New Job and Happy Endings

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I woke up the next morning at 7. I was really excited cause today is my first day of work at Hi 5!! I quickly showered and got dressed.

 I was really excited cause today is my first day of work at Hi 5!! I quickly showered and got dressed

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I went to the kitchen and saw that Natalie was just getting things ready to make breakfast. "Mind if I help?" I asked. She smiled at me and said "Of course!!" We made sausage omelets with veggies inside. We had juice to go with our breakfast. "So are you excited to start work at Hi 5?" Nat asked. I grinned, "You know it!! I can hardly wait! I wonder who's going to be showing me the ropes." She chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Well, I have to go but I wish you luck for your first day! I'll see you tonight!" "Okay! See ya Nat!" "Bye Lex!" I rinsed off our breakfast dishes and set them in the dishwasher. I quickly put my lunch together and grabbed my backpack and keys. After I locked the door I skipped to my car. When I turned the key my car wouldn't start. I kept trying thinking maybe it was just stuck but eventually gave up realizing my car was dead. "Crap!! My first day of work and my car is dead! I'm so gonna be late!" I pulled out my phone and called Matt.

"Morning Alexis! What's up?"

I was so upset I hadn't noticed Matt call me by my full name when he's about to tease me.

"I'm going to be late to work. I'm so sorry! I know it's my first day."

"It's okay Lex. What happened?"

"My car died!"

"Could Nat give you a ride?"

"No. She already left for work."

"Okay, don't worry I'll see if someone can give you a ride in."

"Thanks Matt, I appreciate it!"

"No problem! I'll see you soon."

"Ok. Bye Matt."


