Chapter 3

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Months passed and the team, especially Barry, got better and better at dealing with the creatures from that one night no one wanted to talk about. You defeated a man who was able to turn himself into poisonous gas, one who could turn into steel and a human bomb. But the latest case caught you off guard. Farooq, named "Blackout" by Cisco, a metahuman who was able to absorb electrical energy from energy sources and emit it afterwards as a lightning strike, blamed Harrison for the death of his friends and his own transformation. You had never seen anyone as angry as him before, and god, he let you feel this wrath. After stealing Barry's speed by taking all the energy from his system, the metahuman tried to get into S.T.A.R. Labs for revenge. He broke through your doors and chased you around the building, until he managed to trap you in the garage. Knowing that this would be your end, you already started to look for proper words to say goodbye to your dearest friends, when Harrison, who was currently sitting in his wheelchair on the other side of the hall, spoke up. "You are here for me. Let them go!" Farooq turned around and focused on the doctor, and suddenly you knew what your boss was doing. He was sacrificing himself. For you. "Harrison, no!", you protested, frightened to death. Cisco, next to you, seemed to have completely different problems than the fact that you were probably going to die soon. "He lets you call him Harrison? Not even Caitlin and I are allowed to call him that." Wellses gaze met yours. His eyes were full of fear, but also determination. "Y/N, this is my fight. I am responsible for what this man has become, and I will not allow him to hurt you for something I did. Now go, I need you to be safe. All of you." No one moved. Farooq stepped closer to Wells, who still tried to save you somehow. "You wanna punish me? Fine, let's do that. But let my team live." The meta raised his hands. "You died that night too!" After that, everything happened really fast. He sent a lightning stroke towards Harrison, who got thrown out of his wheelchair and hit the ground, hard. Farooq prepared himself for a second, deadly stroke, while you screamed Wellses name as you already saw him dead on the floor. Cisco held you back and saved your life by doing it, in the very same moment as Barry got his powers back and rescued Harrison. He placed his shaking body between you and Caitlin and then turned to face Farooq himself. The doctor clung to your shoulder in order to keep his balance, which was obviously harder than it seemed with a paralyzed body, and you turned towards him, highly concerned. "Are you okay? Did he hit you?" To stabilize him, you put an arm around his torso. Wells gave you a thankful smile. "No, Barry was faster. I'm fine." Now also Cisco turned his attention from the two fighting metahumans to the two of you. "Never scare us like this again, Dr Wells. He almost got you killed." Harrison shook his head. "I did the right thing, Cisco. Even if he would have killed me, I deserved it." Disagreeing very much, you punched him in the side. "Don't say that. Nobody deserves death. And what you did was not on purpose."

The day before Christmas, Dr Wells, the team and you, Joe and Eddie caught the Reverse Flash in a trap built by mechanical genius Cisco. Looking at the monitor of the control centre, Harrison decided to go check your catch. "Let's go and see what we caught. Barry, you stay here, as discussed. Cisco, Caitlin, you do the computer work, so stay here as well. Y/N, I don't allow you to come with us either." Offended by what he had just said, you turned to him. "What is that supposed to mean now? Why not? That guy is trapped, Harrison, and we have four policemen and two detectives with us. There is no way he could attack us." The doctor started to move his wheelchair towards the exit. "I am not going to discuss this with you. I couldn't forgive myself if you got hurt in any way down there, so would you please do me the favour and stay here, where it's safe?" "No." You walked past him, heading for the lab where you trapped Reverse Flash. "Well, she made herself clear.", grinned Cisco, blatantly impressed by you simply refusing the doctors instructions. "Dammit girl, why do you have to be so stubborn?" Cursing Wells proceeded to follow you, unaware of what was yet to come. Had it not been for your stubbornness, he would probably have died during the next ten minutes.

After some short chit chat with Wells, Reverse Flash decided that it would be appropriate to break out of his trap, grab his opponent and start beating him up. Panicking, you commanded Cisco to open the trap, but the mechanism failed. Trying to figure out what would be best to do next, you grabbed a crowbar and destroyed the control board of the entire thing, just before Reverse Flash got to his final stroke, saving Wells from death. While the enemy attacked Joe and Eddie, you ran over to the barely conscious doctor. "Harrison, are you okay?" He stared at you with a mix of admiration and astonishment. "Y/N, you saved my life." Slowly, you started to scan his body for broken bones. You did it as gentle as possible, trying not to hurt him even more. "I know, you idiot. And you didn't want me to be here in the first place." "I'm sorry, I..." He let out a pained moan when your hands reached his chest. "Some of your ribs are either battered or broken, I can't tell without an x-ray. God, I hope your legs are okay, since you dont feel anything there. He hit you pretty hard, didn't he? Does your head hurt? Man, your face is bleeding like hell..." Wells grabbed your wrist. "Y/N, stop for a second and look at me." Startled, you did what he said. He didn't quite seem to know how to express himself. "I... You just saved my life and now you act as if it was the most natural thing on earth. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to thank you, Y/N..." Your expression turned from concerned to soft. "Harrison, it is the most natural thing on earth to safe your friends lives while you can." Wells smiled shyly. "So... you consider me as your friend?" "Of course I do... now hold still and let me check the rest of your injuries."

After the situation calmed down, you and Caitlin brought him to the Medical Bay. You took an x-ray and showed it to him. "Two of your left side ribs are broken, one on the right side battered. We can't really do anything against that, just try not to move your torso too much during the next weeks, okay? I know that will be hard, especially with the wheelchair, but I'll try to help you as much as I can." Harrison beamed at you. "Thank you, Y/N, you are an angel." Then Caitlin and you got on with patching up his face.

Cisco, in the meantime, tried to find out what went wrong with the trap. "I can't figure it out. I must have made a mistake in the construction. I'm sorry." "It's not your fault, Cisco. But if you both feel like apologizing, you might start with not telling me about Ronnie still being alive.", Wells stated and took you by surprise. "Wait, what?"

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