Chapter 2

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A/N: Soooo, hehe, uhm,,, it's been over a year... oops? I actually didn't plan on continuing this, it was just another one of the made up scenarios in my head, fangirl meeting the Doctor, and I decided to turn it into a fanfic.
But, as you can see, I'm not very good at writing so I just left it at that.

But then I couple of days ago, I got a comment from SHSLDorito asking me to continue it. So here I am! Tadaaa!
If for nothing else, then I'm continuing it for you, kind stranger.

Anyway, to the chapter:

You stood there, completely frozen. The Tardis???

Then you shook your head and smiled to yourself, as you slowly started walking again.
‘You idiot’ you thought to yourself and rolled your eyes.
Of course it wasn’t the Tardis, it was probably just a Doctor Who fan somewhere
near playing the sound. Everyone could find it on youtube. Maybe you’d meet the
person, would be fun, you could talk about Doctor Who.
But you hadn’t walked long before you saw something that made you stop dead in your tracks.

What the-

This person was really taking being a fan to a higher level.

You stared at it.
The big blue phone box.

They, whoever they were, had made a replica of the Tardis.
You stared in awe.
That was the most awesome thing you’d ever seen!
Maybe the person who made it was over there!
You wanted to meet them, or at least take a closer look at the Tardis, they probably wouldn’t mind.

You half ran over to the blue box, standing between the trees.
Maybe the person were making a fan video! Like, The Hillywood Show.
You reached the Tardis. The detail they had put into this tho. It was amazing! They looked completely alike.

“Hey!” you said, “who’s made this? It’s awesome!”

No answer.

Who would let a masterpiece like this stay unsupervised?

You walked around the replica, smiling in awe. Carefully you reached out and softly traced the wood with your fingertips. You got to the door. You looked around, no one there. You should probably leave again. Obviously a lot of time had been put into this
thing. A hardcore fan no doubt. Whoever they were, probably wouldn’t like to see
some stranger like you walking around and touching their work.

But then again, no one was there. And, a short look inside wouldn't hurt,,, right? Just a quick look, just for fun.
Of course the inside would probably just be a brown wooden box. But,, again, just for fun.
Wouldn’t hurt anyone. You felt your heart beginning to beat faster, and your palms started to sweat.
What if the person came back all of the sudden? And got mad?
‘It’s now or never’ you told yourself, and grabbed the handle.
‘It’s probably locked anyway’, and then you pulled the door.
To your surprise it swinged open, and with small smile you stepped forward to take a look.

You let out a gasp and slammed your hand over your mouth in utter shock. You stumbled backwards. You started feeling a little dizzy and had to grab the door frame for support.

You knew what you were hoping to see, but you definitely didn’t expect it. But there it was.
A big room, a big brownish room with a big controlpanel in the middle.

It was bigger on the inside!


A/N: So, there it is. Chapter two. Sorry it was super short, but I just wanted to get the story started and a new chapter out there. I'll update asap
(Not another year no 😅)

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