~ Chapter- 36 ~

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Chapter-36: Attack On Selene, Separation Of Weasleys, Death Of Enemies Partly

Next day came relatively early for Selene and her group's liking but they got fresh and came down to the great hall for breakfast so that they can start the day and just then owls fluttered into the great hall carrying a letter in their beaks or tied to their talons, Hedwig landed in front of Selene with Daily Prophet.

Founders Portraits Found At Abandoned Classroom On The Third Floor Of Hogwarts Under Hidden Wards

You heard right my dear readers, yesterday Chairman of the Hogwarts Board Lord Lucius Malfoy was informed by one of the Headmasters of Hogwarts informed Lord Malfoy about the missing portraits of our esteemed and powerful Founders of Hogwarts and immediately Lord Malfoy took action, along with another board member Regent Augusta Longbottom went to Hogwarts and asked Headmaster Albus about the portraits and came to know that he is unaware of the fact, so immediately Lord Malfoy called an elf who works at Hogwarts for last two centuries after that they found the portraits and now they are placed at different places in the school.

Those portraits also work as an intermediate between Professors and students.

I think in the last few months it is one of the best news and the thing that had happened to our world.

Stay tuned to Daily Prophet.

After reading it Selene cannot stop smiling and she can see the same expression on everyone's face. After that, she along with others left for the classes.

As the day passed on Selene had a feeling of someone watching her constantly which was rising a bad feeling in her gut which was making her anxious and nervous making her stumble in her steps while her concentration was unstable and she was distracted which was observed by Blaise, Draco, her father and her Uncles which was making them more concerned for her. Selene and her group were walking towards the great hall when Selene stopped in middle and she face palmed herself while Blaise and Draco looked at her in question.

"What happened Elene?" Blaise asked her.

"I forgot my to submit Transfiguration essay to Professor, I will give to her and then will come to the great hall, you people go on," Selene answered while they looked at her glaring and she frowned at them.

"Really if you forgot then let me remind you what happened last time when you went alone and Gilderoy caught you and this time myself or our family is not going to take a chance regarding your safety or health," Draco said seriously.

"Yes Elene, Draco is right if you want to submit now itself then Draco or myself will accompany you to her classroom," Blaise said.

"Okay after dinner, you both can come with me while I submit the essay to Professor, now come I'm starving," Selene replied and looped her arms with them and three of them walked towards the great hall and entered inside and settled herself and from head table, she can see her father and Uncles getting relaxed while she started eating making conversations with friends.


Once classes got completed for the day Sirius went to his quarters to get relaxed but he was feeling happy, proud and pride in his daughter as he can see how Selene wipe Weasley brat's ass on the floor in the duelling. He had a shower and relaxed in the armchair with tea and a muggle novel in his hand in front of the fire and was engrossed in it until he felt the door of his quarters open and at the same time floo flaring to life and he looked up to see Severus, Regulus, Remus and Lucius along with Marvolo stepped through floo.

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