Chapter 8

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This last conversation between Harrison and Cisco never happened. He never explained to you who he really was, and Cisco never died. Instead, Dr Wells told him that it was not his fault that the Reverse Flash escaped and tried to cheer him up. And it was that conversation you witnessed, not the one where your heart was torn apart in a billion pieces. This one let your heart melt.

Immediately after Cisco had left, you sneaked into the room and kissed Wells on the cheek. "Hey." "Hey" He smiled. "Everything alright?" You nodded. "Yeah. I just heard what you told Cisco." "And?", he asked. You grinned and gave him another kiss. "And I think that was very human and kind of you. Maybe you can be someone else than just the lonely grump." Wells pouted. "Just maybe?" You sighed, hugging his shoulders from behind, giving him a third kiss on the cheek. "You know how amazing you are, Harrison Wells. You just want me to say it, right?" Chuckling, he turned around to face you. "Okay, you caught me." You let go of him, making your way towards the door. Harrison stopped you before you were able to step out of the room. "Y/N? I am going to a piano concert tonight. I know Barry asked you to have movie night with him and Joe, but I don't have anyone apart from you who could take me to the concert hall... it's just a twenty minutes-drive from my house and you could leave immediately afterwards" You walked back to his wheelchair. "You know that there are lots of stairs in the concert hall and no elevator, Harrison. How exactly do you want to get from one place to the other without me?" The doctor shrugged. "I'll figure something out, I promise." Tired of his attempts to hide the obvious, you placed one hand on his shoulder. "How many cards did you exactly buy?" He ran his fingers through his hair and answered your question hesitantly. "Okay, I wanted to ask you to come with me. But that was before I found out that you were going to spent time with your family. I don't want to constantly keep you from doing that." Shaking your head, you cupped his face with both hands. "Harrison, don't. Don't do that to yourself. Don't push me away because you think you keep me from anything. I spend time with you because I care about you and you are just as much family to me as Barry and Joe are. So, when does the concert start?" The widest smile you ever saw on him appeared on his lips. "You have no idea how much I love you right now." You gave him a peck on the forehead. "Idiot."

After being kidnapped by one of your enemies, your real father was brought to S.T.A.R. Labs and you were the first one to greet him. "Dad, I haven't seen you for ages!" You practically jumped at Henry. Your dad took you in his arms and pulled you close. "I am so sorry for not visiting you lately, I was so tangled up in work." He ruffled your hair, refusing to let you go already. "Hey, it's alright, we see each other now. Besides, I couldn't be prouder for what you did during the last year, little girl. Barry told me everything." Finally, you pulled away from Henry and sent a smile towards your brother. "He hasn't been too bad himself.", you answered. Barry shook his head, walking over to his family. "Oh, shut up, you." Then he came to hold you close, both at the same time. Henry sighed in relief as he did so. "This feels so good. To have both of my kids back into my arms at the same time. I really missed this in jail. To have a family. Not to be alone." As your father spoke those words, your gaze captured Harrison's. There was a certain sadness in his eyes, as he heard the word "family" coming from Henry's lips. It broke your heart to see him realizing, that after all, you already had a family and that he was the lonely one. Slowly, you pulled back and made your way over to him. "Dad, I have to introduce you to someone. This is Dr Harrison Wells, the man who saved and trained Barry and gave me the most amazing job on this planet. A place at S.T.A.R. Labs, a place by his side." Harrison beamed at you. "A place in my heart, Y/N." His eyes sparkled as they met yours and let your heart melt. Then the doctor's attention got back to Henry. Wells offered him his outstretched hand. "Please call me Harrison. It is a pleasure to finally meet Y/N's and Barry's father." Your father snorted. "By all the good things I've heard about you, I should be the pleased one. Thank you for being a second father to my daughter when I couldn't be there for her. And thank you for supporting my son so much and keeping him safe." Wells nodded. "Even if most of the time Barry is the one keeping all of us safe. And Y/N is the one keeping an eye on me. Please don't get this wrong, but she might be right when she tells me, and she always does, that she basically is the one saving me from being a lonely grump. Y/N brought light into my lonely life and I couldn't be more grateful about that." With a wide smile on his lips, Henry looked back at you. "She has always been my little sunshine. I am glad that she found a way to share her light, her love with other people than just her family." You couldn't take it anymore. "Oh, come on you two. That practically screams for a hug!" Before one of them could reply, you pulled them into a tight embrace. "I love you very much. Both of you." "We love you too, little one.", Henry replied. "Very much.", Harrison added. In that moment, Joe stepped into the room. "Hey, what about your third dad?" Everyone in the room burst out laughing. You gave him a sign with your hand. "Come over, third, very much beloved dad. Join our family hug." Laughing hard himself now, Joe walked over to you and joined the hug, even if he made sure not to touch Wells. He still didn't trust the doctor. Then it was time for him to take Henry back to prison.

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