what had happened last night. He had no idea what to do. Should he run away? Should he call the cops? Wait, he didn't have a phone. Maybe he could escape! He ever so quietly cracked open the barn door, and peeked out. It didn't seem like there was anyone there, so he dusted himself off and stepped outside. As soon as his foot touched the ground, a rusty truck came down the road, driven by Farmer brown with his sons in the back. John tried to run away, but the farmer called.
"Good Morning John!"
"Ah, Mornin'"
"hop in!" He stopped the truck.
John was afraid of what the man would if he didn't obey, so he opened the door and sat down beside him.
Farmer brown started up the truck again, and soon they were driving down the dirt road.
"Where are we going?" John had to hide his fear.
"To the chapel. One of my boys is getting married"
"Oh, which one"
"Whichever one you'd like" he smiled at John
"What?" Deaky stared at him in confusion.
"Which one of my boys would you like to marry?" the farmer asked him, calmly.
John was about to freak out
"For Pete's sa-"
"Peter?" the farmer yelled out the back window to the boys that were sitting in the truck bed. "you're the chosen one!"
Pete gasped and threw his arms around Davy, who was sitting next to him.
As the truck arrived to the chapel, a bead of sweat dripped from John's forehead, he was NOT getting married today.
"I don't wanna go in there" he protested, but the farmer just took his arm and dragged him out of the truck, into the white building.
Peter stepped up to the altar, and motioned for john to some up with him. John noticed he was wearing a beautiful white wedding dress, and holding a bouquet of flowers. When had he changed?
John stepped up next to him and reluctantly took his hand. The pastor that had appeared next to them was about to begin the ceremony, when John declared
"I-I have to go to the bathroom"
"okay, think John. Think" he said aloud to himself. He stared out the bathroom window.
It was bolted shut.
He looked into the dirty mirror and saw something behind him in the nasty bathtub. A cowboy had left his clothes!
John took the disgusting outfit, and slipped it over his own. He smelled rancid, and his plan was likely to fail but he had no other choice. John took the ten gallon hat that was behind the shower curtain and put it on his head. He tilted it so it covered most of his face. That would have to do.
Deaky took the handle of the door and turned it. "this is it" he thought. "I'm going to die"
He stepped out of the bathroom, and luckily the boys didn't seem to recognize him.
"Howdy, fellers"
They stared at him in awe.
"Where's John?" Peter asked.
" oh, that young man? I don't think he liked you lot that much. Now, I reckon I should be leaving"
He sauntered to the chapel's exit, and slipped out.
John walked until the chapel was out of sight, and let out a huge breath he didn't realize he was holding in. He then slipped off the slimy get-up he was wearing, and continued his search for a way to Roger's party.

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