To you

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Don't let this smile fool you.
I've seen things you'll never see,
And I've been places you'll never be.
This smile doesn't necessarily mean that I'm happy,
I just can't be
Who you want me to be.
I can't see what you want me to see.
My mind will never be able to comprehend;
What the world perceives as normal as if everything comes to an end;
A stopping point;
A place that is impermeable.
My mind does not accept border lines;
It passes through universes and never sees time.
So go on!
Keep putting limits on your life.
But when you are viewed, you won't be the light.
You won't stand out as the unique being you are.
You won't know what it is to be apart;
From the world,
From the lies that everyone conforms to;
Hidden from the light that could be you.
The light that only God can give you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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