"How is she?"

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Lexy's POV
I gasped for air and as I looked up to see who my rescuers were I saw Woods rushing towards me while Tanner and Connor held off Kent. As Woods was reaching out to me I started blacking out.

Woods' POV
Tanner, Connor, and I got to the shop before the others. It doesn't look like anyone is here except us and obviously Lexy. We started walking towards the door when I had a bad feeling. I couldn't explain why I suddenly felt so worried. We walked in and a guy was holding Lexy by the throat against the wall and her feet weren't touching the ground! "Hey!! Let her go!" Tanner yelled. The guy let go of her throat and turned around to face us with a snarl on his face. Lext dropped to the floor holding her throat gasping for air He tried to rush past us but Tanner and Connor got in his way to hold him off. I rushed towards Lexy. She looked up at me with a distant look in her eyes and as I reached out for her she blacked out. "Lexy!" I yelled. I looked up to see Nat walking in and Kent shoving her out of the way and making it out the door. "Nat call 911!! I shouted. I looked at Lexy's face, holding her in my arms trying to get her to wake up. Soon I heard sirens and some medics and an officer rushed in. "What's the issue?" A medic asked. I looked up with tears forming. "Some dude was holding her up to the wall by her throat choking her. When I got to her she blacked out." The medics gently lifted her from my arms and put her on a stretcher. Nat had rushed over and was crying. "We need to get her to the hospital to make sure nothing is seriously damaged. Does she have any family here?" The second medic asked. Nat spoke up. "I'm the only family she has. Would I be able to ride in the ambulance with her?" She pleaded. "That would be fine. We need to go now." Nat followed them out the door. I really wished that it was me going. I felt so hopeless and I didn't want Lexy out of my sight. The officer called me over to where he was speaking with Tanner and Connor. "I'm Luetinent Myers. I need you to describe to me what happened." I looked at the door as the others came in with worried expressions. I beckoned them over. "I don't know much. We walked in and as I did I saw a guy holding our friend against the wall by her throat. Her feet weren't touching the ground." I explained. Everyone's eyes got big. "So you think he may have been trying to choke her to death?" Luetinent Myers asked. "It's possible. I don't know who he was though. He ran out the door even after Tanner and Connor tried to hold him off." Luetinent Myers nodded as he wrote down what I said. "Would you be able to describe him? Even if you didn't get a very good look at him, just do your best." I thought for a moment recalling what had happened. "He looked to be about 5' 9". He had shoulder length black hair and dark eyes. He was wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans." "Thank you. What was the name of your friend?" "Alexis" answered Connor. Something flashed in Luetinent Myers eyes. "Do you know her last name?" He asked. We all looked at each other. We shook our heads. "We haven't known her long." I said. Catherine spoke up, "It starts with a C! I remember that. I can't remember what it is though!" She was really concentrating, trying to remember. "Do you know if it was a longer name or a shorter name?" Luetinent Myers questioned. "It was a longer one." Cat said. "Does Carmichael ring a bell?" He asked. Recognition dawned on her face. "Yes! That's it! How'd you know?" She asked. "I know who she is. I've helped her before. And I know the man you saw." He said motioning towards me and the guys. "How?" I asked. Luetinent Myers looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. "You must be new friends of hers if she hasn't told you. I won't say much as I know she would prefer to tell you herself but she was in an abusive relationship a few months ago and just 2 months ago she was nearly killed from being beaten to death. Her boyfriend was Kent Brown. I was one of the officers assisting her on the case. He recently was put on probation but after this, once he's found he'll be put away for awhile." We all were shocked to hear this. This must be why she's been so tense around us guys and what she stopped herself from speaking about last night! Luetinent Myers dismissed us and took care of the situation. We went to the Arby's across the street. Tanner explained what had happened. I didn't say much. I was really worried about Lexy and I wanted to get up and go to the hospital. "Earth to Woods!" Pat was waving his hand in front of my face. I jumped and looked at him. "Sorry. What did you say?" I asked. A couple of them had sympathetic smiles. "I said, go to the hospital already! We can see how much it's killing you just sitting here!" Pat said. I was a little shocked. Was it that obvious? "Are you guys sure?" I asked. "Positive!" Paul said. I stood up and hurried to my car. As I drove to the hospital my head was swimming with questions. My main concern was seeing if Lexy was alright. When I got to the emergency room I hurried inside. I went up to the counter. "I'm looking for exits Carmichael." I said a little breathlessly. The nurse looked up at me and then pulled up something on her screen. "The doctors are currently checking her to see if there's any serious damage. You'll have to wait for a little while. Someone else is in the waiting room for her." I thanked her and headed into the waiting room looking for Nat. She was in a corner crying. "Hey." I said quietly as I sat down next to her. "Have they told you anything?" I asked. She looked up from her lap. "Not yet. Woods I'm so worried for her!" I nodded. "Me too." "Oh if only he'd have stayed in prison!" She stopped when she realized what she said. "Oh gosh! Woods I-" "It's okay Nat. I know. Or, at least a little but. Luetinent Myers explained a little bit but not much. He said she would prefer to explain it herself." I explained to her, trying to calm her down a little. She let go of the breath she had been holding in. "Sounds like Luetinent Myers all right! He's one of the most caring officers Jve ever met." She said with a small smile. A doctor walked into the room "I'm looking for a Natalie Pearson." We both looked up. "That's me!" She said standing up. The doctor walked over to us. "How is she?" She asked, wringing her hands. "We can't say for sure. She has some serious bruising on her neck. It doesn't look like anything else is damaged but we're going to keep her here for a day or so to keep an eye on her." We both sighed in relief. "Could we go see her?" I asked. The doctor looked at me kindly, "She's asleep right now but I don't see the harm in that. If she wakes up while you're there, please let me know." We nodded and followed her to Lexy's room. When we stepped in I saw that she had an IV and an oxygen tube. Nat went to her side and grabbed her hand. I sat in the chair on the other side of Lexy. I pulled out my phone and quickly updated everyone on her condition. They are all relieved. I put down my phone and sat in silence, waiting with Nat for her to wake up.

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