Chapter-23 (e)

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Chapter-23: Trial of Gilderoy Lockhart

Before she lost consciousness she saw Cassieopia, Narcissa along with Remus, Sirius and Severus. Before some time Draco along with others started walking towards dungeons when he heard the voice of Weasley and Granger whispering something.

"Hermione now that bitch will learn her lesson very well," Ronald said.

"Yes, Ron you are right, once she found her family she started flying high that she started questioning Headmaster," Hermione said.

"Yeah but now that peacock who calls himself Lockhart will teach her a lesson and we will get front row to watch," Ron said gleefully.

"Yeah, Ron and when he will r**e her she will be broken and will learn who are superiors to her and now she is in his personal chambers," Hermione said with an evil smirk on their faces which made Draco and others go pale with fear but once Draco realized what was happening he started to run towards Severus quarters because he knows that their family is still here talking with Severus and he just barged into room which startled everyone and was shocked to see his and his friends appearance.

"Dragon what happened? And where is Selene?" Sirius asked as he saw his daughter was missing.

"Uncle Sirius we need to find her soon because I heard Weasley and Granger we're talking about Lockhart raping Sel and I'm afraid-" his sentence was left in middle because Sirius, Severus, Remus along with Cassiopeia and Narcissa bolted out of the door towards Lockhart's quarters, while Charles and Orion along with Regulus and Arcturus stayed at quarters stopping children going back of others.

"Draco I want you and others to stay here with us because Selene will be afraid at present and nothing will happen to her as your mother, aunt and uncle's went to bring her," Regulus said but he was feeling anger and helplessness at the situation as he cannot do anything at present.

Meanwhile here the five them ran towards third floor Corridor where Lockhart's quarters were located, his heart was thudding inside his ribcage with anxiousness, fear and anger because once again his daughter was facing danger and he was not present with her to protect her and when he entered inside the quarters the scene in front of him made his blood boil with anger as he saw Lockhart hovering above his daughter roaming his hands on her hands and legs and he fired bombarda spell without hesitation and saw his daughter faint because of shock. Narcissa and Cassie made their way towards Selene while Sirius was beating the crap out of Lockhart while Remus was trying to stop him and Severus was running diagnostic spell on Selene.

"Sirius Selene is fine she fainted because of Shock and we want you to stop trying to kill him, don't take the law into your hands," Sev said and meanwhile Moony sent his Patronus to DMLE Head Madam Bones.

"Sorry for the interruption but your presence is needed in the castle as Gilderoy Lockhart tried to commit a crime, we are in his quarters but we are going to great hall immediately." With that Remus Patronus, Wolf ran away into the night.

Once Sirius was calm enough, he went to Selene and gathered her in his arms who is now awake but was still shivering badly because the thought of something Lockhart doing to her if her family didn't come at the right time made her sacred.

"I'm sorry Pup, I was not with you when you needed me and don't worry that ba****rd will face the charges for what he was going to do and for what he did with others in past," Sirius said.

"It's not your fault Papa but please don't leave me today." She said and started sobbing meanwhile Remus and Severus levitated Lockhart to the great hall and they were followed by others and from another side, Amelia and Headmaster along with Minerva and Filius entered.

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