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Three days after Chaeyoung's visit, I stood outside my apartment to wait for Jungkook. 

It's our second date today; we'd watch an action movie that's been the talk in the media these days, Not Guilty.

I told Taehyung about my date with Jungkook today to avoid him going berserk when he sees a picture of us or something. Luckily, he agreed because he has faith in me.

"Soo, what do you want to eat inside?" Jungkook asked after he bought our tickets. He didn't have any classes today so he asked Eunwoo if he could spend time with me for a day, to which Eunwoo gladly agreed because, much to my dismay, I'm going to rot in my office if I don't even enjoy outside once in a while. 

"I want ice cream!" I enthusiastically said. 

"That's not going to last long for a movie." 

"That's okay. I can watch a movie without eating something." I chuckled. "I'll buy us drinks, you're going to buy our snacks. Let's meet near the entrance?" 

"Sure." He looked at our tickets. "Movie's in cinema 3." I gave him a thumbs up before heading to where I wanted to buy our drinks. 

Inside the cinema, I just ate my ice cream quietly and watched the movie, which, in my opinion, exceeded my expectations. I just thought the actor looks good so a lot of people were watching it, but the story was actually good too. 

Watching beside Jungkook wasn't awkward, thankfully, until he excused himself to go to the bathroom.  After JK walked out from our row, I heard a loud sneeze not far from where I was seated, a sneeze I know whose by just how loud it is. People from my row looked at the back, probably giving death glares to the person who sneezed. Following their gaze, I found the culprit.

I quickly took out my phone to text him. Just what is he doing here? 

 Just what is he doing here? 

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When I saw JK walking back to our seat, I replied Taehyung quickly before placing my phone back in my purse, not minding the notification I received seconds after

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When I saw JK walking back to our seat, I replied Taehyung quickly before placing my phone back in my purse, not minding the notification I received seconds after.

"What did I miss?" Jungkook asked, his eyes widened with curiosity. 

"Nothing much." I lied since I forgot to watch the movie when I texted Taehyung. 

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