Chapter-20 (e)

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Chapter-20: Talk with Grandfathers, Ginerva Weasley and Family

Selene was now moving towards her Uncles who stood like a statue which made her frown, so she stopped near Severus and placed her hand on his arm which made him startle.

"What are you looking at Uncle Sev?" Selene questioned him.

"I think we found another one of the Horcruxes of your grandfather Rose," Severus said pointing towards the body of Ginerva Weasley on her head was the Ravenclaw Diadem which made her eyes wide with surprise.

"Severus but what is the mist that is forming here? I didn't see anything like this before." Remus asked which made Severus and Selene look at the forming mist while Severus frown deepened while Selene's eyes were wide as saucers.

"I think grandpa Tom is trying to come back Uncle Moony, he is sucking the life out of the Weasley, look her body colour is changing rapidly," Selene said making Severus and Remus shocked pointing her fingers towards Weasley's body then slowly a transparent soul formed and boy the person was handsome, not less than any Greek god.

"Who are you? And how can you enter into the chamber of secrets because only heirs can enter inside with the help of parseltongue." Tom asked while Severus and Moony were seeing him with respect and awe which made Marvolo frown in annoyance at lack of response.

"Hello to you too Grandfather," Selene said in parseltongue which made Marvolo's eyes wide and he immediately understood that she was the heiress but from what he remembers only he was the last living descendant of Slytherin line.

"Grandfather, I can't be your grandfather, because I'm unmarried," Marvolo replied hoping he will get answers because he can't stop his curiosity which made Selene smile because curiosity is Slytherin family trait while the other two were looking at them in confusion.

"I'm your granddaughter through adoption by your daughter and I can't tell you anything else for now," Selene said hoping to protect Weasley not out of care and concern for her but for her grandfather.

"Then tell me, granddaughter of mine, when are you willing to?" Marvolo asked her.

"I will tell you once we find a way to resurrect you by combining all the Horcruxes you made at present we found four including this diadem still we need to find two then we can spend the time together and I will tell you," Selene said.

"You found four of them then we will find other two immediately And then we can do ritual immediately what are the items you found," Tom said.

"Slytherin locket in the cave, the diary you gave to uncle Lucius, Helga Hufflepuff cup you gave to Aunt Bella and now this diadem," Selene replied.

"Then there is the Gaunt family heirloom ring in Riddle Shack at Little Hangleton and about the last one I don't know," Marvolo said making easy for them to find last but one to find.

"No Grandpa you can't be reborn yet and I don't want this stupid's blood on your hand please live her life, I promise we and our family will try to find the last Horcrux soon that you can be with your family," Selene replied which made Marvolo think for some time.

"Fine granddaughter I hope you will keep your word and I will meet you and our family soon," Tom said and vanished into thin air making them breathe relief and slowly Weasley's life returned while Severus conjured a silk bag and Remus levitated the diadem into the bag.

" Maybe for once one of the Weasleys did something helpful to us," Severus commented.

"Severus people don't say like that and that poor girl was going to die." Remus reprimanded him which made Selene giggle while Severus scowled at them but they were interrupted by Ginerva's groan.

"Where am I?" She asked which made Severus scowl deepen.

"You're in the chamber of secrets Ms Weasley," Remus replied which made her look up at them.

"Ginerva can you tell us how and where you found that tiara?" Selene asked her.

"After term started I got teased by Ron because I did good in charms theory and I explained better to my friends than him so he shouted at me in anger and I ran away from common room and found myself at seventh floor and a door got opened and when I entered inside I found that tiara sitting nicely on the floor in middle of the junk and from that day I started to wear it at night in sleep and it used to talk with me in my dreams and use to help me in my studies if I asked any doubt." She replied truthfully because of the truth spell Severus placed on her before she woke up.

"Thank you for your insight Ms Weasley, obliviate, stupify," Remus said wiping the memory of an encounter with a tiara from the day one and shot stunner at her then made their way towards the exit while Moony who was in middle lived her followed by Severus.

After coming up Selene went another way with Severus while Remus went to the infirmary to admit Ginerva telling Madam Pomfrey that Ginerva fell down from stairs then Remus also came to Severus quarters and by the time three of them entered inside all the family members were present looking concerned for them.

"Padfoot/ Papa" Sev, Remus and Selene called in unison.

"You three are back, we thought we are going to lose you three, you three are fine right?" Sirius asked in distress checking them for any sign of wounds.

"We are fine Papa and we found another Horcrux," Selene said pointing her finger towards the bag Severus had in his hand and immediately family looked relieved hearing about it.

"Kreacher" Sirius called the elf while everyone was taking turns to hug her assuring themselves that she is fine while Draco was the one who hugged her for a long time.

"Dragon where are others?" Selene asked him.

"They are in common room making alibis for you if old coot asked about you," Draco replied for which she gave him a small smile.

"Yes master Sirius what is Kreacher is doing?" He asked.

"Kreacher I what you to place this bag in the vault which we opened last time along with others," Sirius said handing the bag to the elf and Kreacher vanished into the air after that taking the bag.

"Now Rose, how did you three come across the Horcrux?" Narcissa asked.

"Not us Cissa it's the female Weasley, she found it and she was the one who unleashed the basilisk on school with the instructions from dark lord," Remus replied and everyone paled at the implications.

"But Riss what did you talk with the dark lord in Parseltongue?" Severus asked and with that, she explained everything except about the Horcrux.

"Papa, Grandpa said the other Horcrux is at Little Hangleton in Riddle Shack which is a Gaunt ring which is a family heirloom," Selene said.

"It's a good thing that we found that one now only one piece is left and once we find them we can do ritual to bring him back meanwhile next week Lucius and myself with a team of goblins will go to place to retrieve the ring while Remus you target one of the order members to eliminate them and Cissa, Aunt and Grandma make Rita ready for next article while Pup will have talk with the founders again tomorrow," Sirius said and everyone nodded their head.

"Once Marvolo gets back we can still be in shadows and contact all the magical race creatures then we can see our world differently," Arctus said.

"I bet it will be better than now without that old foot's influence," Charles said for which everyone agreed, their talk was interrupted by a knock on the door and Selene went to open the door and was shocked to see the person at the door.

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