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I arrived at my new school, University of Seoul, three days after dad announced his new deal.

"Are you ready?" Jin asked beside me, "Your fiancé said he'll meet us in the office after his class."

"Have you met the dude? I'm not sure I can go with dad's plan." I fixed my hair before we get out of the car.

"I've talked to him during one of dad's company event. Just try to get to know him until your school year ends."

I groaned. I just wish this semester would last for a looong time so I wouldn't be married by 19.

Coming out of the car, incoming students started looking at our direction, whispering and taking pictures of Seokjin.

"I told you to wear the cap and mask I placed inside your bag. You're getting too much attention!"

"They just can't get enough of this face, huh?" Jin shook his head, "I mean, I know I'm very handsome."

I rolled my eyes. "Are you hearing yourself? If these girls are hearing what you're saying right now, they're probably puking at the nearest restroom."

Jin gasped, mocked surprised, "You're only saying that cause you're jealous that I'm more popular than you."

I scoffed, "I'm not interested with your kind of job. I didn't go with you during your audition because I really didn't want to."

"Do you really have to have comebacks to whatever I say? That's probably the reason why boys don't like you."

This time, I gasped, "For your information, THERE ARE boys asking me out. I just reject them."

Jin laughed, "Keep lying to yourself, sis." He stopped in front of the room, with a sign that says Principal' s Office.

"You want to come inside with me?" he asked, "I'll just greet him before we head out to the registrar for your schedule."

"I'll go walk myself around the area." I told him, "And I need to pee."

"Okay. I forgot where the comfort rooms are in this building. Ask a student for directions. Meet me at the registrar after 20 minutes."


Jin went inside the office as I walked aimlessly through the corridor, the students still staring at me, which must be because of my hair. I dyed it from black to red just because I want to try something new. The day I dyed my hair, I knew I would try dyeing it again. Also, I decided to change another thing about myself; in this school, I'm planning to make friends with anyone I like to be friends with. I won't let isolated!Jisoo to happen again, so I'm determined to find new friends before Chaeyoung will finally be able to study here with me. In the mean time, it's up to me to make new friends and avoid releasing the inner attitude!Jisoo.

There were a lot of students in the corridor. At the end of the corridor were two other ones but I couldn't choose if I should take the right wing or the left wing.

I was walking to the left wing when I heard a clicking sound behind me, like from a camera. I quickly turned around and squinted my eyes to see if someone's behind me. True enough, a few feet away, I saw a boy holding his camera, which was pointed at my direction. I walked towards him and clicked my tongue, annoyed.

"I'm sorry." he quickly apologized before I even started to talk.

I chuckled nervously when I remembered my goal to make friends, "I just want to ask where the comfort room is."

He blinked fast, confused at my reaction. "Oh, just 2 rooms away... From here."

"Yeah? Thanks." I said, "But wait for me here." I didn't wait for his reply before I ran towards the nearest restroom. Once done with my business, I got outside the restroom and saw the boy waiting for me there. Smiling, I approached him and said, "What's your name?"

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