So um yeah?

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Hey y'all, it's been sometime hasn't it? Heh. I've been busy, I moved, and some other life things have gone on.

Anywho, so I've been thinking. My parings for alot of the characters have changed, especially for Kakashi, Sai, Anko, Tsunade, Ino, and Neji. So I'm thinking of revamping (?) this story.

If I do so then some of the parings will change.

Mostly TsunadeXKakashi and AnkoXSai will change.

I want y'alls opinions first though. I want to know what y'all want for this story. So please tell me.

Also, with NejiXIno, I might keep this paring but I might change it as well. I've come to really love three parings with Ino.

Those parings being InoXChoji, InoXGaara, and of course good old InoXSai.

Let me know if you'd like me to continue on with InoXNeji or switch over to one of these three parings, and if you want me to switch then let me know which paring you'd prefer me to switch to. I love all three of them equally so which ever y'all want more Ill do.

Thank you, and I love y'all!

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