Chapter 10

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The next morning, after Harrison had left the house, you decided to call Barry. He seemed to be quite surprised about it. "Shouldn't you be, like... you know, kidnapped? Cut off from the outside world?" You told him about Wellses breakdown and how he had simply refused to take you as his prisoner. Instead, he had told you to just stay at his house and tell your family that you went to Starling City to visit Felicity and Oliver. "Is that how you ended up cuddling on the couch?", your brother asked. "You checked on me? Aw, that is really sweet, but Harrison is not going to hurt me, Barry, I promise. He truly loves me." He sighed. "I know, I learned that yesterday. But Y/N... what about you? Do you really love him back? The man who killed our mother and destroyed our lives?" You wished the answer had been no. "If we could only choose who we love... life would be so much easier."

After that, Wells somehow found out that you were in contact with the team and built a magnetic field around his house, which disturbed your phone and made sure that you didn't make or receive any further calls. Since you didn't try to call Barry anyways and you also got no calls back from him, you thought that everything was fine and had no clue about Dr Wells kidnapping Eddie in the meantime. Until that day when you discovered the bunker.

You were walking around the house looking for Harrison to tell him to get something to eat, since he had been working for the last two days. When you arrived in the hallway, the door to the basement was open and you started to walk down, assuming that Wells must have been there too. "Harrison, where are you? I made dinner... you didn't eat for two days now, you can't go on like this forever." There was another door, behind the wardrobe in the basement. You had never seen this one before. "What the..?" Slowly, you walked through it and were suddenly looking down into a secret bunker under the house. "Harrison, are you down there?" You started to climb down the ladder when the doctor showed up, right below you. "No, Y/N, honey, don't come down here, please... I don't want you to" But was already too late. "Eddie?", you asked. A mixture of surprise and relief appeared on the detectives face. "Y/N!" Eyes wide open, you tried to understand what was going on. Your sister's boyfriend was tied to a chair. In a secret bunker. Under Harrison's house. Harrison. Your gaze met his, harsh and cold. "You... you lied to me. You promised me that you wouldn't involve my friends. And now you kidnapped Eddie." Your hands were shaking, voice filled with anger and disbelieve. Harrison tried to calm you down, taking a step in your direction. You took one backwards. "Y/N, please, let me explain" But you were way too angry and upset to actually listen to him. "No! You betrayed me. You truly are a bastard, Harrison Wells. A bloody liar!" A sad smile appeared on his lips. "Well, you haven't been completely honest with me either, honey. Your friends do know who I really am." He tried to reach out for you, but you slapped his hand away. "Don't honey me EVER AGAIN. Eddie and I are leaving now. Goodbye, Eobard Thawne." You tried to untie Eddie, but Harrison wouldn't let you. He caught both of your wrists. "I'm really sorry, HONEY, but I might not be able to let you do that. After all, you two are my prisoners. You are the key to my freedom."

And with that he tied you up, just like Eddie. You could see in his eyes that he didn't enjoy torturing you, in fact, it hurt him, but in his opinion, there was no other way to shut you up. He knew that, as soon as you would get out of here, you were going to tell the others about his plans and where Eddie was, and he couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let you destroy his only chance to get back to the future, even if he loved you. Harrison brought you to his room and tied you to the bed instead of a hard chair in the cold bunker. He fed you. He gave you water. He stroked your hair, dried your tears, kissed your forehead and told you that everything was going to be alright. He made sure that the knots around your wrists were not too tight, so that it wouldn't hurt. He slept next to you at night and kept you warm. And he told you about a thousand times how sorry he was for all this.

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