Chapter 2

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One evening you were at the cinema with Cisco to watch the new "Joker" movie (he was so excited to go there weeks before it even started, pretty much like a kid who can't wait for Christmas anymore when it's just November), when your phone rang. It was Dr Wells, which slightly irritated you, because actually he had planned to have a drink between two friends with Joe, and even gave you the rest of the day off. You told Cisco you'd be right back and sneaked out of the cinema hall, before you answered. "Dr Wells, what can I do for you?" "Pick me up. Now. I'm at The Back Lane." His voice was cold and harsh. Usually, he didn't talk to you like that, which irritated you even more. Wells hung up before you could say anything. Now you were worried.

By the time you arrived at the bar, Dr Wells was already waiting outside. Since the situation seemed to be harmless (well, there was no police around and no metahumans in sight, so definitely harmless for your standards), you started to wonder about his tone earlier on the phone and decided to confront him with it as you were approaching his wheelchair. "That call of yours was quite rude, you know, you could have at least..." Then you were close enough to see the expression on his face. Hurt. His eyes searched for your gaze and you could tell that he was trying to hold the tears back. "Sorry Y/N, I didn't want to snap at you." Slowly, you moved closer. "Are... are you alright? What happened in there?" He sighed. "I just had a... difficult chat with your stepfather. Can we go home, please? I don't feel like being seen in public anymore. Not in this state." A single tear made it out of the corner of his eye and ran down his cheek. You handed him a paper tissue. "Sure. Do you want to talk about it?", you asked while you helped him get in the car. He shook his head. "Maybe you should ask Joe about this." "Is he still there?" Wells just nodded. "Alright. I'll go and talk to him now, then I'll drive you home. Just wait in the car, nobody is going to see you in here." Before you could head for the entrance of the bar, he caught your wrist. "Y/N?" You turned to him. "Yes?" "Hurry please. I really dont feel too good." Feeling sorry for your boss, you tried to give him the most comforting smile you could do. "I will."

Joe was sitting in the very back of the bar, staring at the empty table in front of him. "What did you two talk about?" Surprised about the sound of your voice, he looked up. "Nice to see you too, Y/N." You let yourself fall onto the chair opposite of him and sighed. "Look, I need you to tell me what you and Wells were talking about. Like right now." He shook his head. "Why are you even here, little girl. It's way too late for you to show up at a bar like this." Sighing again, you picked up Joes drink and took a sip. "Hey, that's my drink, princess.", your stepfather protested. "Wells called me to pick him up.", you explained. "You should really stop working for him. He uses you, Y/N. You are not his slave." "You know, I actually like working for him. But that's not the point now. Can you please tell me what you were talking about? Did you ask him something about his past?" His facial expression showed pure confusion. "How would you know?" You got up from the chair again. "I've never seen him this upset, apart from one time: when I asked him about his past." He shook his head again. "I don't understand." You started to make your way towards the exit, still talking to Joe. "He told you to look up Tess Morgan, right? Do that, Joe, and then better apologize." Before you got out the door, you turned around one last time. "Oh, and I might not come home tonight. Wells is in a really bad state and I don't feel like leaving him alone like this. Good night, Joe."

It didn't take much to tell that Wells had been crying while you were away. His eyes were red and puffy, and he tried to hide his feelings from you by avoiding your looks and turning his face away. The first ten minutes of the ride nobody dared to speak, but then you decided to break the silence. "Dr Wells?" No answer followed. "Dr Wells?" He seemed to just ignore you. "Harrison!" Obviously startled by your outburst, he finally turned to face you. He was looking even worse than expected and your voice became soft and caring. "Joe told me what made you so upset. I'm sorry he went this far." Dr Wellses wife and research partner had died in a car accident and he had never gotten quite over it. "It's fine Y/N, really. No need for apologizing." You turned the headlights on. It had grown dark. "No, it's not fine. I am not blind, Dr Wells, I can see how much he hurt you." "Harrison." You looked at him, confused. "What?" "Please, stick to Harrison. I should have offered you that way earlier." A soft smile appeared on your face. "Well, Harrison. I know how much he hurt you, and that is not alright. And you are allowed to cry in front of me, I won't tell anybody." Now it was him who smiled at you. "What did I do to deserve you, Y/N?" You stopped the car in front of his house. None of you made the attempt to move. "Everything. From teaching me things I would have never known otherwise to letting me step into your life. Do you know how many students like me out there would die to have my job?" Wells took your hand in his and gently squeezed it. "There are no students like you out there, my dear. You are unique."

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