Chapter 7

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It hadn't been the last time you had to deal with Rathaway. He was a monster, this man who once had been Harrisons closest co-worker. Aware of how delicate the matter was to him, he offered Cisco to tell him where he could find Ronnie, Caitlin's fiancé, who apparently had not died when the particle accelerator exploded, as everyone believed. In return, Hartley wanted to be released. Cisco accepted the deal. Now, two days later, you, Wells and Caitlin were waiting for Ronnie, who was no longer just Ronnie, in front of Martin Stein's house. According to your presumption, Caitlin's fiancé merged into a fusion with the nominated physicist.

"Hey, queen of chess, fries?", Harrison's voice made you jump. "Hm, what? Sorry, I must have fallen asleep." Wells chuckled in the front seat of the van you were sitting in. "You should have gone to bed instead of coming with us, Y/N." You yawned. "I'm sorry, doctor. Blame it on Cisco. He kept me up all night because he needed some help with his tech. Again." "Hey, I'm not mad at you. Here, have some coke and something to eat, that will wake you up." He handed you the rest of the food that you picked up from Big Belly Burger before you drove to Stein's villa. It got quiet for a while, then Caitlin came up with a question that was going through your mind as well. "Why would he come back here? Stein, I mean." Harrison took a bite of his burger. "Because this is his home. I don't mean the actual house, I mean Clarissa, his wife. She's his home. We all wanna go home at some point. Where we feel safe. Where we feel loved." He looked to the floor and then up to Caitlin. "Ronnie is your home." "Not anymore." His gaze wandered out of the window, then back to her. "Do you remember what I told you at your first day at S.T.A.R. Labs?" Caitlin shrugged, not quite getting his point. "A scientist's work is never finished." He nodded. "My work did this to Ronnie, did this to Martin Stein. But it's not finished, and it wont be until we bring them both home. I want you to have a home again, Caitlin." Caitlin seemed to be moved. "Who is your home, Dr Wells? You are alone as well, since that day of the accident. It is not fair that you want me to be happy when there is no option to ever give you the feeling of home back." What he said next gave you goose bumps. "Caitlin, I just found that feeling again. The person who causes it sits right behind us. Y/N may not be a loving wife who waits for you at home after a long day, but, to me, she's something just as important as that." He turned around, facing you. "I might not have told you that yet Y/N, but you show me in many ways what it's like to have a daughter. What it's like to have family. Someone who cares about you, even if you act like a lonely grump." You felt tears welling up in your eyes. "Aww, Harrison." You climbed out of the van, tore open the front door and pulled him in a bone-crushing hug. His forehead rested on your shoulder. "I love you, dad." "Don't do that. Don't call me dad." You pulled away, grinning at him, but Harrison went in for another, even longer hug. "I love you too, Y/N. Very, very much." In awe, Caitlin took a picture of you in one another's arms, your face buried in Harrison's chest. Then Ronnie showed up and interrupted your intimate family moment.

When Barry and Cisco first became suspicious about Wellses behaviour, you refused to believe them and got pretty angry at them for even having these ridiculous ideas. In your eyes, it was impossible that Harrison had something to do with your mother's death, and he was definitely not hiding anything from you. But then you witnessed something that completely changed your mind.

"You're incredibly clever, Cisco. I've always said so." You were passing by Ciscos lab as you heard Harrison's voice and stopped in front of the not properly closed door. "You're him. The Reverse Flash.", Cisco said. "What the..?" You tried to sneak a peek into the room without being noticed. What you saw there was clearly impossible. Were you dreaming? If yes, it was without any doubt a nightmare. Harrison was standing, STANDING in front of Cisco, with his hand raised, ready to phase it through his opponent's chest. "You and I have never been properly introduced. I am Eobard Thawne.", Wells continued. A shiver ran down your spine as you realized that it all felt too real to be a nightmare. "Thawne. Like Eddie?", Cisco asked, taking a step backwards. The doctor chuckled. "Let's call him a distant relative." "But the night we caught the Reversed Flash... you almost died." He seemed just as confused as you had been only a few moments ago. But now you knew that it was time to interfere. "And I tried to save you from yourself. How stupid was I? How blind have I been? I was so close to you, and yet I didn't see what was obvious." Tears started to stream down your cheeks. "You betrayed all of us. But mostly, you betrayed me. I trusted you, with all my heart, and you betrayed me." He took a step in your direction and tried to dry your face. As soon as his fingers touched your skin, you stumbled backwards. "Joe was right. You were there, fifteen years ago, in Barry's house. You killed Nora Allen.", Cisco's voice cracked as he pulled you away from Harrison. He seemed to be just as broken as you were. "It was never my intention to kill Nora. I was there to kill Barry.", Harrison continued to explain. He made another attempt to wipe the tears from your face, but you slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me. Don't you dare touching me ever again. I'm done with you!" "Y/N please, there's an explanation to all of this.." Now Wells was begging. "Then tell us. Tell us why you wanted to kill my brother but ended up helping him in the end!" "Because I have been stuck in this place for fifteen long years. And the Flash and the Flashes speed is the key to my returning to my world. To my time. And no one is going to prevent that from happening!" His hand started vibrating as he moved it towards Cisco, who was still standing next to you. Not being able to move anymore, you watched the scene in shock. "Do you know how hard it has been to keep all of this from you, especially from you two? Because the truth is, I've grown quite fond of you. And in many ways, you have shown me what it's like to have a son, Cisco, just as Y/N showed me what it's like to have a daughter." His gaze met Cisco's, time froze. Then Wells shoved his hand through his chest and stopped his heart. "Forgive me."

That scream that came over your lips was not human. It sounded like an animal being tortured to death in the slowest and most painful way there was. Crying violently, you fell on your knees. "What have you done, you bastard? He was your friend! He was my friend!" Wells expression softened. A third time he tried to make his way over to you, this time you didn't stop him. You were too busy with sobbing and trying to stop your trembling body from shaking. "Y/N, darling, I am dearly sorry you had to see this, but there was no other way." He took you in his arms, carefully, and started petting your hair. "I am sorry, little one, I am so sorry." You tried to get yourself together, pulling away from his embrace. "Let go of me. I don't want your comfort. You betrayed me, you broke my trust on the highest level possible. What are you going to do now? Kill me too, because I know who you are?" Wells didn't let go of you. Instead, he pulled you even closer, pressing you into his chest. "I could never kill you. As many things I faked as Harrison Wells, such as being in a wheelchair, I didn't fake my love for you. I would even change my plans and wait another long fifteen years rather than killing you. But I won't have to. Because you are coming with me, where you can't tell anyone about my true identity."

In that moment you knew he was going to kidnap you, lock you away from everybody else. Because you belonged to him, you were his possession and he was not going to let anyone near you. At least until Barry messed up the timeline and changed everything...

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