~ Chapter - 41 ~

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Chapter - 41: Dead-Alive, First Date, Tri-Wizard Ball and Act - 4 (Albus Past)

After reading the Daily Prophet Selene and Draco were gaping at it while looking at the head table simultaneously in shock and surprise which made their family want to laugh harder because their children expression was mirrored by Albus and Minerva which is making difficulty for them to control, throughout the day they were bouncing on their sles in excitement and happiness along with an eagerness to know how this happened as dinner time approached they were unable to control themselves which made their friends laugh at their antics while Blaise was rather amused to see Selene this way, they had their dinner and directly moved to Regulus quarters as Albus was arriving nowadays unannounced to Severus quarters in all his glory which made all of them irritate and increased anger on him but they controlled it.

"Dad, congratulations, I'm happy but when I read the news of you becoming the new minister, I and Selene were shocked but we're happy," Draco said hugging his father while Narcissa joined their hug which was seen by Selene and she felt her heart longing for her both mothers and this was seen by Marvolo and Sirius and they felt pain envelop their hearts but they didn't let their expressions or pain show on their faces and just took her in a hug which made her startle but she snuggled into it and after some time, they got separated.

"Congratulations Uncle Lucius," Selene wished him and he just pulled her into his embrace before releasing her.

"Your welcome doll," Lucius said with a smile.

"Papa, tell us how did this happen, please..." Selene said with puppy dog eyes and Sirius just sighed muttering along the lines just like her mothers using everything she has to get something she wants from me which made others laugh while Selene looked at him and Marvolo with the same expression before they relented and asked an elf to bring the pensive so that they can show the memory to them along with others. Once they had pensive Marvolo took memory and released it into it and everyone dipped their heads in pensive.

They were in Wizengamot chambers, everyone was waiting for Cornelius as he is needed for this session and they kept this meeting under wraps until last minute so that the followers of Albus and Cornelius will not have an ounce of intimation about this meeting because if Albus will come to know about this he will definitely try to stop them in any way to oust Cornelius as a minister.

Cornelius entered muttering to himself while Lord Greengrass was smirking at his back which was seen by Lucius, Sirius and Marvolo who has sworn his seat in the last session for which once again Albus was not intimated and they just shook their heads thinking he is going to enjoy this very much.

"Welcome to Wizengamot session 1768, today is agenda is about the crime our esteemed minister committed and he is let others commit under his regime till now, so we are removing Cornelius Fudge as Minister and tying him for criminal activities," Hadrian Greengrass announced shocking half of the Wizengamot.

"I vote Lord Lucius Malfoy as our new interim Minister," Sirius called out and Lucius looked at him in surprise in his eyes while his vote was seconded by Dark Sector, Neutral sector and half of the Light Sector.

"Alright it is 80: 20, Please Welcome Lord Lucius Malfoy as our New Minister," Hadrian said and Lucius stood from his place moving to Minister seat.

"I thank all the Lords and Ladies for choosing me as Minister and I'm honoured about it and I swear on my magic that I will uphold all the laws and rules which does good to our society and will protect till it is in my calibre, So I Swear, So Mote it be," Lucius said and he was met with appreciative looks from Lords and Ladies.

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