~ Chapter - 37 ~

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Chapter-37: Attack On Selene, Separation Of Weasleys, Death Of Enemies Partly (Part-II)

"The Session is adjourned, it will start again in 20 mins break," Augusta said and everyone moved out to have refreshments but all the talks conversations were solely rounded on this topic.

As break was going on Albus approached Sirius who was sitting in a private lounge along with Marvolo, Remus, Severus who was sitting in a corner just then to pretend that he still hates Marauders and he is here as head of the house along with Malfoys, Tonks and older Blacks and Potter, as Albus came near Sirius, he can sense the fury of his magic but he kept his grandfather persona intact.

"Sirius, my boy, I want to talk to you," Albus said his eyes twinkling.

"It is Lord Black to you Chief Warlock, I have repeated number of time yet you don't seem to regard it, I think age is catching up on you that you are forgetting the little things," Sirius taunted unable to hide his fury.

"I'm sorry Lord Black but can I talk to you for a few minutes in private?" Albus asked while internally he was annoyed.

"This is private and they are my family so I see there is no need of privacy between us, now talk," Sirius said sternly.

"Lord Black I hope Selene is fine now and will be back to her fine self soon also I know what Molly, Ginerva and Ronald did is wrong but can't you give them a chance to repent, they will change for sure and everyone deserves second chance," Albus said with sweet smile and false sympathy in his eyes which boiled everyone's blood, if looks could kill Albus should have been underground in 6 ft grave by now.

"Listen here Albus, listen carefully, it is Heiress Black-Potter to you, what they did is not wrong but a sin, they tried to kill my daughter, it is not a mistake or a wrong but a sin and they will be punished for their sin and no one can stop me not even you Albus, I told you and them actually warned you to stay away from me and my family but they didn't listen and now they will bear the consequences and Albus stay out of this matter," Sirius warned him.

"Of course Lord Black I just wanted advice seeing as you were not willing to let go of the unknown grudges you hold against them," Albus said with a disappointed smile on his face and Sirius's hand shook itching to kill Albus in the spot.

"You have no saying in my family matters or professional matter Albus, so you better not interfere in it and now we will walk back inside as time for recess if finished," Sirius said walked away with his family while Albus was stood there internally seething and thinking of the audacity of Sirius.

Everyone once again settled in their seats while the audience was eager to know the reason of doing all these things to Selene by Weasleys, while Arthur along with elder four children was shocked and was disgusted by his wife and younger children.

"Court is proceeding Mr Maximus please call your first accused," Augusta said.

"Yes Madame Longbottom, I would like to call Ms Ginerva Weasley," Maximus said and One of the Auror brought Ginerva and made her sit in the accused seat and immediately chains were wrapped around her tightly.

"Ms Ginerva Weasley you are arrested for the crime in assisting your mother and brother by poisoning Heiress Potter-Black through providing them as one of the people who provided them with your blood as you hate Ms Potter-Black, how do you plead?" Maximus asked while Ginny was looking arrogant sitting in the chair for being a 12-year-old girl.

"Not guilty," Ginerva replied smirking shocking her family who looked at her in anger.

"Madame I request Wizengamont to grant me permission of questioning the accused with veritaserum.

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