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A/N:  Guys actually I planned to write FemHarry as Granddaughter of Voldemort but as you all asked them as pairing I will do both fics simultaneously


Chapter-33: New Article, Wizengamont Session-1, Fight Of Snake and Dragon

After the revelation of Albus's past, everyone looked shocked and for two weeks Albus avoided everyone like they are having a contagious disease which amused Selene and her family very much while Selene took pride and felt happy when her father and grandfather congratulated her and praised her on her work. Selene and her friends settled comfortably in the castle and the changes in curriculum while other students found themselves in a tight spot because everything they ever believed or known was being questioned and they are learning about facts which are true also the unbiased teaching, rules and regulations, the new staff is making hard for them to adjust but even they can't help but agree that the standards of education is slowly rising to high level, while Granger is facing tough time because she was being ignored by everyone including the staff and like old-time she can't complain to Minerva as head of the house because the rules and regulations along with the structure of House of Gryffindor is completely changed because Remus doesn't favour any student separately which made Gryffindors fear him at the same time increasing respect for him in their eyes, also the fights between Lions and Snakes were minimized but the annoying trio didn't leave Selene alone and she was fed up with and she is seeing for an opportunity to do something to them.

Today Selene was in a ad mood because after long time she had a nightmare of her getting tortured by Albus, Jr Weasley and his mother when she was of six years old which made her angry and at the same time snappy and grumpy as she was unable to sleep after she woke up from the nightmare and sensing her mood her friends were being cautious around her from the time she woke up and even Severus, Regulus along with Remus noticed too and were observing her and was concerned for her, they were their breakfast silently when annoying trio approached Slytherin table and everyone in the great hall looked at them but they were obvious to the stares.

"Well hello dirty bitch," Granger greeted her, everyone glared at her while Selene just looked at them for once then ignored them which irked them a lot.

"Hey, we are talking to you freak or did you keep your mind in your dorm room and came to attend the classes," Ginerva said and Selene just glared at them.

"Well, I think she did lose her mind Gin and I'm happy for that and her parents are lucky because they are dead because no one wants a freak like her to be their daughter," Ronald said loudly which gained the attention of everyone in the hall while just Selene stood from her place and gave a tight punch in his stomach for which he just coughed blood which shocked the whole population while her Uncles, Draco and friends just smirked and Ginerva and Granger just shook in fear.

"You three listen hear clearly because I'm not going to repeat it again, once again talk about parents or family then you will face the wrath of Ancient and Noble house of Potter and Black, your family is already at the bottom of the chain in Wizarding world Weasley, don't do something which will make your house fall into pit of mud and you Granger, you come into this world and behave as if you know everything when in reality you don't even know an ounce of a thing about this world yet you are brave enough to provoke animosity with Ancient and Noble houses, do something again like this you will never hear or see the word magic again because you will be tossed back into Muggle world without mercy, this is my only warning, approach me or my loved ones again or harm them you will turn into specks of dust, it is my promise," Selene hissed coldly while those three whimpered in fear and others just felt shiver run down their spine understanding the power of her status meanwhile Professor William along with Remus, Severus and Minerva approached their table.

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