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JayJay's P.O.V.

"Ryles" I say giving her a crude smile.

"June" she smirks. No one, I mean NO ONE, knows my middle name.

"Why, you know I hate my middle name" I say whining loudly.

"It's pretty" Nash says smiling. Of course a guy would think so.

"No it's not" I say sternly causing a light chuckle to escape from Nash.

"Elaborate please?" he half questions.

"First of all it's a month, over done, and flowers" I say getting off topic. "And does June actually fit me?" I say pointing at him.

"well....I can't say it does because then, and only then, would I be a liar" I throw my hands up and mouth, thank you.

"Hey, Do I get a say?" Hayes says yawning loudly.

"Nope, your opinion don't count" I say waving my finger in his face and 'tsking'.

"And why is that?" Reili says with all the sass she could possibly muster.

" hmmm, well, we didn't have a label yet butttt....." I murmur while playing with my fingers.

"NO FREAKING WAY!!!! JAYJAY'S GOT HER FIRST BOYFRIEND!!!" She screams this as loud as possible. I clasp my hand over her mouth.

"You didn't have to announce my personal life to the world" I say. She starts to gesture to her chest and the rising and falling of her chest increase rapidly. I unclamp my hand from her mouth.

"You didn't have to try killing me for announcing one tincy wincy detail" she uses her fingers to act out just how small the detail was. I only nod my head in disapproval.

"Hold it, Have you even had your first kiss?" Nash asks anticipating my answer. I bow my head in embarrassment. Wait, what's to be embarrassed about?

"What, Just because I'm not some slut who kisses every boy in sight I'm no longer cool? News flash Nash, have you ever even truly meant it when you've kissed a girl?"

Nash's P.O.V. (let's explore the magical mind of Nash Grier)

Her sudden outburst stuns me, she usually loud and spontaneous, speaks her mind but, I just made another side show.

"I didn't mean it like that" I say trying to figure out what I'll say next.

"Well You still haven't answered my question, your seventeen okay, almost eighteen, how many girls can you have possibly kissed and actually have cared about, oh wait people these days don't fall in love, we all pretend!!!" a few years roll down her left cheek. I feel bad, she's an extremely nice girl if you get to know her, definitely got sass but, who doesn't?

"What? You don't believe in love?" Hayes asks looking like he's been stabbed in the heart.

"Not right now, I haven't experienced being in love, All these people claim they will love each other through rich and poor, bad and good, through sickness and in health. When have you recently seen a successful marriage between to people that are 'in love." She uses air quotes and looked me in the eyes throughout her whole speech like statement.

"I haven't, but that doesn't mean people can't change" Hayes and What was her name? Jaden have been arguing like an old couple.

"JayJay, go get some rest, go back to the hotel" Reili directs Jaden. Jaden eagerly nods and wipes the tears off her face, she's a mess.

"I'll drive her" I blurt out. Hayes stares me down. I pull out my phone and text Hayes.

*I'll talk it over with her* I send it to Hayes.  Right as I start to walk out the door Hayes stops me.

"No, I'll talk to her later" he states firmly.

JayJay's P.O.V.

We start walking down the bustling hallways off the hospital and finally make it out the front door. I make my way to Nash's hummer and get in. The car ride is silent and awkward after our little confrontation.

We stop and I'm start to run to the hotel room, no I'm NOT, running away from my problems, I'm taking a two hour break from them, okay?

I make it to my room, and change out of my dress from yesterday and hop in the cold shower, usually I like them as hot as I can handle but, this feels good.  I get out and put my hair in bouncy loose curls, braiding the fronts and forming a crown. Next I go for a daring winged liner with thick but, nice looking mascara and plum lipstick. I walk out of the bathroom and pull out my the lion king burn out tee, black skinnys, and white and black palm tree converse. I slip fifty bucks into my back pocket and escape into the streets of Miami.


Tell me who you ship and, you know I'm close friends with the writer so I can make that happen.

Consulting writer....

I said I'll make a ship happen.

Btw I only updated. Like not even 20 minutes later than I said I would.

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