Chapter 3: John?

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John went back to work the next day, and the manager was furious. "I trusted you!" he shouted at John. "You're the best damn bread maker in this entire restaurant, you can't just leave us, unannounced!" 

"That's the thing" said John, looking down at his feet. He suddenly got a sick feeling in his stomach. "I'm going on holiday. Just for three or four days though." He felt really bad for leaving, but he knew it would be worth it so see Roger's face when he came to his party. "I'll work overtime when I get back, anything just please let me take these days off!" he pleaded. 

His manager looked at him. He seemed to soften. "Oh, alright John. You can take a few days off, but only because you're such a good kid."

John was so happy that his manager was going to let him go to the party. He smiled his biggest smile at the manager and thanked him a thousand times before he quickly walked out the door to start his holiday. 


When John got home, a million thoughts were racing through his brain. He couldn't wait to see roger again. To kiss his pretty face, to make friendship bracelets with him, to eat birthday cake with him, that would be the perfect day.

John started packing his suitcase. He filled it with only the essentials:  A disco ball, five pairs of yellow booty shorts, assorted white t-shirts, an at-home perm kit, and of course his George foreman grill, cheese, and bread so he could make cheese toast on the road. 

Even with the small amount of items he packed, his bright green suitcase was bulging. John sighed. He would just have to live with it. 

As he started to walk out of his house, he decided to take one last item: his bass fish. One could never know if there would be a musical emergency! 


John was in his eggshell blue car, stopped at a streetlight. Indiana, here I come! he thought to himself. A moment later, he heard yelling coming from the bank near him. Four handsome young men ran out of the building, holding silver switchblades and large sacks of money. This startled John, but it startled him even more when it seemed like they were coming towards his car. John prayed for the stoplight to turn green before they could get close to him, but sadly it stayed red as the bank robbers forced open his doors and shoved themselves into his car.

As the stoplight finally turned green, the man closest  to John held his blade up to his neck.  "Drive" he spat at him, and John stepped on the gas petal, fearing his life.

Apparently, John wasn't driving fast enough because the man by him made him pull over and switch spots with him so he could drive instead. 


The five had been driving for about ten minutes when they stopped at a motel. Three of the men grabbed him while the other opened the door to what he presumed to be their room. 

The boys sat him down on a chair and started tying him down. John tried to resist it, but the men were too strong for him to control. 

"Let me go!" he screamed. "I have to see my friend!" He squirmed and wiggled in his chair, trying to get free. 

The man that had taken the wheel earlier  looked at him right in the eyes.He had dark brown hair and skinny, arched eyebrows . " I don't care if your friend is Larry the cucumber aka the hottest vegetable on earth, we're not letting you go!" he sneered. 

One of the other men spoke up. He had lighter hair and was wearing small round glasses that were perfectly sculpted to fit his pointed nose. "Paulie, he seems fine. Maybe we can trust him not to snitch." 

"No way!" the man the man next to him spat. John couldn't help but notice his nose was very thicc, but he had beautiful blue doey eyes to contrast. The big nosed man had his arm around one of the others that was laying with him on the bed. He had bushy eyebrows, and sharp canines, he noticed. Then, the sharp toothed man commented " He's just gonna rat us out to the police!" 

John tried to intervene "I hap-" he was cut off by the man called Paulie

"Zip it, numbnuts" he spat. 

"Actually I have a name, It's John" John tried to explain. 

As soon as the words left his mouth, three out of the four men burst out laughing. Paulie even rolled on the floor, and John could make out slight tears forming in his eyes. 

"What'd I say?" he asked, getting annoyed with their lack of communication. 

"Oh, nothing" said the one with the cheekbones. "I'm George." He flipped out his switch blade towards John so he could see his name engraved on the side. 

Big nose and Paulie did the same. Apparently they were Ringo and Paul. 

The one that was left looked down at his shoes. Paulie likes to call me Lennie, but my name's actually... "he pulled out his switchblade "John" 

The other three must've thought this was the funniest thing in the world because the continued to howl with laughter, as the two Johns looked at each other awkwardly. 

The laughter immediately stopped when there was a knock at the door, "Police, open up"  a strong voice said.George and Ringo hid the bags of money while Paul slowly walked over to the door. He opened it up and John saw four police officers.  "we got a complaint." one of them said 

"Finally" John said aloud, but was shocked when one of the other police officers said  "That you weren't respecting the drip!" 

The three stripped off their clothes, and revealed the tellatubby costumes they were wearing underneath their fake uniforms. 

" Our dancing buddies!" Ringo said, excitedly. He took out his phone and started playing Freddie spaghetti songs while they danced with the men. "This was so worth $200" he said, laughing with George. 

In the chaos of the dancing, someone accidentally pushed Johns chair down, and as his head hit the ground, he could feel his consciousness fading. 

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