Recovery day at home

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A/N: Sorry about not updating very frequently lately. My Mom has been in the hospital and I've been taking care of the house and younger siblings. These next couple of chapters might be shorter. I hope to get back to posting regularly!

While Lexy was in the hospital for a couple of days the police department did everything theky could to find Kent Brown but it seemed like he just disappeared from the face of the earth. Woods and Nat were with Lexy a lot those 2 days. Matt had been understanding of Woods and gave him partial work days. Lexy was awake off and on but was recovering quickly the doctor had said. On the 3rd day the doctor said she was well enough to go home but would need to rest for at least another 1 or 2 days. When they got to the apartment Natalie helped Lexy inside and to the couch. She brought her a blanket and her pillows, and a glass of water trying to make her as comfortable as possible. "Is there anything you want me to get you?" Nat asked. Lexy shook her head. "Not that I can think of. I'm fine for right now." "Okay. Let me know if you need anything." Nat said as she walked towards her room. Lexy grabbed the remote from off of the coffee table and turned on The Flash. She got lost in her thoughts after awhile. She found herself thinking about Woods and what happened at Coffee Express. She felt her anxiety start to overwhelm her just by thinking about it. She started having trouble breathing and was feeling panicky. Her phone went off from a text message. She picked it up and saw that Woods had texted her. His contacts picture she had gotten from Nat. Seeing his face was helping her calm down.
"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay. I'm resting in the couch trying not to think about what happened on Saturday."

"Have you tried watching anything to take your mind off of it?"

"Yeah. I put on The Flash but I can't focus on it. It becomes background noise after awhile."

"Have you tried watching any of the channels I told you about? I've been told and heard from fans that it helps them."

"I haven't. I'll be sure to give it a try!"

"Let me know if it helps any. Patrick, Cat, and I might be stopping by later today to see you."

"That would be nice!! I would enjoy it immensely!"

"Okay. I'll let Nat know so that way we won't surprise her. I'll see you later then!"

"See ya later! 😊"

She smiled at the thought of Woods coming over. She pulled up YouTube and searched for Woods' channel. A few hours had passed when Woods arrived with Cat and Patrick. They visited and had chicken noodle soup. As they talked and laughed with each other Lexy noticed that Woods kept glancing her way. She wasn't sure if it was just because he was concerned or if maybe he has feelings for her. She hoped that one day she would have the courage to ask him. But until then she would be happy having him as a friend. Patrick, Cat, and Woods stayed until around 10 before leaving. Cat gave Lexy a small hug before heading out the door. "See you guys later!" Pat called. Woods gave Nat a hug and looked at Lexy wondering if he should hug her as well. Lexy could see him struggling to make a decision so she gave him a small side hug. "See ya later Woods." She said giving him a smile. He smiled back. "Goodnight girls. See you later." He walked out the door following the others. When the door closed Lexy sighed from exhaustion. "I'm going to head to bed Nat. I'm going to try and head to work tomorrow too." Nat looked at her with concern. "Okay. Just make sure you don't over do it tomorrow and don't try to go in at your normal time. You could head in around 10 so you won't feel rushed and be ready tired." Lexy nodded as she grabbed her stuff from of the bed. "Alright. I'll see you I'm the morning then. If I'm awake before you leave." Nat chuckled. "Yeah, if you're awake. Goodnight Lex! Love ya!" Nat walked to her room shutting off the main lights and locking the front door. Lexy got in bed and fell asleep soon after she laid down. Her last thought was of Woods.

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