Starting Point

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Author's note:
This is my very first story so the chapters might be short at first as I get a feel and write out my ideas

The relief Alexis felt when her alarm clock went off was immense. After a long night of tossing and turning and nightmares constantly returning she was grateful when the alarm went off at 7:30. She rolled over with a groan and turned off the alarm clock. As she sat up in bed her phone pinged with a notification. Her friend and co-worker Jennifer had texted.
"Hey Lexi, I'm going to be late getting to work today. My grandpa  had to go to the emergency room and I'm staying with him until my parents arrive. I already let Christie know."
"Okay Jen. I can hold down the fort as long as is needed. I hope your grandpa feels better soon."

Alexis turned off the screen and got out of bed. For her outfit she picked a pink crop top, Jean shorts, and her black converse shoes. As she was tying the shoe laces she heard her room mate Natalie knock on the door. "Lexy, breakfast is ready." "Okay, I'm coming." She opened her door and started walking down the hallway putting her hair up into a messy bun.
"Good morning! I made eggs and sausage. Do you want salsa or sour cream?"
"No thanks." Lexy sighed and plopped down on the couch.
"Are you okay? You look exhausted!" Natalie asked
"I didn't sleep very well last night. Kept tossing and turning. I'll be fine once I've had some coffee."
"Are you sure?" Natalie asked as she walked over to the cupboard to get 2 coffee mugs. "Were you having nightmares again?" she asked calmly.
Lexy remained silent.
"It's okay Lexy, you don't have to talk right now if you don't want to. Just know that I'm always here for you and will listen whenever you need to talk". She put the plates and mugs on the table and then gave Lexy a quick hug.
"I'm not really hungry. I'll just take the coffee to go." As she stood up she saw the concern spread onto her friend's face. Not wanting to talk anymore and seeing it was now 8:00 she grabbed her backpack, keys, and coffee. She quickly said goodbye and closed the door. She began to tear up as she walked to her car.

Alexis' POV
Why won't you open up?! Nat is only trying to help! I shouldn't have to live in fear of talking to someone that I trust and has experienced this although not as badly. Ugh!! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!! Why did I have to fall for him!?!
Okay Lexy, calm down. Why don't you listen to some music? That should calm you down enough that you can put on your brave, happy face at work. Besides, it's not like anyone is going to notice how you feel. And it may or may not be a busy day. You'll be fine.

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