Chapter 5

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The next difficulty you had to face was the return of Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold, accompanied by a guy you called Heat Wave because he was obsessed with fire and owed a gun which did pretty much the opposite of Snarts cold gun – it produced heat. The two of them managed to knock Barry out and kidnap Caitlin. Now Joe and Cisco had left to rescue her, while Barry was trying to distract Snart and his partner. Not even thinking about just sitting around and being useless, you had made up your own plan to help your brother. Proudly, you walked into the Cortex with your new invention under your arm and introduced it to Harrison. "Harrison, look what I've got!" Confused, he stared first at the gun under your arm and then at you. "What the Y/N, what is this?" "This, my friend", you sneaked around him and stole the car keys from his pocket, "is the Eliminator." "The Eliminator?" You nodded. "It's basically the cold gun and Head Waves gun in one device... with a switch to turn." Harrison was obviously baffled. "Who built this?" you grinned. "I did. After I found Ciscos building plan for the cold gun and Barry stole the plan for the other gun from Heat Waves house, it was quite easy to make one out of two. Now excuse me, I have to save my brother." Harrison called after you, you were pretty sure it was something like "It's too dangerous" and "Y/N, stay here, for god's sake!", but you were already in the garage and pretended to not have heard him.

When you arrived at the location where the fight took place, Barry wasn't the only one who couldn't believe that his little sister, of all people, came to rescue him. "What is this now? Harrison Wells sent me his beloved darling-pet to fight? Are you serious?" You smiled at Leonard Snart, wickedly, and aimed your gun at him. "I am not his darling-pet, Snart. And Harrison didn't send me, I came on my own. Now shut your big mouth and show me what's behind all those words." Snart grinned back. "As you wish, princess."

Your courage almost cost you your life. Yes, you did eliminate both guns in the end, but before that you nearly got frozen by Captain Cold, had it not been for Eddie, who saved your life with one of Ciscos coldproof shields.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, after being celebrated as the heroine of the day by the police and several citizens who were standing nearby, you were pulled into a hug by Caitlin, who thanked you for helping to save her. Cisco patted your shoulder and congratulated you. "Well done, Elimina." "Is that my new nickname?" He smiled. "Definitely." Barry was next. "Without you I would be dead by now, little sister. Thank you, even if what you did was very stupid. Promise me to never do something like this again. Not on your own." You hugged him back. "I promise." Then it got silent in the Cortex. Dr Wells had entered the room. After staring at you for quite a while (I think it was sort of a silent treatment), he spoke up. "Could I get a moment or two alone with Y/N?" Barry and Caitlin immediately left, while Cisco whispered something in your ear before he followed the other two. "Now you are in trouble." As soon as the door was shut, Harrison started to yell at you. "What the hell were you thinking, Y/N? Going out there alone, no armour, just one gun, on your own, without any training. You are a physicist, goddamn, not a policewoman! He almost killed you. Do you have any idea how scared I was, when he raised that cold gun and aimed you? What if Detective Thawne wouldn't have been fast enough, hm? You'd be dead by now, and I'd have to live with it! God Y/N, I am so angry at you right now, I could kill you myself." His whole body was shaking, hands clenched in the armrests of his wheelchair. You tried to stay calm. "I know it was stupid to go there alone, but I had no other option, Harrison. We both know that Snart or Heat Wave would have killed Barry if it wasn't for me interrupting them. And there was no one left who could have accompanied me. Cisco and Joe were rescuing Caitlin, Eddie was already there and Barry too. You and I were the only two people left, and as much as you may dislike it, you are no big help in any physical fight. Sorry for scaring the shit out of you." To your surprise, Harrison opened his crossed arms, still trembling violently. A single tear was running down his cheek. "Come here. Now." You made your way over to him and let him take you into a tight embrace. One of his arms around your waist, the other hand on the back of your head, he pulled you as close as he could from the wheelchair. Gently, you rubbed his shaking back, trying to calm him down. His chin rested on the top of your head before he pulled back, kissing your forehead and then searching for your gaze. "Never ever scare me like that again. Promise me." A small smile appeared on your lips. "I promise." Harrison let go of your body, yet refusing to give up all of the physical connection by keeping your hand in his. Right in that moment someone stumbled into the Cortex. Joe. "Where is Y/N?" Oh, this time you really were in trouble.

After an extended fight about your safety with Joe, Harrison surprisingly staying on your side, Joe took you home to say goodbye to Iris, who was going to move in with Eddie. As soon as Iris had left, you, knowing about Barrys feelings, pulled him into a hug. "One day she's going to realize what a wonderful boyfriend she could have found in you." Barry smiled at you. "You truly are amazing, sister. Want to have pizza and movie night with me and Joe?" You shook your head, slowly pulling back while you apologized. "Sorry, but Harrison invited me to dinner and a party of chess afterwards." Joe raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Wells cooks?" "Hell yeah, he does. His pasta with deer and cranberries tastes like heaven." Barry snorted. "Pasta with dear and cranberries, fancy, hm? Are you sure you don't want to stick to the aromatic simplicity of pizza?" "Sorry brother, but Wells asked me first. And by the way, I finally want to beat him at chess.", You turned his offer down. "Never. That man is a god at that game, Y/N.", Barry told you. Grinning, you took your coat and made your way to the door. "I am not too bad either." With a wink you were outside.

The day after you were chasing three criminals on motorbikes. After Caitlin and Cisco failed in telling Barry the right way to go, Harrison showed up and leaded Barry exactly to where he needed to be. The Flash managed to trap the three criminals. "Check", Harrison said as Barry took their keys and put them in handcuffs. You, observing the scene from afar, bent over to Wells from behind and put a hand on his shoulder. "Mate. Well done, Dr Wells." "Well, after you defeated me yesterday, I had to show you that I can do a bit more than just move figures on a board, didn't I, my dear." Barry, who came back just in time to hear this last sentence, looked at you in awe. "You really won?" you smirked. "Told you. But...", you winked at Harrison, "I just figured out that I still have a lot to learn about this game." Wells turned around in his wheelchair to face you. "Oh, so the lady would give me the chance of a return match?" You smiled. "Is that another invitation for dinner, Harrison?" "Only if you want it to be one." You moved over to one of the chairs next to him. "Well, given the circumstances that you can actually cook and Joe and Barry mainly live of takeaways these days, I cannot really say no, can I? By the way, I absolutely love your house." He snorted. "It's nice to know why you really keep me company, Y/N." It was pretty obvious that the doctor got your joke though. He was barely able to hide a wide grin. "Oh well, why else would I spend my evenings with a lonely, unthankful grump?" A look of pain flashed over his face. That was mean. You felt the need to apologize for taking it too far. "Sorry. The truth is, I would rather spend time playing chess with you than doing anything else. So, same time as yesterday?" The doctor nodded, smiling again. "How do you feel about salmon fillet with avocado cream and champagne and raspberry possets for dessert?" Grinning, you gave him a peck on the cheek. "Harrison Wells, you truly know me. Now I'm going to be early."

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