twenty five

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For the past days, I've been wondering what I would know when V finally opens up to me about his family. Ever since he got mad at me for eavesdropping, the curiosity behind the reason why he keeps his family a secret somehow kept bigger. But as I spent more time with him; all the studying and random talks, I've grown to like him genuinely, even without knowing his family background.

My heart's been beating faster as he musters up his courage to talk to me. V must have sensed the tension between us as he placed his hand around mine, and suddenly, the fast beating of my heart slowly calmed down. I never expected any person to have this kind of effect on me, but I'm glad he does. 

"Mom's been trying to reach out to me for weeks now but I've turned down her every call and messages." V said, now playing with my fingers, "I did that after dad called me and said that he doesn't want me to go back to our house since he's disowning me as his son already, that he doesn't want me ruining his name any longer because I ran away from home when he needed me the most."

"Why did you run away?" I tried meeting his eyes, and saw how glossy it was already getting. V was trying hard not to cry in front of me yet his lips were already shaking.

"I was tired." He closed his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder. It was only a second after that his shoulders started shaking, and I could hear soft sobs from him. "He was always manipulating me since I was a kid. He didn't even let me go with him during family events just because he thinks I'll mess something up." I caressed his hair slowly, trying to calm him down a bit. "He calls me stupid because I always have failing grades during exams.."

"But you're not failing any subjects right now. How are you stupid?" V even got the highest score during our last quiz and he's even some of our professors favorite because of how bright and intelligent he is in every subject. Why call him stupid?

"I fail my subjects on purpose because that's the only thing that'll make him notice me. It was a stupid move, i know, cliche even, but during those times that I had high grades, he didn't congratulate me one time. He was always busy with his company, I'd think that's his child, not me. "

"I'm sorry, V." I apologized, "You don't deserve what he's treating you. But I'm sure he has a reason behind his every treatment towards you and it better be a good one because I swear, if it's not, I'll give him a piece of my mind."

V sniffed and looked at me, his bread-like cheeks wet because of his tears." Thank you. "

"For what? "

"For staying with me. " His hands snaked around my waist as his head found the crook of my neck. "can we stay like this for a while?"

" Yes, stay with me as long as you want to, V." I smiled even when he can't see my face, "Or should I call you Taehyung now?"

V suddenly let go, "Can you give me a nickname like what you did with Jennie?"

"Are you jealous again?" I couldn't stop smiling at how cute he was being.

"I'm not." A ghost of a smirk appeared on his face although there were still tears on his cheeks, "I know I'm ahead of Jennie."

"Let's see.." I placed my hands on his cheeks and wiped his tears away while thinking, "Since your name's Taehyung, should I call you Taetae?"

V smiled, "I'd like that."

"Why hide your real name, though?"

"I just don't want anyone to call me by my name. It reminds me of my family." He said grimly. "I ran away to forget about them for a while, not remember them every single time someone call me Taehyung."

"Who came up with V then?"

"Jimin. When we were kids." His face finally lit up, "We used to watch this show together.. There's a character called V and I liked the name so that's when he started calling me that."

"So Jimin and Yoongi were the only ones who knew about your real name?"

"Yes. I know I could trust Jimin. He even calls me his soulmate." He chuckled like he's fond of what Jimin calls him.

I felt like something heavy was lifted from me when he didn't ask me about my family. To be honest, another reason on why I felt nervous about V telling his side of his story, I actually thought he'd question about mine too. Luckily, he didn't.

Maybe some other time, I could finally tell him about Eun Woo and I.

Maybe if I could just be braver, I could also defy my parents and choose V instead of living up with their expectations for me.

"Jisoo", he called, looking up at me as he was already resting his head back on my shoulder.

"Yes, Taetae?" I chuckled, finally getting the chance to use my nickname for him.

"I hope you'll accept me for who I am. I'm sorry for lying to you about my name and my family."

"That's okay. You hid it with a valid reason, anyway." I intertwined my hand with his slowly, "And I'll accept you for whoever you are."

... And I hope you'll accept me too when you learn the truth about me.

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