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JayJay's P.O.V.

I wake to the robot like talk of doctors. (No offense I actually want to be a cardio thoracic surgeon ) I sit up and rub my eyes, tuning into the conversation.

"Ms.Cate are we clear on your operation?" The doctor asks. I search her coat to find her name is Dr.Robyn (Grey's anatomy lovers, ik she's in peds and studying for some gyno stuff or whatever but screw it)

"Yes, thank you Dr.Robyn's" Reili says nervously. The doctor dismisses herself and gathers her things leaving the room.

"So, the surgery should only be at most with complications four hours" Reili says to me. I nod, Taylor was still sleeping so I decided to wake him up.

"Ri, record this" she nods and pulls out her phone. She gives me a thumbs up and I start my work.

I run and jump on Taylor and start beating the shit out of him. "What the fuck!!!" he yells. I fall backwards onto the ground clutching my stomach with laughter. He starts laughing and so does Reili.

"Hi, you two will need to go, I'll be prepping Ms.Cate here for her surgery" a young male says paying his attention only on his phone.

"Okay? Bye Ryles" I say hugging her. Taylor kisses her and we exit the room.

"Were do you wanna eat?" Taylor says putting his arm around my shoulders and looking down at me.

"What time is it, it depends on the time" I say rambling on like the rambler i am. He pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"Nine thirty so breakfast?" He asks.

"Yes breakfast, and I already told you, you had a limit on questions last night" I say breathily.

"So then I'll choose were we're eating" he says talking his chin with his free hand. "I like Sharis" (Roo )

"Fine that'll do" I say walking out of the hospital. The moment we're out i start leaping around the parking lot belting out the lyrics to let it go.

"LET IT GOOOOO, LET IT GOOOO, CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!!!!" I jump onto Taylor's back, yank off his black bandana and slip it onto my head.

"You better give that back" he says letting me down at the car.

"Wait, you think I'm giving it back?" I laugh while crossing my arms over my chest while getting in.

"Actually you will be" he says starting the car and looking in the rear view mirror.

"We'll see about that" I mutter looking out the window. When the bandana itself is ripped from my head.

"Wait, I guess we did see" he says in a girly voice along with a chuckle. He earned a whole hearted laugh from me.

"JayJay I need to say something" he says rubbing the back of his neck.


Hey I updated again yay!!! How my MoFo's doing? Comment how ya doing, Comment those feelings!!!


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