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Reality hit Jimin back with a slap when he arrived a subject late the day after we arrived back at our university.

Chaeyoung, Jimin, Tae, Jennie, and I were gathered around our table in the cafeteria to pass time for our vacant.

"I can't believe you didn't wake up after I called you five times!" Chaeyoung shook her head in disappointment while we laughed at them.

"I can't believe myself either." Jimin frowned, "Although what I can't believe more is that Professor Hyun Sik gave plus ten points to all those who aren't late!"

"Technically, you're not late." V commented.

Jimin instantly pointed at his best friend, his eyes and mouth wide open as he understood what V told him. "I'm not late! I could still get that 10 points!"

"Taetae!" I smacked his hand on the table while he smirked evilly at Jimin, "Stop messing with Jimin."

"What? What he said was true." Jimin said.

"I'm not wrong." V still tried to side with his friend, trying to hide the smile on his face.

"You boys will be the death of me." Jennie finally joined in. "Just face it, Jimin. You'll flunk that major exam. If you pass, then I bet it's a point past the passing grade."

Jimin gasped in mock surprise, "Excuse me? I studied hard this semester. I'm a hundred percent sure that I'm going to pass that exam. Although a 10 point additional grade would still sound more relieving..."

"You'll ace the exam. Don't worry, mochi." Chaeyoung batted her eyelashes at her boyfriend and smiled sweetly at him. The two lovebirds smiled at each other until Jennie got sick of them and decided to pull me away from them.

"I'm going to borrow your girlfriend for a while, nerd. We'll meet you back here when those two stop flirting with each other." Jennie waved a hand at V and pulled me towards the school's garden.

"What do you want?" I asked her, sitting on a bench nearby a fountain.

"When are you telling V?"

"About what?"

Jennie rolled her eyes. "You know what."

I sighed, "I don't know." i pulled the sleeves of my jacket as I looked down, "Maybe next week. Or next month."

"Next month? Jisoo, you know you two will get more attached if you keep on being with him for a month." She placed a hand on my shoulder, her eyes soft as she dipped her head down to look at me, "I know V will not leave if he knows about the marriage. It's you I fear will back out."

I suddenly raised my head to face her. She actually managed to voice out what I was afraid to believe in.

V or Taehyung knowing about my marriage is not my problem. It's me; it's how I'll handle the situation once I'm with him, Eunwoo, and my parents. Picturing out the scene where I'll be in the same room as them, with me finally getting to say about my side of the story excites me yet terrifies me to the point that I can't trust myself being in that situation.

I don't think I can handle disappointing my parents, especially when they expect a lot from me in saving our own family's company which they're running for decades now. I can't let their success mess up just by my own feelings.

"You have to tell him this week, Soo. I'm sure he'll help you come up with a plan with Eunwoo." She smiled and hugged me. "I believe in you two."

We went back with only Jimin and Chaeyoung meeting us at our table. I looked around to look for Tae but he wasn't around the area. "Where's Taetae?"

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