Chapter 9

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As time passed, the inevitable happened. Cisco and Joe found the real Wellses corpse in Starling City, and the team decided to finally tell you the sad truth about the man who became something like your father during the last year. With all the evidence right in front of you, you knew you could not simply keep denying Harrison's now revealed secret. He was Reverse Flash. He had killed your mother and almost done the same thing with your brother. The team had expected you to get mad, shout, scream and cry until there were no tears left, but you didn't do anything like that. Instead of freaking out and bursting into tears, you stayed quiet. Your body was in shock. There was no way of getting rid of the pain that had accumulated in your chest during the last few minutes, so you decided to keep it inside. You were afraid that if you let it out, it would break you, shatter your heart into pieces and tear your soul apart. After Cisco, who had been explaining everything to you, stopped speaking, an uncomfortable silence spread across the entire team. "Y/N, say something.", begged Caitlin, her voice filled with insecurity and worry. "Yeah girl, please show us some sort of reaction. Cry, yell at us, tell us we are all wrong, but please, do something.", agreed Cisco. "Don't give us the silent treatment.", added Barry. Finally, you moved again. The look you gave them made them shiver. It was a terrible mix of sheer rage and determination. And yet your voice was so calm. "I am not going to shout. I am not going to tell you that you are wrong. Your evidences prove what you just said, there's no point in denying it. You were right and I was wrong. Wells murdered our mother, Barry, and I didn't see it because I was blinded by this love he supposedly has for me. Now excuse me. I have to be at Wellses house before he gets home." They looked at you as if you just said that you were going to fly to the moon in a cardboard box. Joe was the first one to express his disagreement. "Are you crazy, girl? What do you want there? He is going to find out that you know and then he will kidnap or even kill you!" You just shook your head. "No Joe, he is not going to find out. I am going to tell him. And then I'll command him to kidnap me. Because that is the only way Harrison won't find out that you all know the truth as well. And it will give you enough time to figure out a way to stop him. I am the only person who can do this, because I am the only person he would never hurt. Believe me, this is not easy for me, especially not after all Harrison and I have been trough. I trusted him, Joe, with all my heart. I loved him. And yet he betrayed me. But it's the only way. Our only chance to stop him from doing all the awful things that he was going to do. Just promise me that you won't fuck up. Promise me that my sacrifice will not be for nothing. And promise me that you are not going to kill him. Nobody, not even him, deserves death." Disbelief washed over their faces. "You still love him?", Barry asked, although it was more of a statement. "I will always love him. But I also know when a person I love made a mistake. And Harrison made lots of mistakes. Take him down, Barry Allen. Prevent him from hurting even more people than he already did. Just keep in mind that, in spite of all the pain he caused you, he still is a human being."

The first thing Harrison Wells usually did, when he got home, is getting out of his wheelchair and turning some music on. He tossed his glasses onto the shelf next to the door and walked into the kitchen, ready for a glass of his beloved bourbon. You were standing at the kitchen counter, doing exactly what he just had been thinking about.

In your right hand you held the glass with the caramel coloured liquid, your left was resting on the edge of the table. Wells gasped and stumbled back in shock. "You have a great taste of liquor, Harrison. I mean, the wine we always drank when you invited me for dinner was amazing too, but this bourbon is just... breathtaking." You grinned. "Y/N, how did you... why are you here?", he stuttered, not quite knowing what to say. You kept gambling. "I wished it was for dinner, darling. But we both know that isn't the reason why I broke into your house." Wells seemed to get his things together again. "Well, you didn't exactly break into it... I was the one to give you a key, after all." You rolled your eyes. "Yes, for emergencies. Like you having troubles with your wheelchair, right?" Wells ran his fingers through his hair and let out a stressed sigh. "Y/N, look, I am so sorry for lying to you." You raised your eyebrows. "Which part of your lies exactly, Eobard Thawne, murderer of my mother and obviously also the true Dr Wells?" He sighed in desperation. "All of it. How did you find out?" Shit you hadn't thought this through. "I had my ways." "Then why are you still here?", he asked. You swallowed hard before you answered. "Because I want you to kidnap me." Wells looked at you, obviously lost in confusion. "What? Why would I, Y/N, I don't understand. Shouldn't you be extremely mad and upset with me?" You snorted. "I am mad at you, believe me. But right now, I have other issues. Please, just do it. Kidnap me. Keep me here, so I can't tell the others what I know. Its not that I'd do it intentionally, but... Cisco is already suspicious and Joe too. I don't want them to get involved in this, Harrison."

Wellses gaze met yours and in that moment you realized something inside him had just been broken. A sob came over his lips, along with another heartbreakingly grief-struck sound, from deeper down. Eyes filled with tears, his body started to shake and soon collapsed onto the kitchen floor, leaning against the cold wall. His arms hugged his trembling frame, trying to give himself some sort of comfort but failing terribly. That caught you by surprise. You had never seen him like this before and clearly didn't expect him to react in this way to what you had just said. "Harrison" Slowly, you reached out for him, placing your hand on one of his upper arms, drawing small circles on it to calm him down. Another wave of sobs hit the man and made it impossible for him to say something. Despite all he had done to you and your brother, you suddenly felt deeply sorry for the grief you had caused him and finally decided to pull him into a hug. One of your hands rubbed over his back while the other gently ran through his hair, pressing his face against the crook of your neck. "Harrison, what is going on? What did I say to upset you so much?", you asked gingerly. His hands clung to your shirt desperately, pulling you even closer. "I... I am so sorry." His voice cracked. Between the violent sobs, it was almost impossible for you to understand what he was saying. "I am so so-sorry for d-doing this to you and B-Barry. All I wan-anted was to get back to m-my time, to my world, and for that I need the Flashes sp-speed. I never wanted to kill your mother. I never wanted to h-hurt you, Y/N. I love you, damn, and I did the worst things possible to you. How are you supposed to ever f-forgive me?" You pulled back, searching for his gaze. "Harrison, I...", you tried to say something, but got immediately interrupted by him. "Don't. I even made you want me to kidnap you, because you are scared of the fact that I could hurt your friends. What sort of father am I?" Gently, you started to dry his tears, leaving a trail of kisses on his forehead. "I forgive you, Harrison Wells. Eobard Thawne. Who am I talking to?" Wells gave you a smile and took your hand in his. "Mostly Wells. When I took over his body, memories and emotions came with it. God, he loved Tess with all his heart, but there is no denying that you and Wells, each Wells from every possible world, have a special connection." Now you were the confused one. "What do you mean?" He smiled again, this time wider. "I know the future, darling. You will meet a bunch of Wellses while time passes and each of them will find a special place in your heart. One of them a very special place. But, as much as you are going to love them, every single one in your own special way, you will never be truly happy. Just as Barry. There's something out there that keeps you two from having a carefree life, and I may have been the one who caused that in the first place, by taking your mother from you. That thought breaks my heart, Y/N." You looked at him for a long time. Then you got back on your feet, reaching your hand out for him to help him up. "I forgive you, Harrison. I will always forgive you. Now, let's go get some more of your bourbon and maybe watch a movie together. I could really use some sort of distraction right now." Giving you the most beautiful smile, Harrison got up and sneaked an arm around your waist, leading you back to the kitchen counter.

Later that evening you fell asleep next to each other on the couch, you cuddled against his chest and Harrison with his chin resting on top of your head, engulfing your body with both arms. Barry, who came on Joe's wish to make sure that you were safe, secretly sneaked a peek through the window and saw the two of you like this. "I can't believe you killed our mother. Look at you, desperately in love with my little sister. I bet you regret it."

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