Chapter-22 (e)

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Chapter-22: Assault of Gilderoy Lockhart

Selene was trying to not laugh hard because of which it is becoming difficult for her to breathe seeing headmaster's face after reading the article as minutes were passing his face was turning purple and more like red and Severus and Remus problem was same too because they were also trying not to laugh. While Slytherin table along with the other three tables and teachers were shocked and surprised. At the same time, Selene got an idea and the expression that crossed her face remained, Severus of Dark Lord because whenever Dark Lord wanted to trap someone as his prey he used to get the same expression on his face.

"Headmaster, Can I ask you something?" Selene asked innocently which snapped Albus out of his stupor.

"Of course Ms Potter-Black." He said with his signature twinkle and grandfather smile.

"Headmaster as the school's founders their portraits should be present in common room and great hall, right? I mean as students we can listen to history from them directly. So where are they?" She questioned which made Severus and Remus at head table and Draco beside her to spit the juice in their mouth which made her laugh internally while she was smirking seeing headmaster's condition.

"Selene my girl, due to them being dead for a long time and it's being history their portraits got lost somewhere I need to search them to hang in their original places and I don't remember the place where exactly the portraits are placed." He said which made her blood boil because of the lies that he is spewing in front of everyone and she was going to say something else but seeing the warning in her Uncles eyes and Draco'hand at her back she stopped.

"Okay, headmaster it's not a problem I was just curious." She said and sat in her place while Albus was seething inside because he understood that Selene was trying to trap him in her own way and he was seeing red because in Wizengamont Sirius became a thorn in his side while at school his daughter, the girl-who-lived brat and he started to form a plan to keep her and her father in control.

After that Selene along with her friends attended her classes for the week freely and nothing can dampen her mood, not even her family's scoldings for riling up headmaster openly in great hall or Granger and Weasley's nagging because it was worth to watch it. On Friday there was a new teacher at head table which made everyone whisper about that person but only Selene, Remus and Severus know that it was Regulus which was quite a shock to Draco as Selene told who he was.

"Dear students I want you to Welcome Aries Maximus Clearwater your new Transfiguration Professor for 1-4 years and Professor McGonagall now onwards will teach for 5-7 years. Welcome Professor Clearwater." Headmaster said welcoming Regulus which annoyed him greatly.

"Thank you, headmaster," Regulus replied with a fake smile while owls filtered across the hall carrying mails and in daily prophet another article and this time it was about the importance of magical rituals using blood to make muggleborn understand.

Blood rituals - not Dark Magic
Importance of Blood rituals

Dear readers today I'm here to explain to you about rituals that involve blood which was classified as grey magic by the ministry with some exceptions which are classified as dark while all the muggleborn who comes into this world doesn't know their actual meaning.

Mother Magic blessed us all with magic which flows in our blood through veins as we know and the traditions or rituals are followed from centuries by our people offers blood because magic is embedded in our blood.

Blood rituals are mainly used when someone wants to adopt a child into family as taking as their own, blood is used and also in offering rituals to mother magic, but muggleborn argues that taking away the identity given by birth parents is wrong but what if that child suffered in the hand of his/her parents for the crimes committed by his/her parents so, in order to ease those painful memories, the couples adopt the child in blood and magic.

So I request along with other witches and wizards who know what Blood rituals are to read and gain knowledge before you people come into this world forcing your views onto us mainly muggle-borns who behave as if they know everything but in reality, they know nothing.

Thank you for reading the article and next week we will come with a more interesting topic.

Signing off
Rita Skeeter.

After reading the article everyone was in deep thoughts regarding the article because of the article even Professors cannot concentrate in their classes so they cancelled classes which gave everyone an ample amount of time to enjoy. At night they had dinner and Slytherins were moving into dungeons when Selene remembered that she forgot her charms homework in Remus quarters as they were in his quarters before heading to the great hall for dinner.

"Draco you people go to the common room I will come there in 10 mins as I forgot my charms homework in Uncle Moony's class," Selene said.

"No Selene I will come with you," Draco said concern and worry clear in his voice which made Selene smile.

"No problem Draco I will be fine I promise." She replied and turned around and walked towards Remus's chambers which is on the third-floor corridor while she was walking she felt someone following her and before she can turn around she was hit with a stunner.

When she opened her eyes she was in the chamber which was decorated in horrible yellow colour and she was semi-naked which freaked her out and started praying in her mind that someone will come to her rescue.

"Ah Selene you woke up, it's good then you know I was craving for you from a long time," Lockhart said which made her want to puke.

"Lockhart leave me if my Papa or my grandparents will come to know it will be the end of you." She warned him but he ignored her and started to roam his hands on her hands and legs which made her shiver in disgust.

"You know Selene I raped many boys and girls and after that, I erased them from their mind as I'm good at memory charms only and the books I wrote about the adventures also are done by others but I performed memory charms on them and now I will have my way with you for night." He said but was hit with a bombarda hex and She saw who it was and felt relieved because it was her great-aunt Cassie, aunt Cissa and Papa along with Uncle Severus and Remus and immediately she fainted from shock and fear.

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