I waited for 10-15 minutes in the curb when Catherine pulled up. "Hey girl! Matt called and said you needed a ride." I sighed, "Yeah. My stupid car decided to die." I rolled my eyes at my car. "That stinks! Well, hop on in!" I smiled, "Thanks Cat!" "No problem! I got you girl!" We chatted and listened to music in the way to work. I came to realize that Cat and I like a lot of the same things and had similar humor. Work was gonna be so much fun with her! We pulled up to Blue base and we went inside. Matt was standing at the desk talking to Sierra. "Morning Lexy. Morning Cat." I gave Matt a side hug, "Morning Matt. What am I doing first?" "I'm going to have Woods sow you around, introduce you to everyone, and what you're going to be doing. You're going to share an office with Woods, Catherine, and Sam here in Blue base." I suddenly got really nervous. Woods is going to show me around? And I'm sharing an office with him?! Now I'm mentally freaking out! Like, I'm excited but at the same time really awkward. Hopefully no one will notice! At that moment Woods walked around the corner and up to the desk. "Morning guys! It's good to see you Lexy." I gave him a small smile. And I immediately started overthinking if my smile made it obvious what was going through my head. I hadn't been paying attention to the conversation and only when I heard Woods ask me something did I jolt out of my reverie. "Huh? Sorry. I got lost in my thoughts." I said sheepishly. They all chuckled. "No worries! That happens a lot around here. Are you ready to have your tour?" Woods asked me. I nodded not trusting what might come out of my mouth that would embarrass me further. After he had taken me around Blue, Red, and Orange base and introduced me to everyone I hadn't met yet he brought me back to Blue base. "Your desk, technically it's a table, is right here." I mentally screamed in my head. I'm going to be sitting right next to him. I was hoping I would be able to sit in a spot where he wouldn't be able to see me directly. Well, that's not gonna happen it seems. I guess I'll have to try not to make a fool of myself while working. Oh gosh I'm gonna be so self conscious!! "Lexy?" Once again, he snapped me out of my reverie. I blushed. "Sorry." He smiled, "You're okay. I'm sure you're just processing everything." I mentally laughed at him. Oh if only you knew!! "Yeah, something like that." He chuckled. "I have a REKT shoot later today if you want to come watch. Mitch could show you how to work the cameras and such." I smiled and nodded. "Sure! I'd love to!" "Alright! It's at 2 so if we aren't in here I'll come get you." "Sounds good." Cat and Sam walked in the room. "Hey guys! Lexy, I'm getting ready to do some editing on a video do you want to watch and learn?" Sam asked. I grinned, "Of course!!" We sat there for awhile and I did not realize how many distractions there were at Hi 5!! Like everyone comes and goes I'm surprised any work gets done! Not that I'm complaining or anything, I really enjoyed goofing off with everyone! Before I knew it it was almost 2 so I waited for Woods to come get me. I was straightening up my desk when he walked in. "Are you ready?" he asked. "I sure am!" I said as I stood up. He grinned and led the way to Orange base. Connor, Tanner, and Gunner were already there. Mitch was getting things ready to record and prepping audio. "So I brought Lexy. She's going to be with you Mitch so she can learn how to be the camera person." The guys all stopped goofing off and they gave me a group hug while Mitch talked more with Woods and Gunner about what I would be doing. "Thanks guys. I'm feeling the love!" I said with a smile. "At least from Tanmer and I, you're probably feeling Paul's loneliness and need for attention." Connor joked. I grinned, "Then I guess I'll give him some extra attention." I laughed at Connor's reaction to what I said. He certainly wasn't expecting that!! Paul and Tanner laughed along with me. "Are you guys ready to start?" Gunner asked. We all said 'yes' and went to our designated place. I laughed so hard throughout the shoot. They are all so dumb and funny you can't help but laugh at them. When we wrapped up it was just after 4. I stayed to help clean up the mess. We finished at 4:30. Since there was only 30 minutes until we were off everyone started to get ready to head out for the day. I was about to head to Blue base when Woods walked up to me. "I heard that your car died this morning." I nodded, "Yeah it did. I'm not too happy about it." "Understandable. I'd be upset too if my car died when I really needed it." We continued to talk as we walked into our office. Cat came in getting ready to leave. "Hey Lex, Jacob just called and I'm not going to be able to take you home like originally planned. I'm sorry." "It's okay Cat. I understand. I'll see if Matt can give me a ride home." She gave me a hug before heading out the door. "I'll see you guys in the morning!" "Bye Cat!" Woods and I said. He turned to me after she left. "I can give you a ride. I'll be heading that direction anyway." I gave him shy smile. "Thanks. I appreciate it." We grabbed our stuff and went to his car. I got a text from Nat saying she was going to be late getting home but asked if I could run to the store and grab some milk and eggs. I may have forgotten to mention that my car died to Nat. "Could we stop at the store real quick? Nat's going to be late getting home and we need eggs and milk." He nodded, "Sure. I don't mind taking a slight detour." I quickly ran into Walmart and grabbed what we needed and got back to Woods' car. We soon arrived at my house. "Thanks for giving me a ride." "My pleasure! Let me help you take in your groceries." Before I could protest he had grabbed the milk, eggs,
and peach yogurt. I unlocked the door and went to the fridge to put away the eggs. I turned around to grab the yogurt and milk only to find Woods standing there with them in hand. I blushed and took them from him and put them in the fridge. I turned around again and he was looking around the living room. "You have a nice house." "Thanks. Can I ask you something?" He turned and looked at me, "Sure go ahead." "Why did you offer to give me a ride so quickly?" Did he just blush?! "I was coming this direction. I said that." I wasn't very convinced and I think he could tell. He sighed. "Okay that's not really the reason." I was a little shocked that he actually admitted it. "I wanted to make sure you got home safely myself." I was confused now. "Why?" He shuffled his feet. "I know we haven't known each other long and that you have been going through a lot but I care about you. Not just in the friendly way." I'm sure that my surprise was not hidden as well as I tried. "Like you have feelings for me?" I asked quietly. He nodded. I didn't realize that I had sighed in relief knowing he felt the same for me until I saw his confusion. "I like you too. I just didn't realize how much I cared for you until recently. I was scared at first to even admit that I had feelings like that after what happened with Kent. Heck, I was scared to even be around you guys! But Amanda and Nat have been encouraging me and helping me see that I can't hide from these emotions and that you aren't like Kent at all." Surprise and relief flooded his face. Before I knew it he had gently pulled me into a kiss. I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. When we pulled away he whispered "I love you Lexy." I smiled. "I love you too Woods! But could we take this slow?" He gave me an understanding smile, "Of course! Whatever makes you feel comfortable." We kissed again and the emotions that went through me are indescribable! I'm glad he understands and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us!

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