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Hey guys, I'm soooooo sorry about not posting. Life has been pretty hectic for me lately so I haven't been able to work on the story. I plan on finishing the story in the next couple of chapters. Thank you for your patience! 🙃    -BeautifulTrust💎

Lexy was released from the hospital the next morning but was on strict bed rest. Before she and Nat went home she visited Jen. She wasn't awake yet and didn't look very good. Nat had told her that her family was coming in later today to be with her. When they got home Lexy went to her room and closed the door. She laid on her bed and turned on her tv. Since she had nothing else to do she decided to binj watch Pirates of the Caribbean. When she had finished the third movie she decided to get up and see what dinner was. When she walked into the kitchen Natalie was dishing up chicken alfredo. "That looks and smell really good!" Lexy said. Nat turned around with a smile, "Thanks Lex! I was just about to go get you. How are you feeling?" "I'm fine. I just finished At World's End and was getting hungry so I came to see what dinner was." I grabbed my bowl and went back to my room after thanking Nat for dinner. I saw that Amanda had texted me asking how I was doing.

A: Hey girl, how are you doing? Are you doing okay?

L: Yeah, I'm okay. I just got a big bowl of alfredo so I'm happy 😜

A: That's good to hear! Is it okay if Luna and I stop by tomorrow? She's been asking about you.
L: Yeah of course!!! I'd love to see her!
A: Great! Would 10ish be okay?
L: That would be perfect!
A: Okay!! We'll see you tomorrow then!
L: See you tomorrow! Please give Luna a big hug for me 😁
A: I defi
I decided to get on Instagram and went through the new posts and stories. I couldn't help but start scrolling through all of Woods' posts. Am I being a stalker right now? Yeah probably but what can I say? After I finished my alfredo I started feeling drowsy. I got into some pajamas, washed my face, and turned off the light. As I lay in bed my thoughts once again were of my new job and Hi 5. Mainly Woods. How am I going to do? What will it be like working with him? Am I always going to feel nervous? I eventually turned on some calming music and fell asleep.

The next morning:

I woke up refreshed and ready for the day. It was only 8 so I had a couple of hours until Amanda and Luna arrived. I got up and got my clothes ready for a shower. I went to the kitchen to get a drink and noticed that Nat had already left for work and had left me a note.

Morning beautiful! I was called in early to work this morning so I wasn't able to help you with breakfast. There is some extra pancake batter in the fridge and I cut up some strawberries so you can put those on too. There's also water in the kettle so you can make hot chocolate or tea if you'd like. Enjoy your day!


I smiled at the note. She's such an awesome friend and roommate that's for sure! I went to my room and texted Nat thanking her for the note before getting in the shower so I could make my breakfast.

I made my pancakes and hot chocolate and then sat on the couch to watch some tv

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I made my pancakes and hot chocolate and then sat on the couch to watch some tv. I hadn't been paying attention to the time and saw that it was 9:45. I jumped up and quickly cleaned up my mess in the kitchen from breakfast before Amanda got here. I heard a knock on the door. I went and answered the door. "Hey Amamda!" I gave her a hug and helped Luna in the door. "Hey Lex, how are you?" I smiled. "I'm doing good! I don't feel like crap anymore." Amanda chuckled, "Well that's good! I'm glad to hear that!" I picked Luna up and gave her a hug. "And how are you Luna? Mommy said you were wanting to come visit me." She giggled and gave me another hug. We went to the living room and sat down on the couch. Luna started playing with her toys in my lap. Amanda and I talked for an hour and a half before they had to leave since Luna had a doctor's appointment. I gave them both big hugs and thanked Amanda for coming over. It was an enjoyable morning and I was grateful that they had come over. I decided to go for a walk around the block to get some fresh air and to get out of the house. Today was really off to a great start!

Can I Trust Again? A Woodland Demars FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now