A visit to HyunA's house

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"Guys... I need to see my father first so we're stopping by at his house on the way to the mall. Okay?" everyone agreed with HyunA. The car ride lasted hours because you've all been driving around randomly for hours. Luckily the car that Hui apparently stole has a satellite navigation system but the voice on it is kinda annoying. 

An hour into the car ride HyunA filled up on gas at one of those little gas station things with a little shop next to it which was your chance to get food. You, Hui and E'dawn went into the shop while HyunA got the gas for the car. "Okay guys just get whatever you want, we have way too much money anyway" Hui told you and E'dawn. You remember that before you left HyunA asked you to get her a bottle of cola, salt & vinegar Pringles and an energy bar. You just wanted a bottle of f/j (favourite drink), a pack of chewing gum and Cheetos. Hui payed for everything as he said and the shop-worker put the stuff into bags. Once you got back to HyunA you handed her the stuff that she asked for and she was about to drive until Hui stopped her "Wait, I'll go get travel sickness tablets for E'dawn since he keeps complaining about feeling sick" Hui ran back into the shop and came back with the tablets and a bottle of water for E'dawn "Thank you, Hui" "No problem bro, I got your back" and yet E'dawn doesn't fully trust them... But you do.

'E'dawn' AKA HyoJong started to talk a bit more to Hui, he still didn't talk to HyunA but this was an improvement. HyunA was focused on the road as she was one of those drivers that doesn't talk while driving which is understandable. In the car you played would you rather with Hui and E'dawn and bonded quite a lot with them while playing it.  It was Hui's turn to ask a question "Okay okay okay, would you rather eat a snail or eat a slug?" ew, that's gross "Snails are too cute to eat but slug is way too gross so a snail" E'dawn happened to disagree though "But slugs don't have shells so they'd be like gummy's" Hui started to laugh as it seemed to remind him of something "Funny thing is that there was an isle in the shop dedicated to Harry Potter foods and there were Jelly slugs so I bought them, I was originally going to prank HyunA with them since she hates slugs but now that you mention it I wanted to tell you" HyunA realised what he said and then got sort of offended.

How did you go from burying a hatchet in fear to meeting your 3 new best friends?... You can't wrap your head around that one but what you do know is that killing your brother may have actually been the worst decision of your life but the best one at the same time. Come to think of it, as sad as it sounds you haven't even thought of him this whole trip.

"We're 5 minutes away from my fathers house!" HyunA squealed in excitement, happy to inform you all. E'dawn smiled a tiny bit but you were the only one to respond to her "That's great! Right Hui?... Hui? What are you doing?" there was a long awkward silence until E'dawn yelled as loud as he could which was unexpected and made HyunA almost crash the car. Hui shot up from his seat fast and jumped out of his skin, banging his head on the top of the car in the process "Wha- who- why? Are the police here?!" E'dawn shook his head "I just felt like shouting"  Hui rubbed his eyes and did a little yawn. "I was asleep you know?" ohhhhhhhh. He was so quiet that you never would've guessed because last night when he was sleeping he was snoring and dribbling but today he was absolutely silent and he looked like he was just resting his eyes. Well at least- "Well at least he doesn't look like a troll this time" Seems like HyunA read your mind. E'dawn laughed a little bit, seems like he's getting less cold towards the group.

Hui then looked towards HyunA then you "Well at least I don't talk in my sleep, Y/N. You should've seen yourself, you were looking like you were panicking or trying to get away from something until E'dawn woke up"... Really? Well that's sort of embarrassing. HyunA made some sort of whistling noise "Y/N and E'dawn sitting in a tree K-" you then kicked the back of her seat with full force "Shut up HyunA." Hui and E'dawn laughed a bit and HyunA immediately went quiet, hopefully she isn't mad but it IS her fault that that happened.

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