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Reili's P.O.V.

I continue to lift up, and stop at the exit. A guy grabs my chain and pulls me closer. I'm pulled through the gold threshold and slowly unbuckled. I'm laid on a yellow and white gurney and carted out into the parking lot. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nash talking to a police man.

My gurney is lifted into the ambulance slowly. I turn my head and am about to fall asleep when someone jumps into the ambulance. I turn my head and Emmett sits down next to me.

"A little birdy told me that you wanted me to ride with you" I start to blush but before I can turn away, Emmet winks at me.

The Ambulance door shuts and I can feel the rattle of the engine. Once we start to move the rattling evens off and slowly becomes fainter. I start to feel my eyes droop and it just goes black.


I wake up to a blinding white light. My eyesight is crappy but it's starting to clear up. I look over and Nash, Cam, Britt, JayJay, Hayes, and Taylor are ask asleep next to me.

"Miss Cate?" a lady in her mid thirties asks. She's tall and skinny.

"That's me" I try To sound happy but my voice is laced with tiredness. Trying to look happy I give her a sheepish smile.

"Ok, let's get started" she says slapping her knees and sitting down. "I'm Dr.Robyns, and I'm afraid I have some bad news" my heart dropped, it felt like I couldn't breathe.

"You have a case of temporary paralysis, you see, when the elevator jerked, you braced yourself, and in that moment when it jerked to a stop, your spine had seized and was only merely damaged." okay, so she said temporary, right?

"So, we will go in and set the bone back into place and repair any damaged nerves or tendons. This will happen at 10 30 tomorrow, Are we clear?" she says going over my papers.

"Yes" I manage to choke out.

"Almost forgot," she says standing up, "you'll need therapy, full recovery time should be about at most five months, and as soon as two, you can walk on you're own at one month" I slowly nod and she walks out.

I look down at my legs, and see a hand on my thigh and automatically and recognize it, It's Taylor's hand. I grab his hand and wrap it in mine.

JayJay's P.O.V.

Ri didn't know it but I've been awake this whole time. She starts to kiss Taylor's hand and I start to rub her back. She nearly screams.

"Jesus Jaden" she says breathily, I give her a death glare, "JayJay gosh." we both end up laughing about how much I HATE my name.

"How you doing Ri?" I ask sincerely.

"It's just a lot to take in" she says poking her thigh.  At first it was gentle but, her pokes were getting more violent each time. Finally, she lifted both hands and ended up balling them into fists, and smacking her legs.

I grabbed her wrists and looked her in the eyes, tears rolled down both of our faces. I pull her into a hug and she returns an equally bone crushing one. I let go and pull out my phone. I go under my applications, and start up let it goat, and hand her my phone.

"Thank the gods!" she whisper screams, I clear my throat, "Thank the Jaden!" she gives me a defying look.

"Challenge excepted young padawa!" I stare her down.


I know it's short but in gonna update again on Saturday and maybe three times this week, yay!!!

If your not her go check out the book "notice me" by "rooroo8062". Love you Ri!!!

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